Newsflash: May 17, 2024

Principal’s Corner

by Mr. Benjamin Martin, Middle & High School Principal

Waiting for that Second Marshmallow

Copyright: J. Adam Fenster / University of Rochester

Most of us have heard about one of the most famous psychological experiments that took place in 1970 at Stanford. In the experiment, a child had to choose between eating the one marshmallow placed in front of them or until a second marshmallow arrived so they could eat two marshmallows.Ten years later, they tracked these students and found that the children who waited ended up performing better academically than their peers who had chosen the eat marshmallow before the second one came. While further studies showed that economic and family background also play an important factor in eating or waiting, overall the results still show us the importance of resisting the temptation of seeking instant gratification (link).

We all know that self determination and self discipline are important for our long term success but controlling our impulses is no easy feat. How can we actually control the impulse to skip exercise when we know we need it or to the impulse to lose ourselves down a rabbit hole of screen time? In 2020, published 16 strategies to delay gratification (link). Here are two that you can use right now:

  1. If-Then~ If I want an extra snack, then I will do 20 squats and drink a glass of water first.
  2. Instead of~ Instead of going to bed watching Netflix, I will read for 30–45 minutes instead.

Finding success in different aspects of our life is one of the most difficult challenges of being human. For some of us, it might be achieving our physical goals. For others, it may be that achieving relationship or spiritual goals are where we struggle the most. For our students, it is often getting them to realize that studying is a long journey and that consistency is the key if they want to achieve their learning goals. However, we all know that delaying gratification through self-determination and self-discipline holds the key to finding more permanent success for the goals we set. While we should not restrain ourselves from gratification, we should seek balance. In the words of American publisher Willian Feather: “If we don’t discipline ourselves, the world will do it for us”.

Upcoming events of note

  • May 18-19 & May 25-26: MFC x CIS Friendship Cup
  • May 23: Last day of ASAs (After School Activities)
  • May 24: G12 Graduation (no classes in PM)
  • May 28: Parent Coffee Morning (last meeting for SY)
  • June 6: Moving-Up Ceremonies (students on half day) / Last day of School
  • June 10-21: Summer School Activities

Please refer to the CIS Event Calendar for the complete calendar of school events.

CIS is offering on-campus Summer Activities and Sports Programs for 2 weeks this June! Our programs are open to everyone.

📅 Dates: June 10-21, 2024
📍 Location: Cebu International School, Pit-os
➡️ Registration form:

Have fun while learning new skills and making new friends in a safe and nurturing environment!

ℹ️ More information:

Elementary Art & Arts Week

by Ms. Kres Jorgiet Bajamonde, PYP Art and PHE Teacher

As part of our current unit focused on the transdisciplinary theme, ‘How The World Works,’ the students have been inquiring into how light and shadows enable people to express themselves in artistic ways. The Early Years have been exploring and discovering the captivating interplay of light and shadows as avenues for artistic expression. With giggles and curiosity, they delve into the world of sand art and printmaking, using lightboxes and sand, paint, and foam to evoke the essence of light and color in their creations. Through our engaging learning activity, each little artist learns to harness the power of contrast and texture, as they imprint their imaginations onto paper, revealing intricate patterns and vibrant hues that dance in the play of light and shadow. Together, we celebrate the joy of discovery and the boundless potential of artistic expression, as our budding creatives illuminate the world with their unique visions and radiant spirits.

Early Years students used the lightbox and sand to create sand art, and paint and foam for printmaking.

In the Kindergarten and Grade 1 Art class, our young artists explored the world of shapes through inquiry and boundless creativity. With eager hands and curious minds, they dove into the essence of art, understanding that shapes are not just lines and curves but the building blocks of endless possibilities. Through our engaging learning activity, “Build a Robot,” our young artists seamlessly blended the 2D and 3D shapes, crafting their robotic masterpieces. Each twist and turn of paper and each color celebrated their unique artistic expression, as they learned to see the world through the lens of shape, color, and innovation.

Kinder and Grade 1 students used cardboard in making their robots.

Our Grade 2 and Grade 3 artists delved into grid drawing. Inspired by the ingenious methods of artists past and present, our young artists explored and discovered the power of grids as tools for precision and expression. Through our engaging learning activity, each student meticulously crafted their self-portrait, navigating the intricate web of lines and shapes with skillful precision. They not only honed their artistic technique but also cultivated a deeper understanding of composition, proportion, and perspective. Together, we celebrated the transformative potential of grids in art.

Grades 2 and 3 students worked together to polish their grid drawings.

The Grade 4 artists embarked on the exploration of the dynamic relationship between art and energy. With boundless enthusiasm and a commitment to sustainability, they inquired into the power of radial symmetry to breathe new life into recycled materials, transforming everyday objects into vibrant expressions of creativity. Through our engaging learning activity, students weaved together threads of innovation and environmental stewardship, as they repurposed materials like toilet paper rolls to craft works of art. The Grade 4s expressed their unique artistic voices and reflected on the interconnectedness of creativity and sustainability in shaping a brighter, more vibrant world.

Grade 4 students demonstrated their dedication to sustainability by transforming everyday objects into vibrant works of art.

The Grade 5 artists embarked on a transformative journey of self-expression and community engagement, exploring the profound intersection of passion, advocacy, and artistic expression. With nimble hands and keen minds, they delved into the intricate art of wire sculpture, unravelling the nuanced language of the body and its emotive power in figurative work. Through this learning experience, students honed their technical skills and also delved deep into their passions, channeling the essence of their PYPX projects into human poses that speak volumes. As they breathe life into their creations, each twist and curve of wire becomes a testament to their unwavering dedication and fervent advocacy, raising awareness about issues close to their hearts and sparking meaningful dialogue within our community.

Grade 5 students collaboratively sculpt a future where art acts as a catalyst for change, amplifying voices, fostering empathy, and motivating actions towards a more just and compassionate world

Grade 11: Mathematics AA SL

by Ms. Maria Rosandee Tabada, IB DP Physics & Mathematics Teacher

Calculus is the focus of this fourth quarter’s Grade 11 Mathematics AA SL class. Students were introduced to the concepts and techniques of differential and integral calculus and their applications. One application is the use of calculus in kinematics, a branch of physics that deals with the analysis of the motion of objects without taking into account the forces causing the motion. 

Students learned about position, velocity, and acceleration graphs using the Moving Man PhET simulation. This is an example of how technology played a complementary role throughout the unit to expand and apply their calculus knowledge. 

Students also had the opportunity to consider the nature of mathematics. They were asked about who determines what mathematics is, whether culture has an impact on it, and why physics concepts are covered in a mathematics course.

These photos were taken when the group analyzed the graphs and presented their responses.

College & Careers Counselor Corner

by Ms. Jenny Basa, College Counselor


On Demand
LINK to register


Class of 2025 College Application Primer With Former Admissions Directors: Join IvyWise college admissions counselors for a deep dive into the college application process and how students can set themselves up for success as they look ahead to the 2024-2025 college admissions cycle. Attendees will learn how to have a productive summer, finalize a balanced list of best-fit colleges, get started on the Common Application, and write thoughtful essays.

May 22 Wed
12:00PM Eastern Time
LINK to register

Insights From the 2023-2024 College Admissions Cycle: Join IvyWise college admissions counselors who served on admissions committees as they review the 2023-2024 college admissions cycle, including how test-optional policies impacted students’ college prep and the number of college applications, and offer their predictions for future admissions cycles. Attendees will learn how to best understand the evolving admissions landscape and how they can prepare for the 2024-2025 admissions cycle and beyond.

May 28 Tuesday
1:00 – 1:30pm JST
LINK to register – a recording will be sent to registrants.

Kyushu University:  Do you want to study Bioresource and Bioenvironment?
Lecture Series: How to form a piece of meat in the laboratory

SAT Update

2023–24 School Year Test Dates

Test Date Deadline for Registration, Changes and Regular Cancellation
June 1, 2024 May 16, 2024

SAT 2024-2025 Test Dates

August 2024–June 2025 SAT Registration Is Now Open

Test Dates Registration Deadlines Late Registration Deadlines*
August 24,2024   August 9, 2024 August 13, 2024
October 5, 2024   September 20, 2024 September 24, 2024
November 2, 2024   October 18, 2024 October 22, 2024
December 7, 2024   November 22, 2024 November 26, 2024
March 8, 2025   February 21, 2025 February 25, 2025
May 3, 2025   April 18, 2025 April 22, 2025
June 7, 2025   May 22, 2025 May 27, 2025

*Additional Fees apply

To register for the SAT, you may click on this link.  If you need assistance or have any questions, please feel free to email Ms. Jenny Basa at

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