Admin Notes
Dr. Gwyn Underwood, Superintendent
Welcome to our first Newsflash Blog of our 2021-22 School Year. It has been heart-warming to see students return to class, meet up with old classmates and make friends with new students, and return to their “job” of joyful learning!

There really is a positive vibe to the new school year that bodes well for another successful year of learning, and I think this reflects a general feeling amongst our community that we just have to get on with doing the best we can under the circumstances the pandemic forces us in.
I therefore thank you in advance, CIS community, for your support as we continue to do our best together to nurture our students’ resilience, in order to develop lifelong learners that will enable them to develop their unique potential, so they can contribute to a better world.
How are You? Who are You? Who do we want to be moving forward?
As we begin a new school year, let’s take some time to find a quiet time and reacquaint ourselves with ourselves and each other.
How are You? Really, how are you? Have you managed to take time to evaluate how you are doing? Are you coping with the pandemic? Are there areas that continue to bother you and are getting you down? What can you do about it? Who can you talk to about it?
Who are You? After 18 months of living in a quarantine lockdown, what has changed for you? What has your attention now? Are the changes good for you/your family? Are they sustainable?

Who do we want to be moving forward? We have all encountered new and varied experiences since the pandemic interrupted our lives, and these have impacted us in different ways. As we process these changes, let’s give some thought to how they might create our new norms, and if they are really the type of norm we want.
Credits: Mini-post applied using ideas from Jennifer Abrams blog post
As we complete our first full week, I hope you can find some time to reflect, learn and grow. We look forward to another wonderful year of learning. Have a restful weekend!
IB Diploma Programme Results
by Ms. Emily Cornet, IBDP Coordinator
In July, our Diploma Programme students received their results from the IB. We are pleased to report that 100% of our students who pursued the IB Diploma passed! In addition to setting a new overall high score, the 2021 cohort also earned scores above the world average in many of their classes.
As we enter the 2021-2022 school year, our new Grade 12 students have entered their final year in the Diploma Programme and are working towards finishing their Internal Assessments, Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge, and CAS requirements.
Our new Grade 11 students are getting settled into their new courses and the expectations that come with that. They are searching for the right combination of classes to fit their goals and future dreams, trying out different classes during the three-week trial window that starts the new year for our First Year DP students.
We look forward to an exciting new year in the DP, and wish all of our students the best!

KG1 Class
by Ms. Tara Alagao, KG1 Teacher
Welcome to a new school year! This week the KG1 class got to know each other more. We read a book called, Our Class is A Family by Shannon Olsen. We learned that a family is a place where we feel safe, valued, and cared for. We shared ideas on how our class is like a family. Like in our homes where we have roles and responsibilities, we have roles and responsibilities in the class too! We also talked about what we can do to help everyone in our class feel safe, valued, and cared for. We created essential agreements to help us become caring and responsible learners.
College/Careers Counselor Corner
by Ms. Jenny Basa, College/Careers Counselor
Tip of the Week
Apply Early
If you are a senior, you will be meeting with the college counselor in the next two weeks to revisit your college list and start with applications if the application platform is open for the institutions on your list. Applying early alleviates the pressure from having to balance IBDP internal deadlines, writing your essays and submitting applications. Some application platforms open later in the semester. Make sure you are aware of the application timelines of the universities you are applying to. Important reminders: Keep communication lines open with your college counselor and always check your email for google meet invitations.
Thank you Class of 2021 Alumni
CIS extends its gratitude to Amanda Yap, Woochul “James” Kim, Kimberly Chua and Dana Chloe Te for serving as resource speakers for the event held on July 26th entitled, CIS Class of 2021: Our Journey to Studying Abroad. Our alumni shared their experience going through the college application process, their challenges & triumphs shared insights gained from going through the rigorous IB Diploma Programme. The event was attended by more than 50 participants composed of high school students from the Philippines and abroad.

SAT Update
2021-2022 TEST DATES | Registration Deadline |
August 28, 2021 | CANCELLED |
October 2, 2021 | September 3, 2021 |
December 4, 2021 | November 4, 2021 |
March 12, 2022 | February 11, 2022 |
May 7, 2022 | May 5, 2022 |
The Optional SAT Essay and Subject Tests have been discontinued.
To register for the SAT, you may click on this link. If you need assistance or have any questions, please feel free to email Ms. Jenny Basa at jbasa@cis.edu.ph.
The August 28 SAT test has been cancelled.
Students are advised to check the university websites for test-optional announcements.
IT Department Update
by Carlo del Rosario, IT Manager
The CIS IT department has completed the project in adding Wireless Access Points to rooms with slow wifi signals. A total of 29 Wireless Access Points are now working.