


CIS Board of Trustees

The governing body of Cebu International School is a ten-member Board of Trustees who serve for terms of two years and up to three consecutive terms. Members of the Board of Trustees are elected by and from the CIS Corporation’s members entitled to vote, per CIS By-Laws and Republic Act 9190.

The essential functions of the Board are fiduciary (taking responsibility for appropriately overseeing the care of assets), strategic (overseeing overall objectives and the means of achieving them), and generative (making sense of circumstances, entertaining options and generating solutions for the Superintendent to action).

More specifically, CIS SEC By-Laws (Article 4, Sec 4) state: A Trustee shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

    • To support the vision, mission and core beliefs of the corporation
    • To understand and accept the fiduciary responsibility of being a trustee
    • To work harmoniously with other trustees
    • To devote time and attention necessary to properly discharge the duties.

As a non-profit school, Cebu International School invests all revenue into the operations and development of the school. This includes employing and developing high-quality teachers, developing our world-renowned International Baccalaureate (IB) programs, and continually enhancing facilities and resources to support high-quality teaching and learning. CIS is committed to providing an educational program that aligns with the best practices of effective schools to ensure high-quality teaching and learning.

The CIS Board of Trustees (Members are elected at our annual AGM in September)

Katherine Rivera

Board Chair

Maite Moraza

Board Vice Chair

Wolfhard Kekert


Jill Carungay Figueroa

Corporate Secretary

Bruce Shin

Board Member

Fiona King

Board Member

James Doran-Webb

Board Member

Mozart Reina

Board Member

Shai Gica

Board Member

Joshua De Manuel

Board Member

Dr. Gwyn Underwood

CIS Superintendent
Ad Hoc Member
Size and Composition of the Board
The Board of Trustees shall consist of ten (10) persons, whether of Filipino or foreign nationality, elected from among the members of the Corporation in accordance with this By-Laws and Republic Act 9190. At least a majority of the members of the Board of Trustees must be residents of the Philippines. (As amended on September 17, 2003)
Election of Trustees - Election Committee

Election Committee

An Election Committee, consisting of a chairman and any two other Corporation members, shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees to supervise and control the selection of nominees and the voting procedure of the election. (As amended on September 17, 2003)

The nomination procedure, the rules for the registration of ballots as well as for the counting and tabulation of votes prepared by the election Committee shall be subject to the approval of the Board of trustees. (As amended on September 17, 2003)

The Election Committee shall interview and screen prospective candidates for election to the Board of Trustees, and obtain the written consent of the nominees. (As amended on September 17, 2003)

Only the nominees approved and listed by the Election Committee shall be qualified for election. The Election Committee shall prepare the list of candidates and shall send such a list to the Corporation’s members at least 1 week prior to the date of the election. (As amended on September 17, 2003)

Election of Trustees - Voting Procedure

Voting Procedure

On the date and time of the members’ meeting for the election of trustees, he/she must be present, either in person or through his/her spouse authorized to act by written proxy, a majority of the members entitled to vote. (As amended on September 17, 2003)

If requested by voting member, the election must be by ballot. The list of candidates distributed to the members of the Corporation shall also serve as ballots. Nevertheless, ballots shall also be available in the election premises for those members choosing to vote thereat. (As amended on September 17, 2003)

The election will commence and end at the time set in the notice of election on election day. At the time set to end the voting, the ballot boxes shall be closed. No votes will be accepted after the ballot box is closed. (As amended on September 17, 2003)

Ballots shall be numbered and must be signed by the Corporation member, for record purposed. The numbered and signed section will be detached from the ballot by the Election Committee, or its representative, before the ballots is placed in the ballot box. (As amended on September 17, 2003)

The Election Committee, or its representative, will record every vote against the list of Corporation members, to eliminate the possibility of a member voting more than once. (As amended on September 17, 2003)

Corporation members shall personally cast their duly signed and numbered ballots, or may appoint their respective spouses as their proxy to cast their ballots for them. Upon the submission of such ballots, the Election Committee shall detach the section containing the number and signature, and thereafter place the ballot in the ballot box. (As amended on September 17, 2003)

Immediately after the close of elections, the Election Committee shall, in the presence of the members present, count and tabulate the votes, and thereafter immediately declare the duly elected candidates to be members of the Board of Trustees. (As amended on September 17, 2003)

In the event of a tie, the Election Committee shall declare a deadlock and immediately hold a special election by the Corporation members still present at the meeting, if still constituting a quorum, between the candidates involved in the deadlock. A simple majority of the votes cast at this special election shall decide the result. (As amended on September 17, 2003)