Student Leadership

Student Leadership


Student Council

CIS firmly believes in fostering student leadership, and honoring the democratic process. Students elect representatives from their homeroom classes at the start of the school year.

Elementary Student Council

The Student Council is comprised of up to 12 student representatives from Grades 2, 3, 4, and 5, all working to give their part of the school a voice and make change for good.

The elementary school student council also hosts bi-weekly elementary assemblies. At the assemblies, the student council is involved in planning and event-running, from the Philippine National Anthem, Principal discussions, to showcasing student talents and inviting peers to work with them to make the school a better place. It is a good way to cultivate the students’ school spirit and build their confidence.

Middle & High School Student Council

The Middle & High School Student Council is formed by 9 Class Representatives (voted by each homeroom) and 4 House Captains.

The Vice President and President is voted by the entire school community. They work to fulfill their core purposes, outlined as 4S+F: Social, Spirit, School Improvement, Service, Fundraising.

1. We want our students to be social, expanding their experiences at school beyond just academics. Thus, many after-school events are being planned, such as Trivia, Game Days, Talent Shows, and other activities which are open to anyone in the CIS community.

2. We also want to raise the spirit and the pride of our school in the students. We plan the triannual House Activity Days (HAD), running the whole program from making the schedule to planning each activity. We are also in charge of other activities that raise school spirit such as inter-house competitions, spirit days, and pep rallies.

3. We always want to look for ways to enhance student experience through various school improvements. To actively hear out the complaints about our school environment, we installed a suggestion box on our bulletin board in the canteen. Those suggestions are directly sent to the administration.

4. We not only look for opportunities to serve the CIS student community, but how the CIS student community can serve for others. Therefore, we plan events such as Teacher Appreciation Day and Tree of Giving, an annual Christmas charity project run by the students.

5. Lastly, fundraising is important to us, because in order for most of these events and projects come to life, we need to raise funds. All the funds we make are directly used to run social events, raise school spirit, or contribute to school improvements and services.