Admin News
by Dr. Gwyn Underwood, Superintendent
It was lovely to join the Grade 11 and 12 Art students this past Wednesday for the opening of our annual Grade 11/12 IB Art Exhibition. Each year, I am so impressed not only by the range of artistic talent on display but also by the creativity and critical thought that students put into their work. What makes this more meaningful is knowing how much effort each piece takes, so congratulations, art students, and thank you for sharing!
As I reflected on the artwork in preparation for the opening, I was reminded of the following quote by author Gary Fenchuck (and I added “creativity” as I think it is an apt addition to his quote in this case!):
“Surprise and confound the world with your enthusiasm and optimism [and creativity]; you know something they don’t.”
I love the challenge for us to “surprise and confound” (meaning to cause confusion)! Students, even though you are young, you are unique, and you know something others do not, so are in a position to provoke others (“the world”) in the hope they might think more critically about the essence of life, as portrayed in your artwork.
Please read the article below introducing the show, and take some time to look throughout the virtual gallery of this year’s exhibition “Essence” for more amazing artwork, along with the artists’ explanations of their work. Allow yourself to be provoked!

Our Elementary School Week Without Walls (WWW) will occur next week. Cebu International school’s Guiding Statements highlight our belief in the importance of experiential, constructivist learning, and the explicit development of a wide range of skills and attributes identified as Approaches to Learning (ATL) and Learner Profile (LP) attributes. Our WWW programs are designed to engage students in purposefully planned activities that enable them to develop many of these skills and attributes in ways that are not possible or are more difficult, in a classroom setting. (Note, the MHS WWW has been rescheduled for April 24-27.)
Upcoming events of note
- Feb 13-20: G12 Mock Exams
- Feb 14-17: ES Week Without Walls
- Feb 23: School Holiday
- Feb 24: Cebu City Charter Day (Public Holiday)
- Feb 28: CIS Parents Coffee Morning (8-9am CIS annex)
Please refer to the CIS Event Calendar for the complete calendar of school events.

EY 2/3 Class
by Ms. Aimee Valezona, Early Years Teacher
Living things depend on each other for survival
The Early Years have had a very successful week this week! We continued our planning and began constructing and setting up our chosen habitats while incorporating our concepts and understanding of living things. The majority of the students have so far explained how plants, animals, and people grow, breathe, and why they are all dependent on one another to survive. They created several models of living things in our small groups based on the habitats to which each one is best suited. The students have discussed the kinds of food that animals and people eat while considering the different living things we created in diverse habitats. They also discussed the various types of animal body covering, people’s clothing, and how these are essential.

The Early Years were inspired to explore and expand their knowledge after creating, setting up, and seeing our classroom transformation by asking questions about the type of body covering, and types of food that animals need to survive in specific habitats. Additionally, they were able to explain how and why habitats have an impact on living things’ choice of food and ability to survive. We’ll keep learning more about living things and explaining how everything on earth is connected.
Excellent work this week, EYs!

Grade 6: Individuals and Societies
by Ms. Joy Pierra, I & S Teacher
The Light Bulb Goes Off
This quarter, the Grade 6 I&S class explores the unit “The Light Bulb Goes Off.” This focuses on the use of sustainable and renewable sources of energy. The use of renewable energy sources is becoming an increasingly relevant topic because of the number of challenges humans face at present, including growing concerns about climate change, the depletion of finite resources, and the issue of sustainability. The use of renewable energy sources like wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, and biomass provides clean, abundant, and sustainable power that can help address these critical challenges. This unit also supports and promotes UNSDG #7, clean and affordable energy.
First, the I&S 6 students identified the different renewable energy sources and examined how each one works.

Then, students evaluated the pros and cons of using these sources of energy.

One of the primary advantages of using renewable energy sources is that they are less harmful to the environment than traditional fossil fuels. In contrast to oil, coal, and natural gas, which emit greenhouse gases when burned, renewable energy sources emit almost no greenhouse gases and are thus beneficial to the environment and public health. Furthermore, renewable sources like wind and solar are limitless, which means they can support future generations (“Benefits of Renewable Energy Use,” 2017).
Currently, the I&S6 class is investigating the factors that influence the success and failure of using renewable energy sources, as well as determining whether these sources are viable in the Philippines. Students will create a video depicting various Asian countries that have been successful in using these energy sources.
Grade 11 & 12: DP Chemistry
by Ms. Christine Enrile, DP Chemistry Teacher
Practicals are integral in learning chemical concepts since Chemistry is an experimental science. In addition, the Diploma Programme (DP) aims to develop practical laboratory skills which are essential in scientific investigations. With this, the DP Chemistry students are engaged in a number of experiments to apply their understanding and skills on lessons such as stoichiometric relationships and electrochemical cells. Being able to conduct in-person practicals is such a refreshing change from using simulations, databases and videos during online learning.
The Grade 11 Chemistry students are also given several opportunities to apply critical thinking as they evaluate their experiments in terms of procedural issues and accuracy of results. This is an important aspect in performing practicals because it allows students to improve their experimental design as well as become more reflective on their learning experiences.
MYP Personal Project
by Mr. Jonathan Denton, Personal Project Teacher

With just FIVE weeks until project products are due, we are well and truly at the business end of the Personal Project, and what a year it promises to be! 2022/23 will be the fourth year the MYP Personal Project Showcase has been part of the CIS calendar and this year will be the first FACE-TO-FACE. Before I give you a little taste of what to expect this year, let’s take a trip down memory lane.
- 2020 SHOWCASE – Deandra’s foley clips, Jenny’s re-cut trailer, Keenan’s football juggling, Johan’s suspense film, Sean’s boxing, Luna’s animations and much, much more
- 2021 SHOWCASE – Andrew bulking up, Selly’s fast fashion artworks, Renoa’s lookbook, Roy’s shoes, Igu’s golf tips, Chewon’s dragons, and a whole lot more
- 2022 SHOWCASE – Marianne’s black swan, Mahati’s graphic novels, Max’s criminal law case, Ivan’s skating dairies, Hyein’s 3D artworks, and so much more.
Some of what is coming up on April 14th, 2023:

Essence Art Exhibition
by Victoria B., Grade 11

The CIS Grade 11&12 IBDP Visual Arts students invite you to the virtual showcase of our Essence Art Exhibition. Please click on the image to navigate to the gallery.
Essence is the exploration of the life we live. As individuals exposed to various facets of life, we gradually discover and create aspects of our identity. Our life experiences cultivate us and mold the interpretation we have of our world.
Each of our artworks were created prior to selecting the theme and as such each student has taken a different approach to the exhibition in terms of diversity of styles, media, and techniques, meaning that each of the students have their own interpretations of essence. We are delighted to be sharing the exhibit with the community and our face-to-face interactions have provided us with the opportunity to dialogue about our work and listen to the interpretations of visitors to the exhibition.
On behalf of Grade 11 & 12, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. Saclo and Ms. Gerri for guiding us in our artistic endeavors.
College/Careers Counselor Corner
by Ms. Jenny Basa, College/Careers Counselor Corner
College Events (Virtual and Face to Face)
February 11
1:00 – 2:00 PM
Link to register
SIM Global Roundtable Series: We have then gathered three (3) of our existing Filipino students to share their experiences and motivations in deciding to study in Singapore and at SIM. Get ready to meet Anne (SIM-University of London), Venus (SIM-University of Wollongong), and Micah (SIM) as they generously share their education journey “thus far” at SIM.

February 11
Link to register
Engineering Innovation Pre-College Programs at Johns Hopkins: Are you ready to change the world through the power of engineering? Are you an intellectually curious high school student with an interest in math and science? Join this webinar to find out more.

February 19,
Radisson Blu
1:00 – 5:00 PM
Link to register
AUSTRALIA EDUCATION FAIR: Meet university reps from Australian universities and learn about their programs.
Below is the list of participating universities:
1. Western Sydney International (WSU) | 19. Australian Business Management |
2. Swinburne University of Technology | 20. William Angliss Institute |
3. Murdoch University | 21. Monash University |
4. Australian Catholic University (ACU) | 22. UTS College |
5. Imagine Education Australia | 23. International College of Management, Sydney |
6. James Cook University Australia (JCU) | 24. Deakin University |
7. Queensland University of Technology (QUT) | 25. Southern Cross University |
8. Edith Cowan University | 26. Kaplan Business School |
9. Canterbury Institute of Management | 27. Alma Mater College Australia (AMCA) |
10. Macquarie University | 28. The University of Adelaide (UoA) |
11. KCA Education | 29. Academia Australia |
12. The Gordon Institute of TAFE Australia | 30. University of Wollongong (UOW) |
13. Griffith University | 31. Federation University Australia |
14. University of New England (UNE) | 32. Flinders University |
15. Charles Darwin University (CDU) | 33. Canberra Institute of Technology |
16. University of Canberra (UC) | 34. University of the Sunshine Coast |
17. UNSW | 35. Kent Institute. |
18. Central Queensland University (CQU) |
February 21
Link to register
Bocconi University – Don’t miss the chance to learn more about life at our Summer School by listening to past Students who share their experience, Faculty who are going to teach labs and Staff organizing the program.

SAT Update for 2022-2023
SAT Test Date | Deadline for Registration, Changes and Regular Cancellation |
March 11, 2023 (Digital) | February 24, 2023 |
May 6, 2023 (Digital) | April 21, 2023 |
June 3, 2023 (Digital) | May 19, 2023 |
Test dates labeled Digital means that students will bring a device to the test center and take the exam using their device. The College Board may provide devices for test-takers who do not have access to a device. All test-takers for Digital SATs are still required to report physically to the test center to take the test.
To register for the SAT, you may click on this link. If you need assistance or have any questions, please feel free to email Ms. Jenny Basa at jbasa@cis.edu.ph.
CIS Student Residence
by Mr. John Devadoss, Head of Student Residence
“There is no health without mental health” – World Health Organization
A young person’s social environment (such as their boarding environment) can have an impact on their health. Therefore, we deliberately leverage and modify to create a harmonious and happy environment here at the Student Residence.
We know that happiness is pivotal to a student’s emotional stability. “An excellent boarding school is one that is happy, and happiness is seldom arrived at through the exercise of routines that deprive dignity’ – Tim Hawkes.
Sometimes, happiness needs to be taught and the route to happiness is found by ensuring that students have;
- A pleasant life (a pleasurable life that generates positive emotion)
- An engaging life (finding fulfillment through engagement in worthwhile activity)
- A Meaningful life (forging friendships, understanding each other)

CIS Boarding provides the above to ensure that the students in our care are happy and have a positive sense of self-esteem. For students, CIS Student Residence is a home away from home. We are Caring, Inclusive, and Supportive.