Newsflash: May 7, 2021

Admin News

by Dr. Gwyn Underwood, Superintendent

Dear CIS Community,

Congratulations Grade 5 students for a successful PYP Exhibition (PYPx) this past Monday! It was great to see the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that you have developed in the PYP confidently demonstrate through your projects and presentations on your selected UN Sustainable Development Goals. A big thanks to Ms. Carolyn Pynor (G5 Class teacher) and all faculty mentors (and parents!) who guided students throughout the process. See the elementary school section below for more information and samples.

“Resilience is not the exception, it is the rule” 

Over the past few months, there has been a wide-ranging debate on how much “learning loss” the Covid-19 pandemic has caused. Some commentators paint a gloomy picture of students who are desperately behind in their work, while others have found their students have coped relatively well and are doing fine. The reality is the actual impact will be variable for individual schools, and also between individual students.

The data we have at CIS indicates that, while results vary between individuals, in general, CIS students have continued to learn at, or close to, levels that would be expected even if we were not in a pandemic. Much of the global research on this issue to date suggests that this is the case in most schools that have effective programs in place. We do also appreciate that as a premium international IB World School, CIS is in a position to avoid or overcome many of the challenges less well-resourced schools have faced. 

What has changed is how teachers have adapted to facilitate student learning via our remote learning program, and the social-emotional learning (SEL) aspect. This SEL remains a focus for us, as we continue to seek ways to compensate for the loss of face-to-face contact and changed relationship-building capacities that are necessary for students to develop their social intelligence. On a positive note, it is interesting to see that the loss of some aspects of on-campus learning (such as less face-time) has directly or indirectly led to the growth in the development of other skills (such as improved ATL skills like communication and time-management) that have been required for remote learning. 

Over the past few weeks, I have been struck by the consistency of messages being given by many reputable educational psychologists. The general message is, while some students have struggled (and we must remember this is a normal phenomenon and an integral part of learning), children are exceptionally resilient and most have adapted to face the situations they are in. I would like to end by sharing a short CNN health video (2min 50sec) by author and psychologist Dr. Angela Duckworth, where she tells Anderson Cooper why she thinks most kids will bounce back from the negative impacts of the pandemic, and that “resilience is not the exception, it is the rule”. 

Source: Anderson Cooper, CNN

Events and dates

    • May 10-14: Arts Week 
    • May 12 (Wed): Eidul Fitr Holiday (*anticipated date, this is still not confirmed!)
    • May 14 (Fri): Last day of Semester 2 ASAs (After School Activities)
    • May 25 (Tue):  Final Parent Coffee meeting for the year at 9-10am (virtual).
    • May 26 (Wed): Whole School Celebration of Learning
    • May 28 (Fri): Graduation (virtual)
    • Refer to our online School Calendar a complete listing of events

Have a wonderful weekend!

Elementary News

by Ms. Maureen Juanson, PYP Coordinator

The 2020-2021 Virtual PYP Exhibition took place on Monday, May 3rd. Through Google Meet, our Grade 5 students presented their PYPx journey to the different members of our learning community. Parents, teachers, and students from both elementary and MHS, attended the sessions to learn about the issues that our Grade 5 students have collaboratively inquired into and the lessons they have learned throughout their exhibition process. 

Our Grade 5 students worked in groups to investigate the UN Sustainable Development Goals that they felt most passionate about. Throughout the process, they further developed their understanding of various issues and applied the ATL skills that they have learned throughout their PYP years.

As I read and listened to each of the Grade 5’s PYPx reflections, I was reminded of the book “Say Something” by Peter H. Reynolds. The book talks about how the world needs our voice and how each one of us could do something to change the world through our words, actions,voices and creativity. Through this PYP exhibition, every single one of our Grade 5 students answered this call. They used their words, actions, voices, and creativity to raise awareness and bring attention to the global and local issues that our world is facing today. 

We are extremely proud of their achievement and are amazed at how much they have grown as learners and individuals because of this experience.  We are truly grateful to the Grade 5 team- Ms. Carolyn, Ms. Lana, Ms. Freya, and Ms. June, for the leadership and guidance that they have provided to the students.  We would also like to express our appreciation to the mentors, and other faculty and community members for providing support, encouragement, and sharing their time and expertise that allowed the students to dig deeper into the issues that they were researching on. This is evidence of how we, as a community, are able to create a collaborative culture that creates a positive impact on our students, our community, and the world. 

If you have not had the chance yet, we invite you to visit the PYPx website to learn about the students’ PYPx research, journey, and action. We hope that their words, actions, voices, and creativity will also inspire you to share your voice to heal and transform the world.


Music in Early Years 2/3
Our youngest learners have been exploring music which connects to families. As part of these inquiries they sang and moved to lullabies.

Music in Grades 2 and 3
Grade 2 and 3 students have been continuing to practice their performance skills. Grade 2 have been working on tuned percussion and keyboards and Grade 3 have been working on recorders.

Music in Kinder and Grade 1
Kinder and grade one students have been continuing to hone their singing skills, focussing on solfege.

Music in Grades 4 and 5
The students have been exploring form and meter through body percussion. They learned that following a rhythm with body percussion requires coordination, motor timing, and body awareness.

K/G1 News

This past week has been another fun week of inquiry and learning for our KG1 students. As we wrap up our Unit of Inquiry, How the World Works, we look into conditions that cause materials to behave differently and how their properties affect their purpose. Together, we shared ideas on which materials would fit a situation. To show our learning, we did the egg drop challenge. We designed a model to protect a fragile object[egg] from breaking.  We learned that there are plenty of materials we can use to protect something precious.

Here are some responses from our KG1 students when asked about what they learned from the egg drop challenge:

  • I learned that if you wrap it[egg] a lot, it will stay safe. –Sierra
  • Using fluff[pillow stuffing] was not helpful; it made the egg bounce. I changed it to cotton instead. –Erin
  • I learned to use strong materials to put together my design. I also learned that my model needs to fit perfectly. If there is an extra space, the egg will bounce. –Ben
  • If you drop the egg into a soft, folded blanket it will not break. –Masa

We are continuing to grow as a reader and a writer. We made a Science Journal and documented our learnings there.

Here are some models from our egg drop challenge. We tested our designs and asked for feedback before sharing our final output.

For Math, we made our own Board Game. We made a board game from our favorite math concepts like addition, subtraction, skip counting, and telling the time.

We also learned to make our own balance scale and measured objects using non-standard measurement.

Here are some reflections from making our own balance scale: 

  • I learned that even though an object is small it can be heavy. For example, metal is heavy like a small padlock. –Erin
  • When an object is big it doesn’t mean that it is heavy. For example, a sock is big but it is light. –Sierra
  • To make my own balance scale, I used one of my clothes hangers and used some strings and buckets. –Catherine
  • Bigger materials usually weigh the most. –Ellaine

Middle and High School News

by Mr. Dale Wood, Middle & High School News


As we draw nearer to completing a full academic year of remote learning, we have repeatedly revisited the importance of the Social and Emotional Learning of our students and maintaining our health and well-being across the entire community. Our school program and curriculum have been intentionally designed to be holistic- from fixtures in our daily schedule like ELO and Homeroom and through emphasis on service learning (even in the midst of the pandemic), Week Without Walls, After School Activities, and other elements which serve to cultivate our students´ development as multi-dimensional human beings. 

Within our academic program In MHS we also seek to meet the various and holistic needs of our students; while this is true generally within the student-centered practices our teachers employ within our daily classes, courses like Art, Drama, Music, and PHE directly address the physical, aesthetic, and emotional dimensions of our students.

Celebrating Arts Week

by Mr. Jessie G. Saclo III, Head of Department, Arts and Design

The arts especially address the idea of aesthetic experience. An aesthetic experience is one in which your senses are operating at their peak; when you’re present in the current moment; when you’re resonating with the excitement of this thing that you’re experiencing; when you are fully alive.” The late Sir Ken Robinson, during his inspiring talk, ‘Changing Education Paradigms’, emphasized the importance of the arts in 21st century education. Similarly, the IB acknowledges the arts as a universal form of human expression, a unique way of knowing and understanding that engage us in effective, creative, imaginative and productive activities. 

The PYP, MYP, and DP are frameworks for learning that allow students of the arts to explore their sense of identity and individuality to openly experience opportunities to function as artists as well as learners of the arts. By providing age-appropriate opportunities to holistically develop their social, emotional, intellectual and personal intelligence through the arts, students at CIS learn to create, perform, and present arts in methods that engage as well as convey feelings, experiences, and ideas. Development in the arts is a dynamic process where students practice to acquire new skills and master those skills developed in prior learning. 

Thinking creatively is a natural fit in the arts and at CIS students engage in activities through the Arts subjects of drama, music, and visual art where they acquire, learn, refine, and master the skills necessary to develop learning. This year has been practically challenging for our students as they were restricted to online class engagement, may have felt isolation, and had limited access to materials. However, creativity as an essential objective in the arts addresses the need for student-centered learning that leads to innovative strategies in resolving the huge changes happening within education at this turning point. 

The late Sir Ken Robinson couldn’t be more precise in stating that the arts truly address the idea of aesthetic experience as our students have shown through their creative work this entire virtual school year. As teachers we have been astonished to witness our students´ grit, self-expression, skill, and creativity in performing the various tasks required in their arts subjects amidst the challenges of the ongoing pandemic.

We invite you to take part in supporting our students as we launch and celebrate Arts Week, a full week dedicated to celebrating and appreciating the arts, beginning on May 10. Please visit our Arts Week Google Site (which will launch on Monday) where we will feature the creative work of our students in the areas of drama, music, and visual art all week. 

Arts Week 2021

Most arrangements the CIS band students learn are performed only once.  They are typically performed for specific occasions, such as International Day, the Ayala Art Exhibition Opening, Arts Week, etc., and are usually archived after that.  There is one arrangement, however, that the band students have performed year after year, namely Star Wars.  Because of its stately tempo and majestic theme, Star Wars has been a suitable processional for many of our graduation and moving up ceremonies.  This familiar tune is easily accessible to band students in the second year of study and is considered a “rite of passage” for CIS band students.   

Keeping with tradition, the CIS band students have performed Star Wars once again in a video made specifically for Arts Week 2021.  Similar to previous virtual performances, all the parts were recorded separately then synchronized together using video and audio editing software–the new normal for performances in the time of the pandemic.  This video features Bryan C. (violin), Deandra R. (alto saxophone ), Esther (flute), Hana K. (trumpet), Jiwoo K. (clarinet), Niño V. (alto saxophone), Roland S. (trumpet), Ron Michael C. (trumpet), Saki M. (trumpet), and Seohyun P. (flute).  Look for it in the upcoming Arts Week 2021 website.

PHE Classes Explore Mood Charts for better Physical and Mental Health

As we continue to provide Physical and Health Education (PHE) through remote learning, the PHE department deemed it also important to consider the student’s mental health as they go through a very challenging time in their academic life.

In one of our current units entitled Happy Hormones – our aim was to consider the effects of physical exercise on the students’ mental health and one way for them to accomplish this is to use a Daily Calendar or a Mood Chart wherein each day they add an emoji for the morning and afternoon that reflects their mood and energy level or for higher levels, write a short statement of how they felt during these times. Additionally, they plan two (2) quick 20-/30-minute workout sessions within the week but outside our PHE synchronous blocks and plot these in the same calendar.

In the latter part of the unit, they used these data to analyze how their mood was affected on days when they had a quick workout versus those which they haven’t done one.  When the unit ends this semester, they will be then tasked to evaluate what they did to improve your health and skill related fitness and evaluate what effect physical exercise had on their physical and mental health.

This task was considered to help students cope with academic work through spurts of physical activities that could produce ‘happy hormones’ which, hopefully, would give them a boost when dealing with academic tasks. We believe that when it comes to personal well-being, one’s mood plays an important role in determining energy levels, where attention is focused, and what actions are taken.

One study suggested that: “when participants were in a happy mood, they processed information more globally compared to when they were in a sad mood.” (Schmid, Mast, Bombari, Mast and Lobmaier, 2011) “ This study shows that, when individuals are more positive, they gather more information from the outside world. With more information, people can make better and more clear choices, which is always a good thing. Furthermore, psychologists define mood as a number of persistent feelings that accompany our perception and evaluation of incoming stimuli. Mood has a huge influence on the way we react, specifically in the actions we take and the feelings that get created throughout that process. (Amado-Boccara, Donnet, and Olie, 1993). 

With enough data and information from the students’ Daily Calendar, a pattern of the highs and lows can be identified, as well as the factors that may have caused them. This tool is handy for those who may want to be more optimistic and be mindful of how their daily mood affects their work in school – hopefully for the better.

Here are sample mood charts from our students:

Monica S. – Grade 6
Fiana B. – Grade 8
Joo Ha C. – Grade 10
Minkwon K. – Grade 10
Chloe F. – Grade 6
Gabrielle S. – Grade 8
Hyeonjun J. – Grade 10
So Yi P. – Grade 10
Coach Jay leading our Grade 7 students through their Synchronous Workout

Dragon’s Print

Throughout the quarantine, artists have been able to work on their music, gifting us with plenty of fresh beats and incredible songs. A variety of albums have recently come out, and Dragon’s Print has put together its go-to recommendations for you to enjoy. Read the latest article to find some new artists and songs to listen to at

College/Careers Counselor Corner

by Ms. Jenny Basa, College/Careers Counselor

Common App Essay Prompts 2021-22

For the current 11th graders who are planning to apply to an institution via the CommonApp next school year, it is highly recommended that you start planning for your college essay and work on it over the summer. Please note that some institutions may have an additional (supplemental) essay to submit an application. To find out if a college is under the CommonApp, please click this Link.

Below is the full set of Common App essay prompts for 2021-2022.
(minimum: 250 words, maximum: 650 words)

  1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.
  2. The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
  3. Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?
  4. Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?
  5. Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.
  6. Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?
  7. Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you’ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

Upcoming Virtual Events and Fairs: (students & parents are welcome)


May 11 Tuesday
6:00 PM

EVENT (IDP Webinar Series)

Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (Switzerland)
Learn about the EHL Junior Academy Programme:

  • Hospitality in a digital world (100% Online) 
  • Hospitality Business & Innovation (EHL Campus Lausanne)
  • Culinary Experience (EHL Campus Passugg)
  • International Hospitality & Luxury Brand Management (EHL Campus (Singapore)

LINK to register

May 13 Thursday
7:00AM – 8:00AM

Duke Kunshan University (China)
Virtual Info Session: LINK to register for May 13 or pick a date/time from this LINK if the schedule doesn’t work for you.

Learn about:

  • Their unique academic model
  • The connection to Duke University
  • Merit Scholarships & Need-Based Financial Aid
  • Interdisciplinary Majors
  • How to Apply

May 18 Tuesday

Study Michigan Virtual Fair
Connect with 28 Michigan colleges/universities
Check the LIST of participating institutions
To register, click HERE

2020-2021 Test DatesTestRegistration Deadline
June 5, 2021SAT & SAT Subject Tests (an update will be announced next week if this test will be cancelled)May 6, 2021

 If you need assistance or have any questions, please feel free to email Ms. Jenny Basa at

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Newsflash: April 30, 2021

Admin News

by Dr. Gwyn Underwood, Superintendent

Congratulations to our Grade 10 students for a wonderful showcasing of their Personal Projects this past week. It is always such a pleasure to see such creativity, knowledge, and intellect on display through these projects, which are a culmination of a year of inquiry into a personally selected topic. Please find some time to visit the Personal Project Website to see these for yourself, and scroll down for some samples in Mr. Denton’s article.

It was great to have a lineup of special guest speakers sharing information and activities about a variety of HEALTH topics at our monthly PTA Coffee Meeting this past Wednesday. Thanks to those who attended. Please pencil in the date for our next meeting: Tuesday 25th May. (Note it is not Wednesday as usual, as the 26th is our whole school celebration of learning day – more details of that event will be coming shortly.)

Enjoy looking over a selection of our student’s learning below, and have a restful weekend!

Elementary News

by Mr. Glenn Davies, Elementary School Principal

Last week in the elementary assembly I took the opportunity of walking the students around the CIS campus to show the care that the gardeners and maintanence staff have taken of CIS while we have been away. The gardens are full of flowers and the grounds really are looking beautiful.  This week in our newsflash, we have contributions form our art classes, where we are able to see the creativity and color shared by our elementary students. This too is beautiful. The Early years students have explored was resist painting, something I have not done for many years, while the KG students have linked their art work closely to their unit if inquiry investigation into materials and their properties.  What I am most impressed with is the quality of the learning taking place in art, despite our physical separation. I am keenly aware that this is only possible with the support of you, our parent community. 

Something that I am looking forward to next week is the staging of our PYP Exhibition. The PYP Exhibition is the culminating experience for our grade 5 students, signifying the completion of the PYP Programme as they prepare to move into the MYP in Grade 6. On Monday, May 3rd, our Grade 5 students will be presenting their learning to the community during three 30 minute synchronous sessions. Our grade 5 parents and various members of the school community will be attending these sessions. If you do not have a child in grade 5, but would like to see what the Grade 5 students have been learning their PYP Exhibition, please make contact with Ms. Lory, the Elementary School Secretary, and she will be able to arrange access to the PYP Exhibition for you. This Year the PYP Exhibition has been developed around the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and I for one, am excited to see what our students have to share with us. I also want to acknowledge the huge amount of additional work from our Grade 5 teaching team, our specialist teachers, and our PYP Coordinator. It is this additional investment of time and effort that has made this PYP Exhibition possible.

Art in the Early Years

Sharing the story, “The Rainbow Fish” our youngest learners explored the wax resist art technique and gleaned the value of “sharing is caring.”

The Early Years students have also learned to create ice paint by mixing watercolor or food coloring with water and placing the mixture in an ice tray and freezing it. Students then used the ice to color draw images.

Art in KG and Grade 1

The KG and G1 students have been exploring the science concept of ‘materials and their properties’. The students selected various materials to test. Their goal was to discover which material was best for each type of media; Fabric Painting, Wire Sculpture, and Wax Resist.

Art in Grades 2 and 3

Grade 2 and 3 have been investigating Habitats, Endangered Species and Ecosystems. The students used what they had learned during their inquiry to create a diorama of an ecosystem for an endangered animal. They designed their diorama to have a background, middle ground and foreground. Creating this diorama  was the culmination of their semester learning about drawing habitats, research, and 3 dimensional art skills.

Art in Grade 4

The Grade 4 students have been learning to draw in the style of Betty Edwards which teachers students to use edges and lines,  negative space, perspective and proportion, and shading).  The students did blind contour drawing, face-vase drawing,  and right-side up vs. upside-down drawing. These exercises help students develop their observational drawing skills. 

Learning in Grade 4

Did you know there are several ways to make electricity? These include hydro power, nuclear power, solar energy and fossil fuels. The grade 4 students have been exploring the benefits and side effects of each energy source.  Please study our poster identifying the advantages and disadvantages if using nuclear power to create energy.  

Middle and High School News

by Mr. Dale Wood, Middle & High School Principal

It’s been another busy week at CIS, with all of our regular academic courses, After School Activities, and preparations for the end of the school year already underway. One of the significant events of the week was our Grade 10 Personal Project Showcase, which took place on Monday.

The MYP Personal Project marks a significant milestone in the journey of an IB learner. It serves as both the culmination of the students’ MYP studies and also serves as a stepping stone towards future academic work and the DP core.

The project itself is an extended independent research project, which (at CIS) is introduced at the very start of the Grade 10 school year. Students work on this exploration throughout the year with the guidance of their respective faculty mentors and Mr. Denton. The aim is to complete a product of significant quality that reflects the research, exploration, careful and mindful planning, and reflection they have engaged in throughout the year. 

On Monday our Grade 10 students were able to present their Personal Projects to the CIS community during our lunch/homeroom time and then after school. It was amazing to see the variety and quality of the students’ work, and I was also struck by the level of insight into their own learning they were able to exhibit. The Personal Project Website remains the place for you to see for yourself.

One of the goals of the Personal Project is to give students the opportunity to demonstrate the ATL skills and subject specific knowledge they have developed throughout the middle years. The project report, among other things, assesses self-management, research, communication, critical and creative thinking, and collaboration skills. In doing so, it helps develop our students’ confidence and the attributes to help them become inquisitive lifelong learners. One other thing that was clear in the showcase was that, when students had selected an area they were passionate about, they really enjoyed doing it. This was an important revelation for some of them as they look forward to their subject selections next year in the DP and think about their DP Extended Essay project, and even toward the career they will pursue.

As we continue to effectively transition into an IB Continuum School, we have seen amazing development of the Personal Project as this important element becomes an understood and celebrated aspect of our school culture.

Anya’s exploration of the traditional Filipino portrait
Andrew’s epic goal was to Investigate current fitness ideas, techniques, and strategies and apply that knowledge to improve his level of fitness.
Selly explored and applied the concepts of “art activism” through her project.

Grade 8 Individuals and Societies

by Mr. Jonathan Denton, MYP Coordinator

I am sure we all have spent a moment marvelling at globalisation; how companies like Lazada and Shopee have made it possible for us to order something from Tokyo and have it in our hands by the end of the week. But how far back do we need to go to truly understand the concept of globalisation?  Do we not also need to know about the merchants who trading materials along the Silk Road on three continents centuries ago, the history of humanity, or even where the earth and the stars come from? These are called ORIGIN STORIES. 

By looking at the really big picture we have been able to make unexpected connections, how everything we are made of came from exploding stars, and how we are able to share and build upon each other’s ideas sets us apart from all other terrestrial creatures. 

This unit asks students to create their own origin story in order to explore an object of personal interest – pizza, ballet, coffee, horses – and produce a portfolio-worthy piece of work that traces its history to pre-human times. The idea for  the project came from Esther Quaedackers, a lecturer in Big History at the University of Amsterdam.

We have broken the project down into three stages, each with guiding questions to help students come up with their own research questions.

Stage One: how is everything connected (prehuman times)

  • What are the raw materials in your object?
  • What are the chemical elements?
  • Can these chemical elements be found in other things?
  • Where do those materials come from?
  • Where can we find those materials on earth? 
  • Are they organic or synthetic?

Stage Two: first contact with humans

  • When did humans first start to use these elements?
  • How did humans share and expand their knowledge of — even if our earliest ancestors probably did not use it?
  • How did the way humans use these elements change over time?
  • How did humans adapt/innovate/domesticate?
  • When and why did it become most popular?
  • How and why did this change from this beginning until 1800 or when the Modern Revolution began?

Stage Three: the modern revolution and beyond

  • Over the last 150 years, what were the most important changes in how — has been grown / produced / distributed / used?
  • How did humans adapt and innovate?
  • What will this object look like in 50 years time?

Below are some of the short formative clips completed for stage one. We are only at the very beginning of this project, so please keep that in mind.

Grade 10 Business

Grade 10 Business students have been developing their own unique products or services that they will pitch in a ‘Shark Tank’ style exercise at the end of the semester. In teams, they were tasked with creating brief presentations in order to receive feedback before moving to the next phase of the project. These presentations involved devising a company name, logo, slogan, visual representation, and rationale for their product or service. Not only does this project challenge students to think both critically and creatively, but it also requires effective communication and collaboration. Simulating the “Shark Tank” experience with actual products allows students to see the relevance of the content they have been learning in their Business course.

Here is an example from Julianna, Lea, and Chewon’s project:

CIS Dragon Responders

REAVO (Rescue Emergency Assistance Volunteers Organization)

Dragon’s Print

Now if there is one thing that has been keeping everyone sane during quarantine it’s probably binge-watching new shows or movies. Running out of shows to watch on Netflix? Dragon’s Print has got you covered with an anime recommendation, Fruits Basket!

Read more about the Japanese series at!

College/Careers Counselor Corner

by Ms. Jenny Basa, College/Careers Counselor

Tip of the Week:

Applying to Australia & New Zealand:

If you are interested in universities in Australia & New Zealand, book an appointment with the college counselor at  The application process of AU & NZ universities is processed through a designated agent that the universities recommend to facilitate the legalization of documents submitted for an application.  There are no application fees. In senior year, interested students apply in February or March of their final semester to gain admission.  You may view the Academic Start Dates – Australia  These dates are for this year and may be used as reference for the succeeding years.

Upcoming Virtual Events and Fairs: (students & parents are welcome)


May 6
6:00 PM

May 6

May 11
6:00 PM

EVENT (IDP Webinar Series)

Tips on Application & Winning Scholarships
Lingan University (Hong Kong)
LINK to register

Introduction to Financial Aid for International Students
University of Pennsylvania (USA)
LINK to register

Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (Switzerland)
Learn about the EHL Junior Academy Programme:

  • Hospitality in a digital world (100% Online) 
  • Hospitality Business & Innovation (EHL Campus Lausanne)
  • Culinary Experience (EHL Campus Passugg)
  • International Hospitality & Luxury Brand Management (EHL Campus (Singapore))

LINK to register

2020-2021 Test DatesTestRegistration Deadline
June 5, 2021SAT & SAT Subject TestsMay 6, 2021

To register for the SAT, you may click on this link.  If you need assistance or have any questions, please feel free to email Ms. Jenny Basa at

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Newsflash: April 23, 2021

MYP News

by Mr. Jonathan Denton, MYP Coordinator

Attention CIS Community!

The Grade Ten Students would like to welcome you to their Personal Project Showcase on Monday, April 26th.

The Personal Project is one of the THREE big IB projects at CIS. The others being the Grade 5 PYP Exhibition, later this year, and the Grade 11/12 Extended Essay.

The Showcase represents a significant milestone in the journey of the student as an IB learner. It serves as both the culmination of the students’ MYP studies and as a stepping stone towards future academic work, and the DP core.

The Personal Project gives students the unique opportunity to learn more about a topic that really interests them, to learn a new skill or develop an existing one, while also showcasing the knowledge they have gained and the skills they have developed throughout the MYP.

This year students have had the additional challenge of having to complete the entire program remotely. There were no face-to-face meetings with supervisors, no face-to-face meetings with the coordinator, and in some cases no access to the materials they needed. Everything had to be done online. This Personal Project Showcase is a testament to our Grade 10 student’s resilience, perseverance, and self-motivation.

There will be SYNCHRONOUS and ASYNCHRONOUS sessions to engage in. The asynchronous sessions start NOW with the release of the Personal Project Website where you can start to take in what they have done at your own pace.

On Monday there will be an opportunity for you to talk to the different presenters to find out more about what they did in our synchronous sessions. Here are the times for those sessions. All meeting links will be on the website.

Grade 5, 6, 7, and 8 Students
12:05-12:15 Welcome message from Dr. Underwood and Mr. Denton
12:20-12:30 Session One
12:35-12:45 Session Two
12:50-13:00 Session Three

Grade 9, 11, 12, Parents and Teachers
15:15-15:25 Welcome message from Dr. Underwood and Mr. Denton
15:30-15:50 Session One
15:55-16:15 Session Two
16:20-16:40 Session Three
16:40-16:45 Closing

We look forward to seeing you there.

Link again:

Elementary News

by Mr. Glenn Davies, Elementary School Principal

Dear Elementary Community,

This week in the NewsFlash we continue to share the learning that is happening across the school. Teachers are currently investing considerable additional time collecting benchmark assessment data from their students in order to measure academic growth across the year, and report it accurately in the end-of-year written report. Additionally, students from grades 2-5 are preparing to take the MAP Test (Measure of Academic Progress) which will provide CIS with an overview of our student progress and help identify areas where CIS can make improvements to our academic program. The conversations emerging within our teaching team indicate that there has been incredible progress and growth in our students despite the challenges of the different learning context. Early on in the COVID pandemic, educationalists expressed concerns over the potential ‘Learning Loss’, however it has now been proven over and over again that in a good remote learning environment, such as the one the CIS provides, there is little to no learning loss. Additionally, many of the 21st Century Learning Skills that have been identified as necessary for learning to master to succeed in the rapidly changing world, are being mastered in this Remote Learning context.  


This week in the Newsflash we have articles from Philippine Language and Culture, PE, and Grade 2. I hope you enjoy reading about the learning our students have been engaged in.

Philippine Language and Culture – Lower Elementary

In Philippine language and Culture, the Early Years 2/3 and Kinder/Grade One students have been exploring different celebrations in the Philippines. We learned about the Manggahan Festival in Guimaras. It is a month-long celebration as thanksgiving for having a rich mango harvest. We found out that ” Mango Eat All You Can” is something that makes the Manggahan Festival unique. Mango Eat All You Can is an event where local people from Guimaras invite participants to pay P100.00 to eat as many mangoes as they can, and whoever eats the most is the winner. Aside from that, some of the students were able to make connections that Manggang Hilaw (green mangoes) are sour or “aslom”, while Manggang Hinog (yellow mangoes) are sweet or ” tam- is”.

During our synchronous calls, the students learned to identify colors in Filipino such as pula (red), puti (white), dilaw (yellow), rosas (rose), and verde (green). In addition, we played “I spy” and ” Show Me” to further develop their skills in identifying colors in Filipino.

Philippine Language and Culture – Upper Elementary

In Grade 2 and 3 Philippine Language and Culture, the students explored places in Southern Cebu. They were able to  dive into the waters of Moalboal and Oslob and took a closer look at the pawikan (turtle)  and butanding (whale sharks). The students shared what they wanted to inquire about and learned how  the pawikan and butanding look like, where in the Philippines can they be found, what they eat, the major threats that they are facing, and their current conservation status. Knowing that pawikan and butanding are endangered, they made  an action to send a message and created a poster to teach other people how and why we should save and protect the pawikan and butanding. Finally, they also learned the effects of the pawikan and butanding tourism to the community of Moalboal and Oslob.

In Philippine Language and Culture, the grades 4 and 5 students have been learning about the influential people in the Philippines. We kicked off the unit with a virtual field trip to Masungi Georeserve where we met the power sisters, Ann and Billie Dumaliang who led the conservation of the Masungi. The students were able to compare the differences before and after the conservation of the forest. They also learned the challenges that the power sisters were facing and discovered the actions that Ann and Billie took to save and protect the Masungi. Finally,  we were able to connect them to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG) and Human Rights by pointing out which of the UN SDG and Human Rights Ann and Billie were addressing with their actions. They also met the CNN Hero of the Year 2009, Efren Peñaflorida and made a lot of connections.

Grade 2 Class

by Ms. Aimee Underwood, Grade 2 Teacher

We pledge to help our planet. Will you join us? 

Happy Earth Day! The Grade 2 students have been inquiring into interconnections within ecosystems, the causes and effects of changes to ecosystems, and our human responsibility toward our shared planet. Central to this exciting unit of inquiry were research skills, critical literacy skills, and measurement and graphing skills. Watch the Grade 2 scientist, researchers, and now activists share their learning below!

The Grade 2 students are now finishing their independent research books on their endangered species and preparing them for publishing. 

When the Grade 2 students are not busy pursuing their newfound passion for sustainable development, they have been finding creative uses for measurement. Most recently, they have enjoyed a virtual bake-off during which they practiced measuring and comparing length, mass, volume/capacity, and temperature to bake chewy chocolate chip cookies.

Let’s Get Physical

by Mr. Jaydil Hermias, PE Teacher

Physical Education in the Early Years
Children are introduced to a range of activities aimed at developing confidence, control and coordination in large and small movement. Let’s have a look at the snapshots.

EY2/3 P.E. Activities: Desert Chase, Adventure Challenge and Deal or No Deal Workout

Kinder and Grade One on the move!
These past few weeks, our K/G1 students have been engaged in a series of “Adventure Challenge” that comes with animated videos. Here are the kids in action.

Jump for Joy 
Grades  4 and 5 students have been joyfully busy in practicing the “Intermediate Stunts”. They demonstrated great coordination skills and cardiovascular endurance in every skip rope activity during our synchronous calls. Students are currently working and mastering the ‘Advanced’ skip rope stunts.

Jump Rope In Grades 2 and 3 P.E. 
Students have been working so hard learning the skip rope stunts and tricks. Each of them accomplished the ‘Beginner Level’ and are currently working on achieving the second level which is the ‘Intermediate’. This year, ‘Skip Rope’ is our longest lesson among the other PE units. The interest and enthusiasm of the students for this unit is highly impressive! Way to go!

Middle and High School Principal

by Mr. Dale Wood, Middle & High School Principal

As we continue our journey with remote learning, our MHS teachers continue to seek creative ways to engage our students, foster inquiry, and make learning relevant. This is no small feat given our current learning context. Teachers continue to implement and utilize strategies that allow our students to work collaboratively and meet their SEL needs as well as fulfill the academic content and skill standards in our classes.

This week we focus on some of our Math and Language and Literature classes to see what individual teachers are doing to help develop attributes of the IB Learner Profile, develop ATL skills, and challenge our students cognitively.

From Sizes and Shapes to Symbols and Rules- Math 6

by Ms. Maria Victoria Bacus, G6 Mathematics Teacher

To check in with the students, they were asked to answer questions on 

One is reflecting on their performance from quarter 3 and the other is on their thoughts and ideas on the new statement of inquiry.

Please see below sample answers from students:

One of the pre-algebra topics that Grade 6 students are learning now is on Integer Operations. This is easy for students to be confused about so here are some of the strategies we tried to do in class. Some students prefer to practice Adding and Subtracting Integers with Number Lines, others prefer to memorize the rules with a song, and most of them practice their skills with the ‘Battle of the Cards’. The element of competition adds more student’s engagement and motivation in mastering the rules of integer operations. They have enhanced their speed and accuracy on this particular topic with the different activities assigned in class.

Maths AASL

by Mr. Nick Arnsby, IBDP Math Teacher

Mr. Arnsby would like to express his gratitude towards Kim and Jhon, two of our grade 12 students, who took time out of their busy schedules recently to attend our G11 Maths AA SL lessons and help support the Juniors as they begin their Internal Assessment (IA) journey. 

The IAs is a very important assignment as it is worth 20% of students’ final IB Diploma course grade. These two Seniors did a sterling job of showcasing their excellent IAs and giving expert advice to a very attentive and active audience.

This in-class event provides a superb example of vertical integration, collaboration, and paying it forward. Both Jhon and Kim excelled in being leaders.

But don’t just take my word for it; let’s hear from some of our Grade 11 students:

Grade 7 Language and Literature

Our students are in the process of working through the novel Bamboo People by Mitali Perkins, which chronicles the experience of boy soldiers in Myanmar. This is a modern novel, where the action is taking place in a contemporary setting, so our students are able to make relevant connections with what is taking place in the novel. The following are two strategies being used to foster inquiry and critical and creative thinking as well as engage our students during our synchronous sessions.

Harkness Discussion is a strategy wherein students read and prepare notes based on study questions as well as including their own personal insights. The class discussion is “student-directed” where all learners are expected to participate, listen attentively, build on each others’ ideas, and employ the discourse of literary analysis to demonstrate mastery of those concepts.

Literature Circles is a class activity which allows students to explore the novel using their own observations, insights, questions, and connections. Students take on one of the following roles for each discussion and their roles rotate so that each member of each group has an opportunity to try each. Students read a portion of the text and prepare notes for the discussion based on the specific parameters of their roles. This strategy helps our students learn how to collaborate (and collaborate in order to learn) and develop their social skills as they share and work cooperatively to better understand the portion of text they have read. This activity also helps our students think both critically and creatively, and makes the learning relevant as they generate their own questions, insights, and connections between the text and their own lives. Lastly, this method creates opportunities for honest questioning and discussion.

Literature circle roles

The Summariser:

It is your job to give a summary of what has occurred in the section under review. The summary needs to be at least two paragraphs of 3-4 sentences written as an omniscient narrative.

The question master:

It is your job to come up with 3 open ended, interesting and relevant questions to discuss.. You need to ask questions that will get the group sharing their thoughts and opinions about the book.

Why do you think…..
What do you think about…..
What would you do if ……

The literary observer:

It is your job to find 3 literary devices from our glossary used by the author to build meaning or make the text more interesting to read, and explain how the author has used them and for what purpose..

The director:

It is your job to lead the discussion and introduce the section to be discussed. 

You must:
• keep the discussion going

• introduce each person, and have them complete their role
• make sure that everybody participates

The quote picker:

It is your job to find 3 significant quotes from the reading. You will need to explain why and how these quotes are relevant and important to the story. Make sure to include page and paragraph number.

The connector:

It is your job to connect the text to other things. You may find something in the writing that you can relate to:
• your own experiences
• another story/film
• real world events

Student reflections on Literature Circles:

I enjoyed it a lot, I had a chance to share my opinion, learn more about the book and even learn more about my classmates. I feel it is a very healthy way of sharing because you get so many different thoughts and opinions. Amelia

The activity was very fun because we can learn from each other; it makes people understand more and have more thoughts and questions during the activity or reading the book. This activity helped me understand because it’s taking everyone else’s perspective and putting it all together making a masterpiece. Ryan

I think that this activity is very fun. Talking to your classmates is a good and fun way to get people to learn and participate. I also think that it is good because we can also develop our social skills. I think that it was good that we were able to talk to our classmates. I was able to see other perspectives on the book. It wasn’t just my opinion on everything. I also learned a few things about the book that I hadn’t gotten before.  – Xavi

I think it was interesting because we can talk more deeply about the book and share our thoughts with others. We asked questions and made connections too so it helped me understand how the characters feel. Chaewon

Language and Literature 6

The Language and Literature 6 students have been exploring poetry and literary devices during this unit. In connection to the current situation with the pandemic, they have enjoyed viewing and analyzing poems that explore Technology and Social Media. A few spoken word poems they have watched are Touchscreen by Marshall Jones and Can We Auto-Correct Humanity? By Prince Ea. They have been comparing and contrasting the two poems and identifying the literary devices and the effect of using these literary devices on their audience. Additionally, students have discussed how they relate to the content of the poems because both express some similarities to what they are going through right now.

These are few examples of the Grade 6 learners’ thoughts on these poems:

In “Can we Auto-Correct humanity”, we know exactly how the poet feels about this situation. He feels as if he is concerned about how technology has made us more self-absorbed and less connected to the world we’re currently living in. However in “touchscreen” it’s not as clear how strongly the poet feels about technology and how he is asking us how we feel to make us think more about it. -Monica

The poems talk about how we use too many devices that we became dependent on them and the things online that we stopped talking to each other. – Rebecca

The similar message is about how communication through the internet made a person lonely or sad then communicating in person to person. They both talked about the loneliness in internet connection and communication. – Saki

It affects me in many ways. For example Touchscreen is talking about the friends list and talking about the real life people differences. But in Can we Auto-Correct Humanity is talking about ignoring the people in real life and counting the followers and likes. – Hana

It is about how computers and phones can be bad because we don’t talk to each other and we will have apathy for each other. – Leon

PTA Announcement

Dragon’s Print

Dogs are commonly regarded as human’s best mates, owing to their status as the first animal to be domesticated by humans. While many families keep dogs as pets all over the world, the majority of dogs are feral. Read more about the plight of these feral dogs in dog breeding grounds at

College/Careers Counselor Corner

by Ms. Jenny Basa, College/Careers Counselor

Tip of the Week:

Students all over the world have been unable to take the SAT exams due to cancellations. Universities have also extended their test optional policy (they do not require SAT for admission). If you are a student who is worried that you have not taken the SAT, here are a few tips:

  • Focus on getting good grades in your classes. This is the most important part of your application. Test scores are additional information but do not define your application.
  • When creating your college list, check the test policies on the university websites.
  • Get involved in after-school activities. Choose quality over quantity. An admissions person will appreciate your involvement in 1 or 2 activities over a long period of time compared to a list of 10 activities that you signed up for a one-time/one-hour event.  You may also elaborate on your involvement in a particular project in your college essay.

Upcoming Virtual Events and Fairs: (students & parents are welcome)


April 23
4:00 PM

April 26
3:00 PM

April 27-29
6:00 – 6:45PM (Melbourne timezone)

April 30
3:00 PM

April 16-17,
for webinars
April 27-30,one-on-one consultations.

EVENT (IDP Webinar Series)

University of Melbourne with Trinity College (Australia)
LINK to register

Flinders University (Australia)
LINK to register

Study in University of Melbourne
Webinar Series
(LINK To register)

Queensland University of Technology (Australia)*
LINK to register

Study World Online Virtual Education Fair:

Register through this LINK to view the participating universities and webinars you can attend. Attendance is free! You can attend webinars and earn a certificate.  There is also an option to speak one-on-one with university reps.

Webinar topics include:

2020-2021 Test DatesTestRegistration Deadline
June 5, 2021SAT & SAT Subject TestsMay 6, 2021

To register for the SAT, you may click on this link.  If you need assistance or have any questions, please feel free to email Ms. Jenny Basa at

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Newsflash: April 16, 2021

Admin News

by Dr. Gwyn Underwood, CIS Superintendent

Congratulations to the CIS Community members who helped prepare for, and who participated in, our IB Middle Years Programm (MYP) verification visit this past week. Based on the exit interview, I can report that it went very well, but we do need to wait for the IB Regional Office to review our application before they can make a final determination on our status. I want to thank our faculty for all of their efforts implementing the MYP over the past couple of years, with special recognition for Mr. Jonathan Denton, our Assistant Principal-MYP, who has done a truly exemplary job coordinating the implementation. We will know the final outcome within 1-2 months.

Upcoming events of note:

  • April 23: Half day of school; CIS EduForum in the afternoon (this is biannual event where CIS faculty provide professional learning sessions to local educators from around the Philippines!)
  • April 23: Last day of classes for G12
  • April 28: Parent Coffee Morning (9-10am)
  • May 1: Labour Day Holiday

Please refer to the CIS Event calendar ( for the complete calendar of the school events.

Elementary News

by Ms. Maureen Juanson, PYP Coordinator

This past week, our PYP learners engaged in consolidating their learning and understanding of their fifth unit of inquiry. It’s great to see students continuing to show enthusiasm and eagerness to learn, discover, and explore the concepts that they are working on in their respective classes at this point of the school year. 

The Grade 5s have been focused on their PYP exhibition journey and are in the process of  researching to find answers to the questions related to the issues and topics that they are greatly passionate about. As they organize, collaborate, and gather data, they are able to demonstrate the ATL skills that they have been developing throughout the years in the PYP. We are looking forward to witnessing their PYPx live presentations in May.

As we come closer to the end of the school year, our PYP teachers began collecting data to help us identify and celebrate the progress and growth that each student has made this school year. It is important that we are able to collect this information in order to continuously provide necessary support to individual students as we move into our final units of inquiry next week and prepare them for the next grade level.

Early Years (EY2/3-AS)

After Easter break, the Early Years began exploring our new unit, ” Where We Are in Place and Time” by unpacking the words Place and Time. Many of us shared our understanding that a Place is somewhere we want to go, and somewhere we build our house. Our young learners also explained what a family is. We all think that a family has a mom, dad, and children. We had a sharing of the story, Applesauce Day written by Lisa J. Amstutz. The Early Years shared some of the unique and special activities they do together as a family. We learned that Traditions are things that we do with our families that are usually passed on from our grandparents to our parents and then to us. 

The Grade 2s and 3s together with the Early Years have started with our Buddy Reading classes and some have started with their end-of-the year assessments. Next week, we will continue to learn more about our families and share more about family traditions. 

Kinder and Grade 1 Tamaraws – How The World Works 

The Kinder and Grade 1 Tamaraws have been inquiring and exploring the unit How the World Works. It started with the word matter, and then the students put on their thinking hats and began their journey of curiosity. They have discovered the different properties of matter around them, how they look and feel like. At the same time they also learned that most of the words that define matter are called describing words or adjectives

As they continued exploring the unit, the students engaged in different experiments starting with Ice Cube Meltdown. Students were asked to put ice cubes under different conditions and share their hypothesis. Different results were gathered and presented in their Science journal. They carried on with other experiments such as Paper Tower Challenge, Changing properties of Playdough and Air Experiment

Just before we went on spring break, the Kinder and Grade 1 students created something from materials that they found at home. The challenge was to choose two materials and create something new out of it. Some of them were really amazing and it was good to know that students chose the materials for their creations based on the properties the materials had.

Middle and High School News

by Mr. Dale Wood, Middle & High School Principal

After a welcomed break following one of the longest continuous stretches of the school year, last Tuesday our students and teachers returned, refreshed and rejuvenated, to their virtual classrooms. As we carry on through these final weeks of the school year, we are committed to investing our best efforts to helping our students finish the year successfully.

This is the home stretch for us as we look forward to just seven more weeks until the end of the school year. This week we will be sharing how selected classes in the Science and Language Acquisition (which includes EAL) departments are engaging our students both cognitively and in other important dimensions as we seek to meet their holistic needs.

The Effect of Sucrose on the Rate of Cellular Respiration of Yeast (Grade 9)

The MYP Grade 9 Science students recently learned about reactions including photosynthesis and cellular respiration. They investigated the rate of reaction involving yeast, were able to conduct a lab virtually and write a full lab report. Students also analyzed graphs to find the half-life, the time it takes for a sample of an unstable radioactive substance to decay and the properties of nuclear reactions including alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. One student was inquisitive during this time by asking about how to solve for half-life using calculations.  

Students also made a wonderful Health Department pamphlet educating employees in the workplace about the dangers of radiation which they presented to their class. According to one recent article, they found out that there is evidence of no harmful radiation from cell phones, which has been a topic of rigorous debate for the past two decades. Some students shared that they do not use their cell phones too much or they use the speaker phone option as a healthy habit. They are currently learning more about The Particle Theory and Energy including Heat, Heat Transfer, and Waves in Physics.

MYP Grade 10 Science (Semester Two) Students had the opportunity to explore mechanics concepts by designing their own experiment involving motion. They carried out physical exercises such as climbing a step or stair(s) and carrying out push ups to collect data involving work and time to calculate their own power in joules per second (watts), a concept which they are analyzing.

DP Physics students (Year 1) have been learning about Wave Phenomena with the content differentiated for the Standard and Higher students during this unit.  For Year 2 students, proud moments were experienced as they prepared and gave presentations/tips about their personal research process and main findings from their Internal Assessment. They also said, “Good bye,” to their final reports of their scientific research as the reports were sent off to the IB Organization for external grading. Year 1 students will say, “Hello!” to these same explorations soon. They are at the stage of brainstorming their ideas for their own experiment which they will research, design, and carry out using experimental procedures to investigate their findings based on their original scientific question. The work of the Year 2 students will serve as student exemplars for the Year 1 students.

Science 8

Interaction session with Architect Junie Rubia

The unit entitled, ‘Eco-house’, focuses on the environment as students explore environmentally-friendly applications of the properties of matter and the changes these undergo. This unit challenges the students to use their understanding and skills to be able to design an eco-house which incorporates the theme of sustainability in the design and use of materials.

To enrich the students’ learnings about the unit, the class invited Architect Junie Rubia to share about his current practice in house design and construction. Mr. Rubia is a practitioner in the architectural field and is also a professor in the Architecture Department of University of San Carlos. Sustainable design in houses and buildings is one of the key elements in his work. As a result, his sharing and interaction with the Grade 8 students was very educational.

These are some of our students’ reflections after the interaction session. 

What are your realizations from the sharing of Archt. Junie Rubia?

That a green house does not mean it has lots of plants, but it is something that is sustainable.  – Caleb

Bamboo is actually very durable. Though you can’t use them all the time because you have to design the building you’re creating with bamboo to go along the growth of the bamboo. – Aaryan

I learned that when developing an eco-house you need to have a way to let airflow in, and to ventilate the toxic materials out of the house.  I also learned that eco-houses reduce energy usage by 20%. – Elijah

Describe the environment-friendly materials which can be used in designing eco-houses?

Some of the “green” or environmentally friendly materials that can be utilized for planning eco-houses are reused steel, bamboo, concrete, wood, glass, bricks timber, compost, soil, straws, fiber, etc. and all of these “green” materials are environmentally friendly and are very useful for designing eco houses. – Miguel

The following are sample outputs of the students.  

Design by Fiana

Sustainable practices in the design:
– Use of many large windows
– Installation of water cistern that stores rainwater
– Solar panels on the roof (not seen in the layout)

Design by Gab

(2nd floor) Sustainable practices in the design:
– Use of many large windows
– Installation of water cistern that stores rainwater (not seen in the layout)
– Solar panels on the roof

Chemistry 10

After learning about the structure of atoms and how these affect the properties and nature of chemical bonding of different substances, the students are now extending their understanding to the nature and applications of varied chemical reactions in unit II, ‘Chemical reactions around us’. 

The unit commences with its contextualization. One of the activities involved a group game using the goosechase app. In teams, the students accomplished 10 missions which allow them to identify different products (home-based) involving chemical reactions. These were some of their accomplished tasks.

Furthermore, one of the learning objectives of the current unit is to increase the awareness of the students regarding the impact of varied chemical reactions in their daily lives.  Using the examples in their respective homes, the students developed a short presentation to showcase common reactions with their corresponding effects.

Screenshots of students’ works:

by Chewon
by Lea
by Anya
by Sean

Chemistry 11

Simple ‘home chemistry’ for kinetics

The use of baking soda and vinegar is very common for science demonstrations and experiments because the materials are readily available and safe to use. In the absence of our “official” school science laboratory, the class used this simple reaction to collect data at home and process the data to investigate the effect of concentration on the rate of the chemical reaction (a kinetics study).  

The following are some of the experimental set-ups.

by Jenny

Pour in the vinegar to each of the glasses, then the baking soda, and as soon as the baking soda touches the surface of the vinegar, start the timer. As soon as the reaction slowing is observed, stop the stopwatch and record the time on the table. This image just shows all the three glasses together, however when conducting the experiment, each trial was conducted separately, individually for more accuracy.

by Jodi

Pouring baking soda into the small container to be measured on the digital weighing scale

by Daigo

This image shows the setup of the experiment which includes the materials as well as the apparatus that were used.

The gathered data were analyzed particularly at the instantaneous rates of the simple chemical reaction.  This involved the use of graphing techniques which demonstrates a very relevant integration of math concepts in a science course.

by Justin

With the necessary adjustments in the manner of conducting scientific investigations during online learning, the students were still able to meet the course expectations. They were able to identify both random and systematic errors and worked their way through minimizing these even in a home set-up. They used their critical thinking and took risks as they designed their own experiments.

News from our Language Acquisition classes

Mandarin AB
Mandarin ab initio Grade 11 students are continuing to develop their language skills and expand their vocabulary during remote learning. As we discussed food and drinks, students presented their knowledge about this topic by cooking many different Chinese-style foods at home, for example, steamed fish, soy sauce fried rice, dumplings, noodles, and Sichuan pork. Students were able to enhance their cooking skills and make the perfect connection with the target culture through Chinese Food. Recently we also discussed community and public facilities.

Mandarin ab initio Grade 12 has successfully completed their IA and Mock Exams. Congratulations to them for their hard work and great progress in this course. I am grateful to see how much they have grown under such difficult circumstances. As we begin to wrap up the course and also allow students to be reflective on their own learning experience, we also reflect on our learning experiences over the past 2 years. Grade 12 students wrote a detailed summary about their learning strategies and useful resources. They also included their feedback about personal learning and the teacher’s instruction.

Spanish Ab Initio
Grade 11 students have worked on developing their writing skills. The new format they have been working on is Message- Nota and students have used this platform to explore some topics related to house chores, homes, and stores. The following is an example of their written texts:


Grade 12 students have been working hard to prepare for their Spanish ab initio Internal Assessment. 

Among some of the general questions in the IA, students were able to compare and contrast their culture and the Spanish language culture. These are insights from grade 12 students  comparing and contrasting some aspects of  both cultures.

Similarities and differences:

  • Una similitud de Filipinas con la mayoría de los países hispano hablantes especialmente en el centro de América es que suelen tener muchos días soleados y clima tropical por lo que la ropa en ambos países es parecida. 

A similarity between the Philippines and most Spanish- speaking countries, especially in Central America, is the sunny days and tropical climate, so the clothes in both countries are similar.

  • Una similitud de Filipinas con la mayoría de los países hispano hablantes es que las familias van a la iglesia para escuchar  misa los domingos. 

A similarity between the Philippines and most Spanish speaking countries is that families go to church to hear mass on Sundays. 

  • En la cultura filipina, coreana y japonesa comer arroz en las tres comidas del día es muy común. 

In Philippine, Korean and Japanese cultures eating rice for all three meals of the day is common. 

  • En la cultura hispana, principalmente en España el arroz es uno de los ingredientes principales para hacer paella pero no forma parte de las tres comidas del día como en los países asiáticos.

In the Hispanic culture, mainly in Spain, rice is one of the main ingredients to make paella. Unlike in Asian countries, it is not eaten for all three meals of the day. 

Spotlight: Grade 12 Mandarin B 

After successfully completing the final round of their IBDP journey, the Grade 12 students in Mandarin B are ready to impart their knowledge of the language to a younger generation. Recently, the class has focused on refreshing the basics of Mandarin in order to teach it effectively to grade 6 and 7 students. The goal is to develop a solid foundation and cultivate their fluency in the language through an online setting.

They have created video modules on topics such as: “How to Introduce Yourself,” “Countries,” and “Fruits and Vegetables.” These will serve as a fun way for beginners to get acquainted with the language, all while establishing a good foundation for future topics, such as “Transportation” and “Health”.

The students will also have a chance to host a teaching session with the younger students next week, where students’ knowledge may be enhanced through interactive activities.

The next goal of the class is to enrich the HSK vocabulary of our grade 8 and 9 students. This will help the incoming IBDP Mandarin students build their confidence in their language, as well as improve their reading comprehension and speaking abilities. After all, expanding one’s vocabulary is one of the most important aspects of learning a language; in Mandarin, it is important to know the right words to say in a sentence in order to communicate effectively.

An Emphasis on Reflective Communication

IBDP Mandarin will not only test your fluency in the language, but it will also broaden your perspective of the world as you learn more about the Chinese culture. Every aspect of the language includes a rich historical background and highlights enduring values within the Chinese culture; as such, one can expand their views of the world and learn the traditional ideals of filial piety and harmony, among many others. 

Moreover, you can experience and analyze how the Chinese culture has evolved over time. One example is the celebration of Chinese New Year: while the traditional practice of giving red envelopes still persists, the development of modern technology has allowed family members to send each other these envelopes via online platforms such as WeChat. You can also discuss the different subcultures in Chinese society, such as fast food culture. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?

All in all, the Mandarin class allows students to gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture, thus allowing them to become more compassionate and reflective communicators.

My journey of learning Mandarin was filled with difficulties, since the language was confusing and difficult to learn. Although it has been a difficult journey, I still enjoyed learning the language through IB Mandarin. IB Mandarin not only gave me more knowledge on the language, but also on the interesting culture of China. Learning the culture while studying the language gave me new perspectives on diversity. — Joshua

In IB Mandarin I learned the Chinese language and culture. Learning Chinese took a lot of patience and practice, but the class helped me overcome the fear of speaking a new language and gain confidence. — Louise

Learning a language that over 1.3 billion people speak is no easy task, but definitely a worthwhile experience.  Learning Mandarin not only provides you access to fluent communication but also allows you to connect to China at a deeper level. — Dana

IB Mandarin has been a great experience for me. I did not only learn the Chinese language, but I also learned Chinese culture. Learning a new language has allowed me to broaden my perspective and embrace diversity all around the world. — James

Chinese… is a fun challenge. It’s definitely not for the faint of heart, and even if you’re already familiar with the language, the subject still poses challenges for you in terms of your reading, writing, speaking, and listening ability. It’s a tough subject—but the good news is that it makes you even tougher! A culture is ten times better when you experience it versus when you simply hear about it… so if I may propose one challenge: Take a Mandarin class! In school or online, it doesn’t really matter. My only hope is that you may find the beauty in Chinese the way I did through my Mandarin class. — Venise

English as an Additional Language

Try to imagine seeking to grasp the fundamentals of a language while also learning within that language in all of your other courses. This is the unique challenge faced by our EAL students. Add to this the complexity of using online platforms such as Google Classroom.Whether it was easy or difficult, it could be considerably more challenging to learn to use in a language you are still beginning to understand. Words like “resubmission” or “optional” could be new vocabulary words for English Language Learners in the remote learning environment. Connecting with others can be incredibly helpful to motivate and encourage students to participate and be more confident in class.

Here are a few ways we can help our EAL students connect to each other and support their learning:

  1. Home connection

Teacher communication with parents and vice versa about the students’ English language learning has been found by research to be effective in establishing a home-school connection. Translating feedback into the home language of families can really drive important points home. This was shown to help ELL students practice and use the language even after school hours, which is an important step to help them master the language. 

  1. Classmates and connecting

Many students feel isolated, especially during remote learning, due to the physical distance from their peers. Some of our new CIS students have never even met their classmates face-to-face. Encouraging small group interactions can increase their chances of reaching out and talking to their classmates. Guided peer activities provide beginning students the opportunity to extend their current skills and knowledge to higher competence. This can help students feel more comfortable with interacting in class and gives them more ways to practice their second language.

  1. Connect through visual aids

Using pictures and graphic organizers can help ELLs and most students visualize what is happening in class. This can guide them to know what is being talked about even when they do not know the words being said. Assisting ELLs in using the closed captions on websites for class can also give them more time to see and read the words being spoken.

  1. Connect through individual check-ins

Talk to each other! Some students are more likely to ask questions when they are asked individually. This can be through google hangouts or through email as well. Students, teachers, parents, and other community members can gain a better understanding of what is happening on the other side through checking in on each other with open questions. 

For more specific steps to understanding how we can help our EAL community members, this resource would be useful. It is encouraging to find that many of the recommendations found here are strategies we have been actively applying in assisting our CIS learners.

Supporting multilingual learners (MLLs)/English language learners (ELLs) during the COVID-19 Shutdown 

Dragon’s Print

Every year on April 18, we celebrate World Heritage Day where we are reminded to preserve human heritage and recognize the organizations that are working to keep it alive. Learn more about the importance of this monumental day as it celebrates this year’s theme of ‘Complex Pasts: Diverse Futures’ on

College/Careers Counselor Corner

by Ms. Jenny Basa, College/Careers Counselor

Tip of the Week:

One of the daunting tasks of an incoming senior is to come up with a college list.  Here are some factors to consider when making choices:

  • Programs available :  Does the institution offer the program you want to study? Have you done some research about the quality of their programs?
  • Cost of Attendance:  Will your family cover the cost of attendance or will you need a scholarship?
  • Location:  Have you considered location in terms of access to family/friends for support?
  • Graduate employability:  Have you checked how employable the graduates are from this institution?
  • Your family:  Have you discussed your choices with  your parents/guardians?

These are only a few of the aspects to consider. In the following weeks, Grade 11 students will be meeting with the College Counselor to finalize a college list and plan the college application timeline for senior year.  An email will be sent to all 11th graders with more information.  

Upcoming Virtual Events and Fairs: (students & parents are welcome)


April 20
10:00 AM

April 23

April 23
4:00 PM

April 26
3:00 PM

April 30
3:00 PM

April 16-17,
for webinars
April 27-30,one-on-one consultations.

EVENT (IDP Webinar Series)

Hermes – Colleges Network (Canada) 
LINK to register

Sheridan College (Canada)
LINK to register

University of Melbourne with Trinity College (Australia)
LINK to register

Flinders University (Australia)
LINK to register

Queensland University of Technology (Australia)*
LINK to register

Study World Online Virtual Education Fair:
Register through this LINK to view the participating universities and webinars you can attend. Attendance is free! You can attend webinars and earn a certificate.  There is also an option to speak one-on-one with university reps.

Webinar topics include:

2020-2021 Test DatesTestRegistration Deadline
June 5, 2021SAT & SAT Subject TestsMay 6, 2021

To register for the SAT, you may click on this link.  If you need assistance or have any questions, please feel free to email Ms. Jenny Basa at

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Newsflash: March 26, 2021

Admin News

Dear CIS Community,

As we wrap up this week and prepare to go on Easter Break, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your contribution to our student’s successes. These have been demonstrated by evidence such as our recent benchmarking data in the elementary supporting our observations that CIS students are in general maintaining expected age level academic growth despite having to use Remote Learning over the last year, and the positive feedback to our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) activities.

Photo credit: Micheile Henderson via Unsplash

Some of our students still struggle in various areas, however, so we must continue to seek ways to help students overcome any such areas. It is good to keep in mind that struggling with aspects of learning is an expected – and even desirable thing if it is not too severe, as we all learn best when we are challenged. This process is also something that occurs when we are on campus too, so it is important to continue to face our ongoing pandemic challenges in a systematic and practical manner, seeking solutions and not blame. Together, we are stronger, and we can, and will, overcome such challenges!

Have a wonderful week of rejuvenation and spending time with family.

Parent Coffee Meeting (Wed Mar 24) Report

Thanks to the parents who took the opportunity to join us for a time of connecting and discussion this week. Please do make these meetings if at all possible, as they are valuable opportunities to meet other parents, and get to learn more about CIS and our program.

Our feature topic this week was exploring how we define high-quality learning and teaching at CIS. In addition to being one of our accreditation action plan items, we have been finding this question great to stimulate discussion on numerous issues surrounding learning and teaching at CIS. We have a draft definition now that we will share back with you all once all stakeholders have had a chance to give input.

Managing stress

Photo credit: Taya Iv via Unsplash

I think we can all agree that the past year has been stressful for each and every one of us, at least at some point. Advice on how to cope with stress is common, but it is also commonly not heeded! As we go on our spring break, I thought it timely to share some suggestions that could help form habits that will be useful for when we return to work or school. The following list is simple, yet comprehensive. Most of these are probably reminders for you – but if you are still getting stressed, perhaps developing one or more of the following techniques will help?

8 stress-management techniques to consider developing into recommended daily habits:

  • Move, move, move. Any exercise is a fantastic stress reliever.
  • Breathe. Practice meditation and mindfulness exercises to tame your mind.
  • Journal. Writing can help us unpack what’s going on inside. Start by documenting what you’re grateful for each day.
  • Laugh. Watch a funny show, call a funny friend, and feel some joy.
  • Find your flow. What activity or task demands your deepest focus?
  • Listen to music. Research proves that it helps us relax.
  • Read. Non-fiction can help you learn and engage your brain with new knowledge and ideas, but fiction is best to help you relax and let your imagination go free.

Source: Adapted from HBR Management Tip of the day, Feb 12, 2021 (adapted from “7 Ways to De-Stress When You Can’t Go Outside,” by Michelle Bihary)

Events and dates

  • March 29 (Mon) – April 5 (Mon) – Easter break
  • March 9th Valor day (holiday)
  • April 8 (Thu) CIS Corporation Meeting (virtual)
  • April 12-14 IB MYP Verification Visit (virtual)
  • Save the date: Our next Parent Coffee meeting is on 28 April, 9-10am
  • Refer to our online School Calendar a complete listing of events

Dr. Gwyn Underwood,

MYP Accreditation

Dear CIS Parents,

We Need You!

One of the final hurdles on our road to MYP accreditation is the upcoming Verification Visit.  This will be held remotely from Monday, April 12th to Wednesday, April 14th. The visit comprises a series of meetings between representatives of the IB, Patrick Ritter and Sheeza Ali, and members of the CIS community. This includes students, parents, board members, teachers, staff and administrators.

We need a small group of parents and board members for these meetings. The visiting team will be asking questions relating to your experiences with our school, understanding of the CIS philosophy, as well as why you selected CIS for your children.

The Board meeting will be held on Monday, April 12th from 09:15 to 09:45; the Parent meeting will also be on Monday, April 12th from 10:00 to 10:30.

If you are a CIS Board member, or an MYP parent interested in participating in one of these meetings, please let me know by emailing me at and I will forward you more details including a list of potential questions to help ease any concerns you may have.

We truly look forward to your favorable response and participation.

Most sincerely,

Jonathan Denton
MYP Coordinator & Assistant Principal (MYP) 

Elementary News

by Mr. Glenn Davies, Elementary School Principal

Over these past weeks we have explored and encouraged the importance of self-care among our students, our families and among our CIS staff and faculty. This period of remote work and remote learning has impacted us all in different ways, and the long term isolation can sometimes be confusing for our emotions. At times we are not sure how to feel, what to feel, and whether what we are feeling is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. As we now head into a week of no classes, this is a time to move away from our devices and take the opportunity to relax a little from the ongoing pressures associated with pandemic work and learning.

Recently I came across a TED Talk, and I shared this with our CIS faculty. This talk by Rehef Harfoush discussed how burnout makes us less creative.  Our focus on constant high-level performance and high levels of productivity can actually lead to lower output through burnout, so taking the opportunity for a genuine break really helps you. Productivity is not an endurance sport, rather it is slow and steady that actually wins the race. As it turns out Aesop’s fable of the hare and tortoise is as relevant today during the pandemic as it was when first formally published in the mid 16th century We wish you all a well deserved a restful Spring/Holy Week break.

* Image source: 

Learning in the Kinder/Grade 1 Eagles Class

This past week has been another fun week of inquiry and learning for our KG1 students.  As we continue to explore our Unit of Inquiry, How the World Works, we experimented with different materials to understand the properties of matter.

Dry Paper Underwater experiment
Our Dry Paper Underwater experiment proved that air, though invisible, takes up space. Here are some responses from our KG1 students to the question, “Does air take up space?” 

  • Yes. When I put the cup inside the water the paper towel did not fall. I think it’s because the air fills up the extra space and keeps the towel dry. – Erin
  • The paper towel is dry because the air was still inside the cup. When I breathe the air takes up space in my chest. – Catherine
  • I did the experiment three times and the paper was dry. The air takes up space that’s why the paper did not get wet. – Ellaine

Our Experiment
Did you know that it is possible to submerge a paper towel in water without getting it wet? Our KG1 students did an experiment to prove this. We have been learning about Matter. Even though you can’t see it, the air is made up of matter and matter takes up space. We observed that when the glass is lowered in the water, the air is trapped inside the glass keeping the paper dry.

The Tower Challenge
The KG1 students were challenged to build the tallest tower using only recycled paper. The goal was to get it to stand up firmly. By bending, folding, rolling, and tearing the paper, students learned to manipulate the properties of matter to make it suitable for particular uses.

How Playdough Responds to Different Conditions
By making playdough, the KG1 students noticed how different properties of matter interact and come together. We exposed our playdough to different environments and saw that it can turn crumbly, dry, soft, or slimy. We learned that matter behaves differently when exposed to different conditions.

Math in KG
For Math, we discovered how to use objects and nonstandard units to measure. We learned how to measure length, width, and height with nonstandard units, such as paper clips, pencils, shoes, lego, etc.

Music in Elementary

Early Years
Our youngest students are still focusing on their senses, and in Music we have been exploring and honing our listening skills.

Grade 2
Grade 2 students have been putting musical theory knowledge into action and performing on tuned percussion or keyboard instruments.

Kinder and Grade 1
Kinder and Grade 1 students have started focussing on vocal skills. They have started off with ‘so’ and ‘mi’.

Grade 3
Grade 3 students have started to learn the recorder. They have focussed on proper performance technique, breathing and first three notes. They are excited to work their way through Recorder Karate pieces at their own pace.

Grade 4 and 5
The students have been exploring musical elements such as rhythm and texture through an app called Online Sequencer.  In addition to music technology, the students have also been learning about some unusual bands that make music with non-traditional sound sources.  Some of the items that these groups use to make music include brooms, trash cans, basketballs and even vegetables!  The students created their own instrument inventions, too.

Middle and High School News

by Mr. Dale Wood, Middle and High School Principal

This past week, we have had the opportunity to participate in several of our regular annual events, experiences that are very important for meeting our students’ SEL needs, keeping our students connected to each other within the ongoing covid situation, and preserving key aspects of our school culture. Events like these don’t happen spontaneously, but rather, represent hours, days, or even weeks of work on the part of both teachers and students. Some of this work is visible in the product created, while many individuals work hard “behind the scenes.” A big thank you to all of our faculty and students who have brought us these opportunities.

House Activity Day (HAD) 3

As we continue to highlight our school’s fervent efforts to maintain events that engage, encourage, and unite our students, last Friday we had our final HAD for the year. On these days we set aside our typical academic schedule and engage our students in a variety of activities designed for fun, connection, and team spirit as our students compete against the other houses. 

As this day is meant for the students, and now intentionally to attend to their SEL needs, the activities are planned by the Student Council and also led by the students with the supervision and encouragement of faculty members. This year the Student Council made special efforts to create activities that would require students to be physically active and ensured that there was maximum participation by making sure the activities needed to be carried out as a team which means that they may be virtually away from each other but for them to complete the game, they needed to work together in breakout groups or team chats.

Some of the HAD activities were as follows:

Bring Me which was a very engaging activity even if it is conducted online. As on of the most popular activities in HAD 3, most students said they enjoyed it very much, as it not only had an element of surprise as to what object would they have to look for but also it was very exciting to find out which team was able to obtain them first based on the number of students asked per round. Even if this was done virtually, the participants had to move around their house to get the objects being asked for hence it allowed them to be actually physically active while participating.

Charades was a fun activity, too. This is easy to successfully conduct in a virtual environment, but is very engaging nonetheless. Each team takes turns in guessing a word that is being acted out by a team mate. They are given a few seconds to guess what the word is based on the actions and the opposing team gets a chance to guess if the current team fails to give a correct answer.

Wheel of Songs begins with a wheel with categories of songs displayed up on the screen and is spun. When the wheel lands on a category, each team has 2 minutes to list down as many songs that fit into the category. We use Rock, Paper, Scissors to decide which team goes first, and teams take turns singing lines from the songs they have listed. The winner of the round will be the last team still singing. This will repeat until the end of the rotation and should follow these rules: a. Songs MUST be in English, b. Songs don’t have to be sung by everybody, c. No made up songs, d. For each category round, a song cannot be repeated (i.e. once it is sung for a round, it cannot be used again), and e. If one group sang a song first, the opposing team can’t sing that song.

Escape Room is one activity we introduced just this last HAD, and is one of the most collaborative activities. The goal is for each team to get out of the ‘virtual rooms’ first by answering several trivia questions or looking for clues as to how to obtain the keys for each door. Opening one door can lead you to another until you eventually get out of the final one. Through the use of breakout groups in Google Meet, each team is able to work together to solve each problem or find the clue to obtain the key and open the locks. Students are not able to see the progress of the other team, adding more excitement as they seek to beat each other’s time.

At the end of HAD 3, it was clear that team Narra won as they led with 98 points, 25 points ahead of the second closest team, Mahogany, which had obtained 73 points. Team Acacia took 3rd place and Team Molave took 4th. This HAD was also the final opportunity to determine the winners of the School Spirit Cup. We tally the results of all activities from the three different HAD days in order to determine which house has the “bragging rights” as champions which will carry into next year until the final HAD day of 2022.

The closing ceremony, thanking all participants and announcing the results for the competition and streaming live on Youtube.

Final team rankings for HAD3

A Focus on Art and Design

Highlighting our academics this week, Mr. Jessie Saclo, HOD for Design and Arts, has provided an explanation for our Design and Arts courses and their importance within the MYP framework. According to the Cambridge online dictionary a framework is a supporting structure around which something can be built. The MYP, widely considered a framework for learning, is an expanse of eight subject groups wherein teaching and learning are identified in contexts that have a direct connection to students’ lives and their experience of the world. 

Through the following six global contexts, students of the MYP develop a personal understanding of our common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet through developmentally appropriate explorations of: 

  • identities and relationships
  • personal and cultural expression
  • orientations in space and time
  • scientific and technical innovation
  • fairness and development
  • globalization and sustainability.

The MYP promotes learning as a construct that involves the cultivation of understanding through concepts or big ideas that have relevance within specific disciplines and across subject areas. With this vehicle students inquire and examine knowledge holistically through sixteen key interdisciplinary concepts along with related concepts for each subject discipline.

Art and Design have innate conceptual connections within the creative process. For our units in both subjects in Grade 7 this past quarter, we have identified and explored the distinct key concept of ‘communication’ and the related concepts of ‘interpretation’ and ‘perspective’. Students first developed their understanding of these concepts by constructing their own inquiry questions and by deducing the statements of inquiry for both subjects. With these understandings students have been able to explore the natural connections between art and design resulting in a class agreement to explore an interdisciplinary unit involving both subjects for the remainder of the school year.

The Grade 7 students are developing their skills in ‘illustration’ in Art class and their prowess in creating ‘animation movies’ in Design class. Through a set of formative assessments, students are acquiring fundamental skills and understanding of the methods of illustration and animation in relation to the key concept of communication. Students are also taking hold of their own learning by using software programs of their choice for illustration and video creation.

Visit this site to visit the grade 7 illustrations of the IB Learner Profile and short animation videos of products promotion. 

Yi Chen- Reflective
Grace- Balanced
Haylee- Caring

CIS School Production 2021

Last Friday the CIS community was treated to our first ever virtual school production: Broadway Review. Each year our Fine Arts teachers work tirelessly and side-by-side with a dedicated group of students to create the production, which is always one of the highlights of the year. This year posed a unique challenge, in that not only was the production virtual, but all of our performers had to practice and record themselves without being physically present with the drama directors, musical directors, choreographers, and other cast members. Yet, showing indefatigable “dragon spirit,” our team of teachers and students were able to create a successful production.

This year’s production was a great experience for the Production team.  After going through different stage plays, it was difficult to find one that had the license for a virtual set-up.  The team decided to put up a show highlighting selected Broadway musicals from the 1950s to 2000.  Popular songs and scenes were chosen from each musical.  It was challenging to teach choreography and rehearse in a virtual setting. The student performers had to balance their time between school tasks, attending virtual rehearsals, and recording their performances. The final phase was the editing of the video to come up with high-quality virtual production. The entire process was a learning experience that is indicative of the team’s resilience and determination. Being able to select portions of different musicals meant that we were able to involve students from lower elementary all the way to Grade 12 and also meant that more students were able to share the spotlight more than usual and allowed for more “lead” roles within the various segments.

In addition to song and dance, the Broadway Revue included a performance by the CIS Chamber Ensemble.  The medley of songs included: It’s the Hard-Knock Life, Maybe, I Don’t Need Anything but You, and Tomorrow–highlights from one of most popular Broadway musicals of all time, Annie. A bit more challenging than their normal repertoire, this medley featured syncopated rhythms, more bars, and more advanced ranges for the students. They managed the piece quite well and demonstrated sharp music skills, despite not having played together as a band for over a year. Similar to previous virtual performances, all the parts were recorded separately, then synchronized together using video and audio editing software- the new normal for performances in the time of the pandemic.  The Chamber Ensemble featured Bryan C. (violin), Deandra R. (alto saxophone), Chae Eun L. (trumpet) and Ron Michael C. (trumpet). 

Performance Snapshots

Production Cast Reflection

I loved the production video. It was so fun to see myself in it. I hope to make another video soon.  Harvey, G4

Making the school’s first virtual production was a very long, but fun process. We all had to practice our parts individually, then we prepared to record our performances asynchronously with a green screen as our background. Although this was very different from how we would usually rehearse in-person, it was still enjoyable because I had the chance to make time for my hobbies, which are singing and dancing. I would say that the strength would be being able to practice and record by yourself asynchronously. This way, we could take our time in preparing for our performances. However, when we get busy with classwork, it’s challenging to balance everything, including production. But this is not really a bad thing because it’ll teach us time management 🙂 Also, it’s way easier for us to communicate information and practice in-person because we could see what needs improvement, but we just had to adjust due to the current situation. – Fiana, G8

This year’s production was a success. Although we weren’t able to go to campus, we had many talented students who were able to act out and sing fortunately. But there were only 3 other students in the band group so that was a bit sad. When I saw the editing of the video, I was surprised by how good it was. Can’t imagine how much effort was needed yet it came out amazing. From elementary students to IB students, each had a fantastic job and for next year, I wouldn’t be here but hopefully students are able to be back at campus and show their amazing talents. We didn’t practice our Annie piece virtually because it will be “laggy” so we just had to practice on our own and record it. – Bryan, G9

I enjoyed how the production this year managed to make all these wonderfully creative and fun performances with the power of greenscreens and editing. I liked this because it was a whole new take on how to do an online production and personally, I’ve never seen it done like this before so it was very intriguing. – Sean,  G10

I really had lots of fun by doing the videos of me dancing and singing it has been a long time with production and i am deeply happy for doing all this to make the CIS community happy. Some of the struggles I had was when I sent some of my videos but at the end it was worth it. – Thea, G3

I think that the production went well. The green screen background, acting and singing! I think the whole production team worked hard and the work wasn’t wasted. Rhianna, G4

Overall, I have really enjoyed the production and I believe that our first virtual production was successful. Since it was virtual, there were several challenges I had to encounter mostly related to recording the moves. However, I was able to successfully accomplish the given parts and tasks to participate in the production. I especially enjoyed experiencing different types of songs with different genres. I was able to interpret songs from different time periods and interact with others to impact the music and moves. It was also a great chance for me to understand how much I am interested in music and it was great that I could find that out by doing something I like. – Victoria, G10

Learning that production this school year was going to be conducted online, I was nervous and suspicious of how it would be like. Especially since I know how hard it could be to communicate and practice virtually with other people. However, after the first rough couple of months, I knew that we were in capable hands. I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t stressed about how the production would turn out, but after seeing how hard the other club members and the teachers were working I believed that everything would turn out fine, and I was right! Watching the premiere of Broadway Revue surprised me with all the cool effects, wonderful singing, and amazing dancing. I believe that the other people who also watched Broadway Revue would agree that although there were doubts to how the first virtual production would result, the finished product really blew their expectations away. – Jodi, G11

Feedback from Drama Students

I liked the theme and story because it let you know a bit of information about the different musicals included and the songs in each of them. The closing song was nice because everyone included as well as teachers in production were shown on the video. What was shown in the part of the last song sort of goes along with the visuals and signifies how they were able to produce a Broadway Revue together. I enjoyed it because of the songs. Most of the songs included were very familiar to me and I got to sing along with them. – Gabrielle, G8

I personally enjoyed the scene from the Phantom of the Opera. This scene popped out the most to me compared to the other ones played. I was impressed by the performance and was entertained throughout. I also respect this scene in a more personal way as I know it’s hard to do solos. It’s frustrating and pressuring. To see someone do a solo in a big stage always hits me on a different level. I enjoyed the singing of both characters. Although the scene was very serious I still enjoyed it because that’s a theme of drama I personally enjoy watching.  I enjoyed listening to their singing as well. Both presented their voice clear with great tones and pronunciation. – Andrew, G10

I really enjoyed ‘Annie’ the most because it really showed the stories behind Annie and it was one of my favorite productions that I have seen. Also, the effects in Annie were really good. At first, I thought the dog from Annie was real but as I kept watching, it looked like a video clip. I also think that Jodi was a very good actress and she delivered her lines really well and was good at singing the songs. – Joo Ha, G10

Some things I enjoyed about the “Broadway Revue” was that it was very fun and I saw the large amount of effort that was put into it. What made it fun was the actors’ performances in singing and dancing. The show held my attention all throughout and it was interesting to see this new approach. – Bea, G9

I enjoyed the editing. It was very entertaining and creative. The background, background music, and such was very interesting and enhanced the production video overall. The eye make up in Lion King was also nice as it added some detail into the performance. I also liked that I recognized most of these songs and was able to sing along. – Seohyun, G9

Class of 2021 College & University Acceptances Update

Congratulations to the Class of 2021!

Below is the updated list as today. Some universities have delayed their notification dates due to changes in their admission timeline.

College/Careers Counselor Corner

by Ms. Jenny Basa, College/Careers Counselor

Tip of the Week

Admission Offers
This is the season where most colleges and universities release admission offers. An offer can either be conditional or unconditional.  Below are samples of conditional offers:

Sample 1:
An IB Diploma with 36 points with 666 in HL subjects and a final mark of at least 4 in Math.

Sample 2:
This offer is conditional upon you providing a copy of your official final IB Diploma results and IB Diploma certificate with evidence of an achievement of an overall score of 33 points or above, and meeting the minimum required score for English, Chemistry an done of Physics or Higher Level Mathematics as pre-requisite subjects.

Sample 3:
If you complete the IB curriculum with a minimum score of 40, attaining at least 6 in two Higher Level subjects, you will be offered admission with an entry scholarship of HK$195,000p.a. 
• If you attain a score between 36 and 39, attaining at least 6 in two Higher Level subjects, you will be offered admission with an entry scholarship of HK$145,000p.a.
• If you attain a score between 30 and 35, attaining at least 4 in two Higher Level subjects, you will be offered admission without the entry scholarship; AND
• Attaining Grade 4 or above in English or English Literature at International Baccalaureate (IB)

Unconditional offers are usually given by institutions who do not require a specific IB Diploma score.  However, unconditional offers are still conditional because a student needs to graduate and earn the HS diploma in order to enroll in university. This is a reminder to all graduating students that the work is not yet over until all assessments and graduation requirements are completed.  

ALUMNI CHAT SERIES: Episode 5 – The Europe Edition is scheduled on Saturday March 27th at 8:00 PM.  LINK to join

Upcoming Virtual Events and Fairs: (students & parents are welcome)


March 27

March 27
Saturday – 8:00PM

April 10 & 13-17,
for webinars
April27-30,one-on-one consultations


“Pursue a Career that Positively Impacts the World”
Enderun Colleges (Philippines)
LINK to register

Alumni Chat Series: Episode 7 – The Europe Edition
LINK to join

Study World Online Virtual Education Fair:

Register through this LINK to view the participating universities and webinars you can attend. Attendance is free! You can attend webinars and earn a certificate.  There is also an option to speak one-on-one with university reps.

Webinar topics include:

SAT Update

Dates below are open for registration.  If the test will be canceled, an update will be posted here and on the school website a month to 3 weeks before the test date.

Students are advised to check the university websites for Test-optional announcements.

2020-2021 Test DatesTestRegistration Deadline
May 8, 2021SAT & SAT Subject TestsApril 8, 2021
June 5, 2021SAT & SAT Subject TestsMay 6, 2021

To register for the SAT, you may click on this link.  If you need assistance or have any questions, please feel free to email Ms. Jenny Basa at

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Newsflash: March 19, 2021

Elementary News

by Mr. Glenn Davies, Elementary School Principal

Week by week I am inspired by the level of innovation displayed by our Elementary Teaching Team. One aspect that makes our PYP Programme so strong is the constant collaboration we have between our teachers. As teachers plan lessons that promote the transdisciplinary nature of the PYP, we see specialist teachers and homeroom teachers helping students master the same skills, knowledge and concepts within the different context of the curriculum. We often see mathematics skills and knowledge being addressed in Art, Literacy skills in the Media Center lessons, and Social Studies skills within Art classes. This week as you read through the learning examples you will see how the Media Center has been working to support the learning within the homeroom classes within the context of science and literacy. In this time of extended remote learning, it is so encouraging to see how much our teaching are using these collaborative relationships to enhance the learning of all students.

Library/Media Center Class

Library / Media Center Classes collaborated with homeroom teachers on the unit of inquiry.  Students continued to have virtual read alouds during our synchronous calls. Here are some of our learning engagements from our classes. 

For our Early Years students, we read books about our 5 senses. We also shared about how we should take good care of them during our calls. 

For our KG1 students, we read books about matter and its properties. Students started off understanding what the world is made of and looked into properties of materials. We began looking at the things that we have at home and identify its properties.

We started off looking for objects that are in different states of matter : solid, liquid and gas.
We looked into properties of materials of hard and soft things at home
We also explored other properties of materials such as heavy and light

For our Grades 2 and 3 students, we looked into Ecosystems and what these consist of. Students checked out the different types of ecosystems and chose one that they want to explore or that interests them. They are now starting off with their research about their chosen ecosystem. Throughout their research, they will learn about different sources of information. In addition, they will also see the importance of citing their sources and how they should do it in this research journey.

They are now finalizing their research questions about their ecosystem.

For Grades 4 and 5 students, we are still reading the book Number the Stars. We made use of Literature Circles in understanding the novel. Students are assigned to a role every chapter such as Summarizer, Word Wizard and Artful Artists.  They share their work during our Synchronous Calls.

This is one of the illustrations from our Artists in Grade 5. This was based on Chapter 2 – The Man who Rides Past from the book – Number the Stars

Grade 3

In our Grade 3 Maths, we have been learning about different measurements. The students have explored their homes for distances, capacities and masses.

We have also been learning more about our unit, Sharing the Planet. The students shared their thoughts about ecosystems, and how different living things and nonliving things are connected to each other.

Middle and High School News

by Mr. Dale Wood, Middle and High School Principal

As we prepare to embark on the final quarter of this most extraordinary year, I continue to be heartened and encouraged by the diligence and resilience of the members of our learning community. Teachers continue to plan creatively and challenge students to become stronger thinkers, collaborators, writers, researchers, and communicators. This week we return to a focus on a glimpse into the learning that is taking place in our classrooms with a specific focus on our grade 11 and 12 IBDP classes and also our PHE classes. When we consider the challenges of remote learning, these have been made even more intense by the demands of the rigorous DP curriculum. Both our teachers and students have managed to stay the course over the past eight months, mastering a curriculum that is challenging even under optimal circumstances.

Grade 12 DP Business Management

by Ms. Emily Cornet, Grade 12 Bus Mgt Teacher

In the DP Business Management course, there are a number of components that students work towards; students spend about eight months spanning grade 11, the summer, and grade 12 working on their internal assessment, an in depth look at a real issue facing a business.  There are also two external components to their final grade- Paper 1 and Paper 2.  Paper 1 is based on a single pre-seen case study that students begin studying in depth about three months before the final IB exam.

The grade 12 students have spent a significant amount of time during the past two months exploring the Paper 1 case study- first for their Mock Exams, and then for the end-of-year exam.  Through this in-depth exploration, students have made recommendations, created new proposals, and answered questions that a real-life business would have to examine to remain viable.

Dana’s proposal for the reorganization of MM:

Jhon’s IA outlined evaluation of possible funding sources for MM:

Grade 12 DP History

by Ms. Joy Pierra, DP History Teacher

For the past three quarters, the Grade 12 History class has been very busy completing all their requirements for the IB Diploma. Last week, after they had successfully completed these requirements, Ms. Pierra asked them to inspire the community by sharing their thoughts and feelings about their journey as History students. The activity was done through a sentence relay so everyone could participate and contribute in the article. 

Our IB History Journey in CIS

We started History IB with many expectations in the beginning. As we progressed through the two years, there were many highs and lows that we experienced. – Yoji

Many emotions and hardships were felt since the start of our IB experience. – Romana

From learning in a physical classroom to learning in an online classroom, many adaptations had to be made. – Stuart

Since there were many factors that we were not sure of, we had to stay close and constantly communicate with our classmates and teacher. As a result, we had attained numerous skills through this course.  – Jooshin

During our journey in IB history we were able to expand our analytical skills; however we sometimes struggled with finding reliable sources in order to complete our arguments. – Emily

Finding reliable sources was a skill that we had to develop as well as it could lead to more substantial discussions and analysis about a topic.  – Joeven

History isn’t an easy subject by any means due to how there is no guarantee about everything being revealed. Some things still may be lost to history for one reason or another but we make the best of what we have. 🙂

IB history has been an interesting ride to which we have all come to accept others’ individuals opinions despite not particularly agreeing with what has been said :))) – Romana

IB History has also introduced us to the importance of understanding multiple perspectives and being able to accurately analyse the past.  – Stuart

We were able to grow from our disagreements and learn from our differences.   – Jhon

One can argue that IB History has allowed us to grow as students and individuals. 🙂 ✨  – Romana

Grade 11 DP Psychology

by Michael Stewart, DP Psychology Teacher

IB Psychology students have been learning about some of the central methods used in psychological research, and in particular how to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of these methods when writing exam questions. This requires a general explanation of the method, careful consideration of its strengths and limitations, and being able to identify how and why a given method would be appropriate and valuable with respect to a specific study. Students recently worked in pairs to create short videos on this important topic in the course.

Here is an example produced by Jodi and Luna.

Gr. 12 Visual Arts

The Grade 12 DP Visual Arts students opened their Exhibition entitled ‘Expression’ this week.  The exhibit is a culmination of their 2 years of study in the subject of IB Visual Arts. Working in diverse mediums and styles, these students delved into a variety of themes and concepts, each one drawing on their personal inspiration and experiences to produce an impressive and significant body of work. 

Featured Students:

Denise H.

Curatorial Rationale:

Aristotle defines the distinction between humans and other animals as our ability to think rationally. On the contrary, I define “human” as an incredibly misunderstood creature. The choices we make are not solely based on reason, but also emotion, beliefs, and imagination. We experience indecisiveness, doubt, anxiety, and we yearn for solutions to problems that don’t even exist. Hence, I portrayed the theme of irrationality throughout all my chosen pieces. I utilized a variety of media, including 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional, and screen-based forms. I always ensured that I included some aspect of contrast in all my pieces—whether it be between color, shade, or composition—as well as the utilization of a human subject. My pieces were rendered in realism, surrealism, sequential art, contemporary/new-media art, Naïve art, and conceptual installation. Since irrationality contradicts reason and linear thinking, my approach was equally diverse, and inclusive of multiple art styles, disregarding rigid art boundaries. My most common medium was oil paint, since I admire it’s fluidity and susceptibility to changes and mistakes. To me, the nature of oil paint is similar to the malleability of the human mind; although we may be born with predetermined careers, we also have the ability to make detours and recreate plans. In addition, I utilized a great deal of digital art, especially to illustrate non-conventional color schemes and dream-like compositions.


‘Wreck’, Colored pencils
‘my silence is a promise i’m not willing to keep’, Charcoal and Oil paint on canvas
‘debile’, Oil paint and found objects on canvas
‘seventeen’, Oil paint & Readymade objects on wood

Jieun (Dorothy) J.

Curatorial Rationale:

In this exhibition, I aim to illustrate the theme of a teenager’s reflection of innocence by exploring the line between emotions and memories which results in yearning. I chose to explore this because I have experienced many things and realized that most of the time I want to go back to my childhood. My childhood days represent the pureness inside myself. Once I grew up and became a teenager, I was judged and criticized by others for my appearance and personality due to jealousy. Therefore, my choice of works reflects the growth of life, emotions, innocence, adolescence, and myself. My intention is to let the audience think and recall their most alluring memories in their lifetime. I have illustrated this through expressing innocence because I think that my childhood days were the most memorable and alluring moments in my life.

When curating the exhibition, I chose to include 8 works out of 10 produced in order to match the theme. The mediums that I have used were acrylic, digital, color pencil, pen, and 3D art. I mostly apply and explore tonal values, impasto, and gradient in my works. Among the 8 art pieces, the most significant pieces are Reality, Contrast, and Truth behind the Mask, and Innocence which represents the story outline of my life during my adolescence. 


Innocence’, Acrylic Paint on Canvas
‘Answer’, Digital Art
‘Contrast’, Pen and Colored pencils
‘Reality’, Acrylic Paint on Canvas

Alessandro J.

Curatorial Rationale:

I portray the theme of “Reality and Fantasy” throughout all my chosen pieces. I utilized a 2-dimensional style as well as 3-dimensional works and photography. Almost all my paintings contain elements of both reality and fantasy concepts. ‘My time in quarantine’ being the only exception to this as it features pictures directly from reality alone. Through the use of unrealistic colors in my works, I am able to render the idea of fantasy as it’s the application of my imagination. I incorporate elements of reality by utilizing designs and things used in life such as trees and people. I experimented with designs and patterns to apply my ideas and concepts in creating my artworks. The common media I utilized is acrylic paint because of its convenience and ease of application. I especially like how easy the paint spreads and fast it dries.


A Hollow Desire’, Acrylic paint on canvas
‘Historic Armies’, Acrylic Paint on Canvas
‘A Fresh Canvas’, Acrylic paint on canvas
‘Quarantine unlike anything I have seen before ’, Digital Photos

Sun-woo (Lea) L.

Curatorial Rationale:

Since childhood, I have loved to imagine. In my own imaginative world, there was no pain or sorrow, and it was a space where everything I wished was actually realized just like magic. However, the imagination in my head could not be taken or stored like a photograph, and memories may be forgotten someday. The moments of my imagination were also not clearly memorised as time passed by. In order to overcome the limit of imagination, I started drawing scenes of my imagination one by one. The result of my imaginations are my artworks in this exhibition. Each of the artworks capture moments of my imagination.

 I have  chosen 9 artworks for this exhibition. The main theme and the determined purpose of my exhibition was to deliver my recorded emotion and tell the stories about me that makes viewers  empathize with my experiences. To express various feelings, I used different kinds of materials for each artwork. I used watercolor, color pencil, gouache paint, acrylic paint, charcoal, digital media, etc. Each material has its own characteristic, and to exaggerate the texture of material, I had to apply different techniques. 


‘Shape of Ocean’, Digital Art
‘Being a Monster’, Gouache paint & Digital
‘Memory of Moments’, Watercolor & Colored Pencils
‘Prejudice and Oppression’, Charcoal

Kevin S.

Curatorial Rationale:

The concepts of my exhibition revolve around the idea of the presence of time and emotion. The feeling and the complexity of the emotions that a person would feel as they continue to experience life. Be it the future, present, or past, there is a certain strong emotion that a person would feel and I wanted to create what I felt like showing a sense of that emotion with my paintings. For this to work I needed to create artworks that I can sympathize with so that I feel like it’s a working and complete artwork. In the majority of my artworks I tend to use techniques which reflect me and how I view my memories. For the materials I used oil painting, acrylic, and charcoal. While using oil paint I use the impasto technique which makes use of thick paints as well as a palette knife to create textures that a paintbrush wouldn’t be able to replicate. As for the charcoal painting I used a charcoal stick and a charcoal pencil while making use of the kneaded eraser for the highlights and a spreader to blend the charcoal and create more texture and more complex light and shadows. As for acrylic I used basic techniques of water and brush without the paints overlapping for the most part.


‘Eternal Sunset’, Oil Paint on canvas
‘Fantasia’, Watercolor
‘Exhale’, Charcoal

PHE Classes in Remote Learning

by Mr. Ron de Villa, PE Teacher

Keeping students active is crucial for their mental and physical health – especially now, in this time, when everyone is in front of their digital gadgets most of the time. Since CIS physically closed last March, we have been finding creative ways to keep students physically active — with no gymnasiums, sports fields or playgrounds — at a time when we think the students’ physical and mental health is paramount.

PHE has been one of the most challenging subjects to teach online but the irony is, students need PHE now more than ever, not just for physical health but also for their mental health – and we value this very much.

For starters, we have designed workouts that can be done safely indoors, using common household objects that can be fashioned into exercise equipment. Where possible, we also urge students to pause for sports drills, take walks, and follow exercise workouts and log these in a journal.

Our recent unit on Happy Hormones aims to consider the effects of physical exercise on the students’ mood. This is a unit which progresses through MYP 1, 3 and 5 levels or across Grades 6-10. Part of the students’ tasks is to set a up a calendar where they will record how they feel everyday and log the workout they did outside of our PHE sessions.

In our synchronous sessions, our Grade 6 students were asked to create an instructional video for a beginner athlete wherein they will have to teach their clients unique skills of a specific sport which should contain proper terminologies and the proper way to perform the skills.

Our Grade 7 students took on the role of a specialized coach and were tasked to create a video that shows beginners how to execute and apply skills in different game situations while the Grade 8 students developed a circuit based on an analysis of their client’s performance in a specific sport by identifying what skill-related fitness components they would need to work on and how this will improve their performance.

As for Grade 9, the student’s role was to be a self-motivated learner wherein they were tasked to document the development of a set of skills over a defined period of time. They needed to clearly evaluate the improvements they have made, providing evidence. And lastly, the Grade 10’s acted as coaches and have been asked to evaluate the performance of a person who wants to improve on his skills which focuses on skill-related fitness components and how he might use these in developing his skill proficiency.

With the same Criteria to be assessed across all grade levels but in varying strands and levels, the students were asked to create products as detailed the below:

Samples from Grade 6

Samples from Grade 10

Samples from Grade 8

Our final academic glimpse is into the grade 9 PHE class: Fitness and Wellness with Coach Pio Solon

Mr.  Pio Solon is the Program Director of Epic Performance and Fitness. He graduated with a Bachelor of Sports Science degree from the University of the Philippines Diliman. He is also pursuing his post-graduate degree in International Health. Coach Pio is passionate about: 1) using fitness and wellness as a means to keeping our people healthy and disease free, knowing that a healthy populace is a productive populace, 2) using sports to develop and cultivate character in children, and 3) uplift the education of sports coaches in the country. Coach Pio is a member of the Australian Strength and Conditioning Association and currently also serves as the Athletic Director of Soutwhwestern University PHINMA. He also sits as a member of the Technical Panel for Sports and Exercise Science and Physical Education with the Commission on Higher Education as well as a member of its Regional Quality Assurance Team.

Coach Pio Solon came to our class and spoke about well being and getting better habits to support our goals on wellness. We did a little quiz as well where he showed 5 questions for different categories like with food or diet, family, religion, and many other aspects of our life that are connected to our personal well-being. We had to answer the quiz questions with a number from 1-5 with 1 being very unsatisfied with that aspect in our life and 5 being very satisfied while 3 would be neutral. After each category we would find the average from our answers and in the very end we added all those averages together to find where we are on this scale as a class and how healthy we are. It was fun and I liked doing the activity and was surprised to find my placing on the scale. Then after that we did some exercise together with him and found out a special routine to use. We now call it the Coach Pio exercise. It was tiring, but very fun. – J. Rivera G9

Dragon’s Print

Every year, on the 8th of March, we celebrate International Women’s Day to recognize  women’s achievements in various fields. Learn more about women, the challenges they have to face, and the systematic cause of these challenges on

College/Careers Counselor Corner

by Ms. Jenny Basa, College/Careers Counselor

Tip of the Week

Email addresses: Every time you create an application account for a university, an email address is required.  Please use your personal email and use your formal name. 

Sample:  Refrain using comic book characters or any fictitious name so your email address is appropriate and professional.   

Alumni Chat Series

Episode 5 – The Europe Edition is scheduled on Saturday March 27th at 8:00 PM.

Upcoming Virtual Events and Fairs

(Students & parents are welcome)


March 27
Saturday – 8:00PM

April 10 & 13-17,
for webinars
April27-30,one-on-one consultations.

SAT Update

Dates below are open for registration.  If the test will be canceled, an update will be posted here and on the school website a month to 3 weeks before the test date.

Students are advised to check the university websites for Test-optional announcements.

2020-2021 Test DatesTestRegistration Deadline
May 8, 2021SAT & SAT Subject TestsApril 8, 2021
June 5, 2021SAT & SAT Subject TestsMay 6, 2021

To register for the SAT, you may click on this link.  If you need assistance or have any questions, please feel free to email Ms. Jenny Basa at

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Newsflash: March 12, 2021

Admin News

Dear CIS Community,

One year of Remote Learning!

Today marks the completion of one year of our remote learning (RL) journey (our last day of on-campus classes was Friday, March 13, 2020). As this diagram from Visual Capitalist shows, it has certainly been an eventful year! I expect reflecting on this “anniversary” will bring up mixed feelings. On one hand, there have been numerous blessings and unique experiences that we would simply not have had if the pandemic were not to have hit us. On the other hand, there has been much pain, suffering, and angst that we have been forced to face to varying levels, including health, economic and social challenges, to name just a few.

So how are you doing? How are we (CIS Community) doing? This is a question that I would encourage all community members to ask on a regular basis throughout the crisis. One helpful way to consider this question is by thinking about it comparatively. When we do this, it opens us up to keep aware that, despite our personal struggles, we can always find something to be thankful for as situations could always be worse, and that we need to focus on areas within our sphere of control. It is important to note that our personal struggles do deserve our kind attention, however, and facing them with a growth mindset (as explained by Dr. Carol Dweck) can be an effective way of doing this.

Focus on student learning now, while preparing for the next school year

As we complete our third quarter today, thoughts of the next school year will begin to emerge more often. I am sure it will be a relief for many to note that the current situation gives us hope that we are on track to be back on campus in some form for the start of the 2021-22 school year. We are still unsure if we will have the opportunity to return to campus in our last quarter, however, we will be ready to do so in a safe manner if the opportunity presents itself. In the meantime, we urge a shared focus by all community members on helping our students to both learn as best they can through our remote learning system and keep a focus on social emotional learning (SEL). Please continue to keep up a high level of communication to address any areas of concern as soon as it arises.

Over the past week, parents will have received a re-enrolment email for the next school year. Please do reply to these promptly, as it is critical for helping us plan for next year’s classes. You will have noted the fees schedule for next year was included, and that there were no increases as we have reduced expenses to match our numbers, while maintaining the quality education CIS is dedicated to providing. Just to be sure you know where your fees go, our expenses come from:

  • employing our diverse, qualified faculty and staff (including our international teachers who come from over 10 different countries!)
  • offering the premium IB programs at all levels throughout the school
  • maintaining and developing our spacious, modern campus facilities
  • operating costs to enable our program to provide the quality learning environment we desire, such as support for specialist services and extra-curricular activities.

As a non-profit school, you have the satisfaction of knowing that ALL of your school fees go towards providing for your child’s education! To ensure transparency and accountability, our budget is developed by our staff and faculty with oversight from the Board Finance Committee, and approved by the CIS Board of Trustees (all parents). Furthermore, our finances are verified by independent auditors, and reported to the CIS Board of Trustees and CIS Corporation (CIS parents).

SEL Focus for the week: How to be a better parent during the pandemic (podcast)

As any parent can attest, the changes forced upon us all by the Covid-19 pandemic have tested our parenting skills, and in some cases, caused extreme challenges. In this 28 minute podcast by the Economist, psychotherapist and author Philippa Perry talks about the mental-health consequences for students kept out of school during the pandemic, what quality time is, and why feeling sad is part of being human.

Events and dates

  • Thanks to our STEM Committee for organizing numerous fun, engaging activities to promote Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) at all levels in the school this week.
  • Our annual Grade 12 IB Visual Art Exhibition opens virtually from next week (refer to the poster in this Newsflash).
  • Next Friday (March 19) will be our third HAD (House Activities Day) in the morning, where students enjoy student-council and faculty activities to build spirit in school houses. This is a half-day for students, as the afternoon is used by the faculty for inservice tasks (PD, accreditation and curriculum tasks).
  • This year’s CIS virtual production “Broadway Revue” also premiere this Friday, March 19 at 5:00 PM. A link will be sent to your registered email for this anticipated annual event!
  • Save the date: our next Parent Coffee meeting is on 24 March, 9-10 am.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Dr. Gwyn Underwood,

Introducing: The CIS Student Residence

The new CIS Student Residence, the school’s newly built on-campus dormitory, is now accepting students for next school year! This 3-storey modern boarding facility will house up to 40 students, with girls in the 2nd floor, and boys in the 3rd floor. We aim to provide a safe community for students who are away from home. If you have any friends or family who are interested in the dorm, please contact the Admissions office, or email

For more information, visit the Student Residence page at

Elementary News

by Mr. Glenn Davies, Elementary School Principal

One result of the restrictions placed around travel in this extended period of the pandemic has been the way professional development changed for educators. During the old normal we were able to select a piece of relevant professional development, hop on a plane and interact with other like-minded educators over an extended period of time. The advantages to this included the many hallway conversations that took place between formal sessions that enabled the exploration of new ideas and the forming of new connections. The disadvantages included the cost, and the time.

With the formation of this new normal, has come a new way of doing professional development. I regularly receive emails from individuals, publishers and professional development providers advertising anything from short 60minute free PD sessions to courses lasting several weeks, and costing hundreds of dollars. Many of our teachers have taken advantage of these opportunities. One set of courses I have found helpful have been sponsored by Corwin, a book publisher, where book authors present the major findings of their work. 

Clear Success Criteria

This week I joined a Corwin-sponsored workshop about Setting Clear Success Criteria. As educators, clear success criteria promote clarity around what we teach, and what students learn. Some key aspects of effective success criteria include;

  • Both students and teachers need to be able to define lesson learning intentions in a way that they both understand
  • Teachers and students need to design and understand the pathway learners take to meet the learning intention
  • Students and teachers need to be able to describe the multiple steps that lead to successful learning
  • Teachers and students need to be able to monitor the progress toward the learning intention

As educators there are two key questions we need to ask ourselves;

  • Key question 1: What do you want learners to say and do, if they  have truly mastered the learning intention?
  • Key Question 2: How can we create the opportunity for productive struggle as students seek to master new knowledge and skills?

At CIS we constantly seek to ensure teachers and students co-design clear success criteria, and engage in productive struggle through the process of learning mastery. 

Teachers Teaching Teachers (TTT)

Recently our teachers had the opportunity to provide professional development sessions for their colleagues in areas of expertise. One area we have been exploring as a school has been Social and Emotional Learning  (SEL) for our teachers as well as our students. One TTT session focused explicitly on this aspect. As colleagues, we gathered and explored some Grounding Exercises in Art and some Abstract Art Techniques.

Here are some of the Teachers’ artworks:

Line Exercises for Abstract Art
5 Senses Grounding Exercise
Draw to Soothing Music
Happiness Blobs

Artist/Teacher: Freya

Abstract Art
Line Exercises
Hands Grounding Exercise
Happiness Blobs

Remote Learning though the context of ART

Early Years

The EY students began a new colour unit. The students used a Color-Emotions heart to match their emotions to colors. They also created an artwork that showed both Warm and Cool Colors.

Jayden, “Warm and Cool Colors”

Grade 2

Last week we practiced drawing animals. We drew different toy animals that we had in our homes. This week we are exploring Habitats and where different animals live. We all tried to draw a habitat, some chose a forest, others chose the desert, and some chose to do an Underwater scene. We made sure that our drawings had a Background, a Middle Ground and a Foreground to give our drawings a more 3-Dimensional look, have more perspective and depth. Here is a photo of what took place during our video call.

Grade 3

The Grade 3 students practiced “Slow Looking”, by noticing and naming details on favorite toy animals, then sketching and adding appropriate color to their work. The Grade 3 students enjoyed sharing their learning during the synchronous lessons.

Kinder/Grade 1

The KG1 artwork was connected the Where we are in Place and Time that explored the concept of transportation. Students created marks on paper using wheels and other objects. The layers students have used in these pieces of artwork are very interesting.

Seungyeon (Ben), KG1 Eagles
Fiona, KG1 Tamaraw

The K/G1 students also discussed the artwork of Gustav Klimt. A story of shapes and lines was shared and the students drew the lines that they heard on paper. This strengthened their listening skills, as well as their imagination and capacity to draw what they heard.

Grade 4 
The grade 4 students created Book Cover Designs. These were based on novels linked to classroom Literacy and the Media Center. Students are now learning to digitize these book covers using Seesaw and Canva.

Book Cover Design, “Percy Jackson”, by Diana
Book Cover Design, “A Long Walk to Water”, by Anna
Book Cover Design, “Monster of Legend”, by Logan
Book Cover Design, “The day I fell into a Fairytale”, by Yahvi

Middle and High School News

by Mr. Dale Wood, Middle and High School Principal

Celebrating STEM Week

As we now reach a full year of our school being physically closed due to the Covid pandemic, we continue to move forward as a team and create educational opportunities for our students, both in the classroom and by sustaining events that celebrate and focus on specific domains of learning. STEM week has been taking place school-wide this week and serves as one example, as does the upcoming DP Visual Arts Exhibition, of events that we value and help make our students’ learning truly holistic, even in the midst of our limitations. STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, and these are all clearly important domains as we look to the future and help our students develop the tools that will enable them to make a positive impact on our changing world.

The CIS Mathematics and Science Departments have been hard at work collaborating on ways to celebrate these beautiful subjects and created a week of fun synchronous and asynchronous activities. There were challenges appropriate for all levels of learner, games, magic, presentations, learning experiences, as well as recommended viewing. 

Here is a view of the activities created for Monday’s Homeroom time:

On Monday our Grade 10, 11, and 12 participated in a Science IA Expo while Grade 6-9 students were invited to join in on a massive Science/Maths Kahoot challenge.

On Thursday Grade 10 and 11 students attended one of three meetings determined by their respective Maths teacher. Our Grade 12 students either shared their IA project they recently completed for their DP science and math courses, assisted in the Great Chicken Challenge, or served as audience members for their peers’ IA presentations. Grade 6-9 students participated in the Great Chicken Challenge. 

Science Scavenger Hunt

G2 Math & Science Potpourri

Science IA Expo

G2 Science Scavenger Hunt

Selected G11 students facilitated STEM activities for the G2s.

Week Without Walls reports continue

This week we continue to report on our WWW experience. I trust you enjoy seeing how we were able to engage our students in relevant educational and service learning, made even more impressive by the fact that it was all done virtually.

Educators of the Galaxy

The WWW sessions of the team were very productive.  The students collaborated to develop three instructional videos for each course, namely Arts, Science, Mandarin, and Spanish. The outputs are the students’ unique contributions to the broader community, particularly in fostering the need to continue learning despite the pandemic.  These videos have been posted on the school’s Youtube channel and are available for viewing.

The following are sample instructional videos from each course.

With several group feedback sessions and corresponding revisions, the process of making the instructional materials entailed creative thinking, planning, and commitment.  The students took the challenge and stepped out of their comfort zones by learning video editing skills in a short span of time and organized the content to make the videos effective for instructional purposes.

Here are the reflections of the students on this course: 

  1. What were your reasons for choosing your specific WWW course?

I chose this group for many reasons. I chose this group because I wanted to help teach other people the knowledge I have. I want to make more use of my learning in Cebu international School by teaching other students and kids my age, younger, or even way older. I also wanted to change and do something different for “week without walls”. Usually I’ll be part of groups that are in the area of charity or learning about things for individual improvement. This year I wanted to give back something else to the community. That being knowledge and education.  – Andrew

I chose the Educators of the Galaxy because as a student, I wanted to experience how teachers feel during online learning. Thought that it would be fun to learn how to teach students certain subjects and topics.  – Chewon

  1. Describe specific instances where you demonstrated the IB learner profile. 

Communicators:  Despite my WiFi connection being very unstable and my inability to join Google Meets to communicate with my peers, I was able to communicate with them through Google HangOuts really well. – Jason

Being open minded was also needed since we discussed with everyone in the main call a few times for reminders, suggestions, and presentations.  – Roland

When creating my video I demonstrated the thinker profile because I had to use a lot of different software and then combine what I made in them separately into one thing. So, there were a lot of issues with the internet and devices. I was able to get through it. – Sofia

I applied the open-minded skills of the IB learner profile in this activity. I had to think of one art material that others wouldn’t easily approach or be familiar with so that I could actually teach something and deliver new information though the video. Also, I had to be creative and open minded when considering the methods of how I will present the techniques and justifications for the ideas and suggestions I have. – Victoria

  1. What did you like or enjoy in this experience?

I liked how all of us were cooperative in our subject specific groups. I also like what we did in this course. – Aaryan

This is my first time experiencing WWW, and it was very fun, I got to explore editing videos, talked with my groupmates, and overall the experience was very nice. – Clark

I enjoyed getting to know about the topic I was teaching. It was a topic I was not very good at, but as I learned it I got more interested in it. – Jun

  1. Describe a new learning/understanding you have gained from the activity.

I’ve always wanted to learn Spanish because of the impact it made on Filipino culture. I can confidently say that I learned so much about the relationship between Spanish and Filipino. I am also more motivated to learn Spanish because of its connections to languages I already know like English and Filipino. – Jaschia

During each afternoon call, every video would have a chance to be presented, so each time a video would be played I carefully listened and learned from it. For Science, I learned about the different planets and about our solar system in general. As for Spanish, I learned where the language came from and how the Filipino language is very closely related to Spanish. For Art, I learned about tonal values, what it is and its application. As for in Mandarin, I learned what the Mandarin numbers and family members are. – Lea

  1. Recall the Mission Vision, Philosophy, and the rest of our guiding statements. Pick a line from any of these and link to something you did during this community service week.

“Learning is a joyful, creative, and open-ended exploration.”

I got to learn more about Spanish, which was very significant to me as an Ab Initio student. I was also able to share knowledge and lessons with help from my schoolmates and Senor Daniel. We were able to use creativity when making the presentations and did our best to make them as fun as possible. Students from other schools, even those who don’t take Spanish, will be able to pick up a lot from the videos. – Pristina

“Collaboration, communication, and contribution are essential for learning.” This would apply to communicating and collaborating with my partner with this presentation and we both contributed to the video we created. – Stefen

Social Media Campaigns

On February 16-19, CIS held its annual Week Without Walls- a program through which students from Grades 6-11 engage in either internationally or locally based community service opportunities. This takes learning beyond the classroom and helps students embrace their potential to make a difference.  

Our group’s activity allowed students to explore how to create social media content and put their theory into practice. During that week, the students created Social Media Campaigns for selected local Non-government Organizations (NGO), which they may opt to use for fundraisings or other activities which aim to broaden their ‘reach’ on social media. The content depended on what each organization wanted or needed in the hopes that whatever product the students created would be useful for them.

The week started with a session which was led by Mr. Monfre which tackled topics on what makes a good social media post, Digital Media creation, as well as video and software programs to use (Canva, WeVideo etc). In the afternoon, the students met with the 5 different NGO representatives to discuss how they wanted to go forward with their social media content. As the week went along, we also had a Design workshop specifically on creating digital media content, as well as a lot of feedback time with co-students, with teachers, and with the NGO representatives themselves. 

The 5 NGOs that our group worked with were Light of Hope PH, Gawad Kalinga, Everlasting Hope, RIse Above Foundation, and Yellow Boat of Hope Foundation. We were thrilled to work with them in this capacity as this was the first time that an activity with the goal of promoting these NGOs through social media, was able to happen. There were definitely a lot of ideas and collaboration that went into planning the content and presentation for each of the organizations.

With more than 30 student sign-ups, we were able to have at least 5 students and 1 teacher work with 1 of each of the 5 NGOs. This enabled us to come up with more than what was expected from each group in terms of posters or videos that the NGOs could use. We’re happy that in the end, we were able to help them in this particular way, which was certainly relevant and was able to use the ‘digital’ talents of our students. We are looking forward to continuing this activity in the future.

Here are some feedback from students who joined the Social Media Campaign activity:

When asked: How does the work you did this week benefit the NGO? Diego K. said that “I think it benefited the NGO since we were able to create free advertisements and awareness posters as well as videos for them. I also think it gave them ideas or inspiration on what they could change. Lastly, I think that we benefited the NGO’s by letting them know that we are willing to do this each year for WWW.”

When Edrigu U. was asked what he learned about the NGOs and how to cater to their needs as their “clients”?  He mentioned virtual meetings with the NGO representative helped them learn more about the NGO and getting feedback from teachers and co-students helped show them how they can improve on their poster and video.

Sean U. said that “I developed the caring IB learner profile because after what we learned about the situation of the children, it opened my eyes and made me count my blessings. I decided to give my best efforts to help them spread awareness.” in response to the questions: “What IB Learning Profile traits did you develop this week? What activities help you develop these traits?”

On what was their favorite part of this WWW activity, Fiana B. said: “Since we’re doing this virtually, I don’t get to communicate with my other friends from other grade levels. But I like how www has mixed grades in them, so I get to talk to them and share our ideas.” Sean Killen added, “My favorite part was tapping into my artistic side and attempting to edit and create posters as I am not that good at digital media creation.”

And finally, for next year, most students would prefer to do this face-to-face with the different NGOs and others would love to have more time and more practice in creating digital media.

Sample Work

You are also invited to check out links to the content our groups created:

Everlasting Hope | Yellow Boat of Hope | Light of Hope PH

Grade 12 Visual Arts Exhibition

The Cebu International School Visual Arts 12 Exhibition

March 15 – March 26, 2021 | Website Link

The Cebu International School Visual Arts 12 Exhibition presents the work of the talented Grade 12 Visual Art students as a culmination of their 2 years study of IB Visual Arts. Working in diverse mediums and styles, these students delved into a variety of themes and concepts, each one drawing on their personal inspiration and experiences to produce an impressive, significant body of work.

Featured Students

Denise H.
Jieun (Dorothy) J.
Alessandro J.
Sun-woo (Lea) L.
Kevin S.

CIS Presents: Broadway Revue

Mark your calendars for this years’ virtual production titled: Broadway Revue featuring our students’ renditions of famous musical performances of all time!

Friday, March 19 • 5:00 PM

A link will be sent to your Inbox next week for the premiere of the production, and look out for the teaser this Monday assembly!

Dragon’s Print & Student Announcements

“The show must go on” and indeed it does, as Dragon’s Print features the behind the scenes production of this year’s virtual “Broadway Revue”! Read more on

Additionally, Dragon’s Print is opening submissions for art and written works for our May 2021 digital magazine with the theme “Hope” or “At Last I See The Light”, inspired by Disney’s Tangled. Details on the poster below!

Students may send their works to before the deadline. Questions or concerns may be directed to the same email as well.

We look forward to seeing your works!

College/Careers Counselor Corner

by Ms. Jenny Basa, College/Careers Counselor

Tip of the Week: Teacher Recommendations

If the university you are applying to requires a letter of recommendation from a subject teacher, here are some tips to remember:

  • Choose a teacher who knows you very well
  • Write a formal request via email and have a conversation with the teacher where possible at least a month to 3 weeks prior to the deadline. 
  • If you are not sure who to ask, choose the teacher in a subject related to the program you are applying for or ask for advice from your counselor. 
  • Have a conversation with the teacher if there are specific aspects of your performance you would like to be mentioned in the letter

Coming Soon!

ALUMNI CHAT SERIES: Episode 5 – The Europe Edition

Upcoming Virtual Events and Fairs: (students & parents are welcome)


March 13

March 13
1:30- 5:00PM


Enderun Colleges (Philippines)
Orientation Session
Link to register

IDP Philippines Study in Australia & New Zealand Virtual Fair
Link to register

– Australian Catholic University
– Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School and Torrens  University
– Canterbury Institute of Management
– Charles Darwin University
– CQUniversity
– Deakin University
– Federation University
– Griffith University
– Kaplan Business School
– King’s Own Institute
– La Trobe University
– Macquarie University
– Monash University
– RMIT University
– University of Adelaide with University of Adelaide College
– University of Canberra
– University of Notre Dame Australia
– University of Queensland
– University of South Australia
– University of Sydney
– University of Technology Sydney
– University of Western Australia
– Victoria University

– Massey University
– Victoria University of Wellington
– Southern Institute of Technology

March 15

March 15 – 20

SP Jain School of Global Management – Australia
Link  to register

University of Ottawa (Canada)
Virtual Open House
Link to register and the schedule of events

March 18

University of Pennsylvania (USA)
Chat with Global Penn Alumni
Link to register

SAT Update

March 13 SAT test date has been cancelled.

Students are advised to check the university websites for Test-optional announcements.

2020-2021 Test DatesTestRegistration Deadline
March 13, 2021SAT only (no Subject tests)Cancelled
May 8, 2021SAT & SAT Subject TestsApril 8, 2021
June 5, 2021SAT & SAT Subject TestsMay 6, 2021

To register for the SAT, you may click on this link.  If you need assistance or have any questions, please feel free to email Ms. Jenny Basa at

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Newsflash: March 5, 2021

Admin News

Our annual calendar formation process has been somewhat delayed this year as we struggled with the uncertainties for the future that the pandemic brings. The most recent indications are that we will be able to start the new school year on campus, so we are looking forward to seeing everyone in person again. We have learnt that nothing is certain, however, so we are prepared to adapt as needed, just as we did this year. What will not change is our commitment to providing a quality education in whatever form we need, and to continue to make improvements as we learn how to do it better! Here are our 2021/22 skeleton calendar dates summarizing our school year. A full version with all events will be distributed shortly.

CIS Skeleton Calendar 2021/2022 (Semesters and main holiday dates)

*Events subject to change (proceed virtually, reschedule or cancel) depending on health restrictions at the time

Aug 3

Family Orientation (All new families & G5-12 students, 1-3pm)

Aug 4

First day of Classes for Semester 1

Oct 4-8

October (mid-semester) Break

Dec 10

Last day of Classes for Semester 1 (half day)

Dec 13 – Jan 3

Christmas/Semester Break

Jan 4

First Day of Classes Semester 2

Jan 31 – Feb 1

Chinese New Year (Holiday)

Apr 11-18

Easter/Spring (mid-semester) Break

Jun 9

Last Day of School & Moving Up Ceremonies (half day)


Dr. Gwyn Underwoood

Notice of Regular Corporation Meeting

The General Membership Meeting for all CIS Corporation Member will be on Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 7:00pm via zoom.

Elementary News

by Mr. Glenn Davies, Elementary School Principal

This past week has been another exciting week of learning for our students.  I’m sure you noticed that your children only received two days of formal classes last week.  Although your children had the opportunity to take some additional days away from their ICT device, the teachers were hard at work involved in professional learning. One aspect that makes an IB school like CIS stand out from other schools is the emphasis we place in ongoing professional learning for our faculty.  

In this current pandemic context, an increasing emphasis has emerged on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). SEL has always been part of our school context, and is represented well within our IB Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills and attributes, however as a school we recognise SEL needs have increased in importance during these times of Remote Learning. CASEL is one leading organisation who have invested considerable time and funds into identifying ways in which schools, and other community based organizations can effectively meet SEL needs. These needs can be described in five broad categories; 

  • Self-Awareness
  • Social Awareness
  • Responsible Decision-Making
  • Self-Management
  • Relationship Skills

Casel Framework – all rights reserved

During the professional development, days our teachers conducted a deep dive into understanding the CASEL framework in greater detail, and developing action plans to design collaborative school-wide approaches to meeting our student’s SEL needs. 

Philippine Language and Culture – Grade 2

As we continue to explore the Philippine culture, Grade 2 kicked off their unit by learning the different major celebrations and festivals in the Philippines. After watching a video featuring various celebrations and festivals, they picked one to dig further. Through research they inquired and found  out more about the celebration and festival.

During the first week of our inquiry, the Grade 2 students formulated questions about their chosen celebration or festival and listed the resources to use. To search and discover a variety of information about the celebration and festival, the students created thin and thick questions.

Grade 2- Creating thin and thick questions to help them inquire and know more about their chosen festival and celebration.

As we moved forward in the process, the students began to conduct research to obtain information and the history of their respective festivals. They sorted and selected the relevant information they would like to share with classmates and teachers. Based on these information they finalized and summarized the information and presented them as fun facts on celebrations/festivals. The students also created a timeline of its history or how the celebration or festival started and evolved over time.

“Fun Facts about my festival/celebration and a timeline of its history”

To conclude our unit about the Philippines’ major celebrations and festivals, the students shared what they discovered about it in the class. Moreover, they shared their final output in the blog section and gave their T.A.G. feedback (T-tell what you like, A-ask a question, G-give a suggestion) to their classmates’ research. Then, we reflected and shared our learnings, discoveries, and realizations about the importance of celebrations and festivals in the Philippines and their experiences throughout the research process.

Color-Symbol-Image (CSI): Reflection about the Major Celebrations and Festivals in the Philippines

Physical Education 

by Coach Jay

Early Years 3/4
In PE, our Early Years students are currently engaged in several interactive games during our synchronous sessions. Recently, we did a campus tour while doing physical challenges such as running and dodging with the aliens. Students were all excited to see the school virtually and get to ‘meet and greet’ our friendly animated dinosaurs inside CIS.

Grades 2/3
The Grades 2 and 3 students are now focusing on learning how to skip rope, specifically the correct ways of holding, jumping and getting the timing when skipping. They have started doing the ‘Virtual Adventure Challenge’ this week in which they have to do a certain number of skipping rope, jumping jacks and other forms of physical exercises.

Kinder/Grade 1
Kinder and Grade 1 students participated in different types of physical activities that help them improve their hand-eye coordination, agility, speed and balance. These are ”Space Chase”, “Jurassic Chase” and “Guess Who?” games. Our “Adventure Challenge” just launched this week wherein students can climb to the mountain by doing a specific number of air squats, burpees,  skipping rope, jumping jacks and mountain climbers.

Grades 4/5
Grades 4 and 5 students are currently working on how to improve their speed and agility when skipping rope. They had a good class collaboration about effective  techniques and strategies on how to be able to do more skips in 5 minutes. One of them also brought up the idea of having a friendly virtual competition with the Grade 4 sometime in March. They are also working on their individual sport skills using any improvised materials or sports equipment available at home. One of the most exciting activities they’ve been doing in our PE class is creating their own  instructional videos showcasing sport skills that they have mastered.

Grade 5

In Grade 5 this week, we started our new UOI,  Sharing the Planet. The students were introduced to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG). There are 17 goals and each one tackling an important issue that the world is facing. We divided the goals among the Grade 5 students for them to research on.  They presented each goal to their classmates through Seesaw Blog. By doing this we are also preparing them for their PYPx. Once they are familiar with the SDG, we can set up their topic for the PYPx. 

Middle and High School News

by Mr. Dale Wood, Middle and High School Principal

Week Without Walls reports

Given that our teachers were fully immersed in our MYP Workshop last week, we will begin reporting on our WWW experiences over the next few weeks, beginning today. As we have shared previously, this year’s Week Without Walls was unique for several reasons. The most noticeable is that all courses were virtual, but there have been other important modifications that have been implemented in order to make WWW a wonderful learning experience for our students, and also one that aligns with our CIS core beliefs, the UN Sustainable Goals, and the values we share with respect to service learning.

WWW – Everlasting Hope

led by Corryn Smith, Eddie Clements, Dinah Catalan, and Steve Campbell

Never lose hope tomorrow could be the day that you were waiting for.

The mission of Everlasting Hope is to give comfort to the sick. Children awaiting hospital treatment in Cebu City are housed and cared for during their treatment period before returning to their province; this can seem like a long time for anyone, especially a child, to be away from home.  Our virtual visit to EHope was to bring a little light and happiness to the 13 children currently in residence there. Most children were under 5 years old, and our CIS students designed Arts and crafts activitis, as well as cooking tasks to be done with their helpers.

Everlasting Hope Virtual Visit

Students were asked to make a video of themselves giving simple instructions and demonstrating the steps to make the product. CIS students also generously donated any consumables that would be needed for the activities.

“I felt that my actions were valuable because the kids seemed to really enjoy the craft and it did not seem too difficult for them. These kids are going through some really tough things and I was glad that I could distract them, even if it was just for a little bit. I tried my best to really connect with them and show I am trying to help them make the best out of their situation.”  Bea- G9                           

“The whole point of this program is to be of service, and more specifically be of service to cancer patients in these trying times in the context of the Everlasting Hope course. Choosing to create a cooking video and sending ingredients to the center is in line with the purpose of the program because it is a way of helping others through our talents and blessings.”  Renoa- G10

“I learned to cook, I learned the feeling of helping people, and I learned how to make a suitable video for a certain age.” Elijah, G8

Grade 8 Math

by Ms. Maria Victoria Bacus, Grade 8 Mathematics Teacher

Our Grade 8 students have been introduced to Linear Equations in Two Variables. Students were busy exploring various resources to help them demonstrate their understanding. They have used Geogebra to gain a better understanding of graphs of linear equations. In teams, they played the slope-intercept basketball game and took turns  answering the questions about important facts on linear equations. They also played the Linear Equations Jeopardy game to enhance their knowledge in a variety of contexts. Lastly, students were assigned individual tasks on Lines and Graphs with different levels of difficulty to continue building or strengthening their skills and concepts of linear equations in slope-intercept form. 

Here are some of the resources we have been using in class:

Students could choose to explore these resources that allow them to play games and review concepts to strengthen their skills on Equations of Lines in Slope-Intercept Form.

Whole Group Discussion


Great software for working with graphs, diagrams, functions, spreadsheets, statistics, calculus and much, much more.


A free online graphing calculator


“This is a really handy site to use. This is because it can help you plot graphs and double check your points if they are in a line or not.” Aaryan

“I think these sources are good because it can help you check your answers”– Elijah

“I think that geogebra is a pretty easy to use program and it really helps with slopes” – Miguel

“I think GeoGebra is a really useful website especially when pinpointing the point for each equation. It’s not difficult to use either and I think it would be essential to use for class discussions or activities when it’s needed.”  – Gabrielle

“I think geogebra is very useful since it is hard to graph a line on paper and would take some time but when we use geogebra it takes  just a second.” – Sengo

Team Review

Slope-Intercept Basketball Game


“I think this is a good way to practice what we have learned. First we should revise to help us remember and then we will perform better in class.” – Caleb

“I think the slope-intercept basketball game was alright but it was not as fun compared to jeopardy and does not have much competitiveness.”

– Sengo

Team Review

Linear Equations Jeopardy Game

Linear Equations and Graphing


“I think the Jeopardy Game is fun. I like it because you earn points for every correct answer as well as encouraging you to think about the questions or equations shown and come up with an answer.  You also get to pick the number of points that contain different equations and questions.” – Gabrielle

“I liked the concept of the resource because of the efficient use of activities and answers provided for each answer. I think this would be the most effective learning resource for this unit.” – Roland

“This is a fun and interactive way of learning with your classmates. It is also a very nice way to learn slopes. This also promotes collaboration if this is done in groups.” – Aaryan

“This game is okay. I feel that it’s good if it’s played between teams. However, I find it quite confusing, maybe because I’m not that good at math. I suggest that after every round, an explanation/solution could be given so that we can understand.” – Fiana

“Jeopardy is really fun since I have fun competing with close friends or other classmates and it makes me do better overall.” – Miguel

Individual Practice

Line Graphs

Graphing Lines

Graphing Slope Intercept


“The appearance could have been a bit more attractive and more simple, but the timer was a good extension to add since it’s the suitable time. I think that this is a very good learning source.” – Roland

“I think that these sources are good because it can be fun and educational.” – Elijah

“Line graph is another good graphing program that is pretty cool.” – Miguel

G11 Math Applications and Interpretation SL

by Ms. Maria Victoria Bacus, Grade 11 Mathematics

Applications and interpretation is the course with an emphasis on statistics, modelling and use of technology. This quarter, students have been introduced to the world of Statistics. 

The students have practiced the use of technology in solving different real world problems.

Here are some students’ reflections regarding our unit:

So far I feel that the current topic we are learning now is much easier than the topics of last year. I am getting the groove of the math classes now and I am finding more time during my day to study math. I am still not very confident in my math skills as of right now, however I feel as though I am slowly improving. So far, math class (activities, investigations, homework) have been good and have helped me improve my math skills. – Sakura

I think we could explore more kinds of problem types through the Investigation part in the workbook. I think it was better to explore and discuss the various problems together in class than to solve the problem only and check the answer. – Kyoung Min

In our Math class this month, we have been learning about Statistics. We have had different activities such as group activities and investigation activities to be able to learn more about the topic in depth. – Umi

In this unit of Math AI SL we learned about central tendencies and how we can use our TI calculators in order to sort the data and find the central tendencies as well as the standard deviation, range, IQR, etc. I really enjoyed this unit because it was simple, yet I learned a lot not only just about the topic itself but how to use my TI calculator in a more efficient way. – Daigo

We’ve been doing a lot of mathematical practice and now studying statistics. This unit’s topic is much easier compared to the past topics so I will try my best to get the grades higher than the past semester. – Tatsu

For this month’s topic we have been learning about Mean, Median, Mode, LQ, IQR, and more. So far these topics are easier than we had before. For this unit, I hope to get better grades. So far I am doing well with this topic because I have received a good grade in the recent quiz. – Sakura

I think that our math topic right now is very interesting as Statistics can be seen in the real world. On top of being understandable in my opinion, this topic can link with other subjects like Business and Biology. With this topic there are many ways of answering a question, some may use Excel, a TI calculator, manual computing, or a mix of all. Overall this topic has been interesting and I am eager to learn more. – Sean

The topics and activities of Math AI-SL this month were decent. Those made me stimulated to study and also I was able to focus more on the activities as well. – Huni

For this month’s topics, we have been learning about median, mode, mean, LQ, IQ, etc. So far, these topics are a lot easier than the topics we had previously discussed. I am hoping to get better grades for this unit and so far, this is going well since I got a pretty good grade on my quiz. – Elena

Grade 12 Math Applications and Interpretation SL

by Ms. Maria Victoria Bacus, Grade 12 Mathematics

Here we are celebrating the achievements of the 12th Graders who successfully rose to the challenge of Remote Learning.

After Mock Exam Reflections:

Dos and Don’ts

3 common misunderstandings

Strategies to Share

Outline three dos and three don’ts when taking mock exams. Outline what you think might be the three most common mistakes students make when taking the mock exams. Share what strategies you used to successfully complete the mock exams during remote learning times.
Dos and Don’ts Strategies to Share
1) Study before the exam, look through all the topics and create a schedule2)
2) Stay calm
3) Be aware of the time during the exam
1) Don’t procrastinate
2) Don’t stress out

3) Don’t just stay on one number during the test-Denise
1) When reviewing the exam, time yourself
2) Combine exercises from books and past papers3) Rest  
1) Don’t stress out

2) Don’t try to confuse yourself
3) Do not slack off-Amanda
1) Study at least 1-2 weeks before the exam.
2) Use the 5-minute reading time wisely.
3) Review your answers before submission.
1) Don’t stick too long on a problem

2) Don’t forget to set the calculator to degree mode and diagnostic on.3) Don’t forget to charge your calculator and take deep breaths during exams.
1) Watching youtube videos from Revision 
 Village to refresh my memory especially the G11 topics2) Look into textbooks, notes, and past papers to practice IB-style questions 
3) Ask other people for any helpRomana
1) You should always study beforehand
2) Seek help from teachers or parents
3) Practice with questions from the book or IB past papers
1) Take into consideration time and your weaknesses.
2) Use a lot of online resources like past papers, studyib websites, and revision village.3) In class, you should be ready to ask your questions to the teacher.-Stuart
1) Make sure that you read the questions carefully.
2) Make sure that you are ready the night before.3) Revise and review
1) Don’t panic.
2) Don’t rush.3) Don’t write awfully. Write legibly.-Masako
1) Read through everything.
2) Do the questions you are most confident in.

3) Always set your calculator in degree mode.\

1) Don’t overthink it.
2) Don’t look at the time.

3) Don’t go to the first you see. You have to read through it all.

Language & Literature 6

by Ms. Noelle Aliño

This unit the Grade 6 students have been comparing and contrasting the book version of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief to its movie version. They have enjoyed switching from reading each chapter to watching the next scene in the movie. Whenever they spot a difference they eagerly send their comments in the chat box while we are viewing the movie. This activity has helped them hone their skills for Criterion A especially that of evaluating similarities and differences by connecting features across and within genres and texts. 

*Warning: there might be some spoilers in these student samples.

Comparisons (Similarities)Type of similarity or difference
In the book he lives in a dorm, but in the movie, he lives with his mother. - AndrewSetting
Both talk about the greek mythology or about gods. - SakiCharacterization
Contrasts (Differences)Type of similarity or difference
Instead of starting in the museum in the movie it started with Zeus and Poseidon talking about the stolen lightning. - ChloeSetting
In the book Percy stays in the academy’s dorm. In the movie he lives with his mother in an apartment. - JPPlot
We meet Annabeth when she is sword fighting in the movie. But in the books she is feeding him pudding while Percy is asleep. - NiñoPlot

English Language & Literature 11 SL

by Mr. Corryn Smith

G11 English SL students have been examining various text types and bodies of work from various writers and artists regarding several Global issues they will explore for their Internal Assessments coming in May. In our study of political cartoonists, students are challenged to create their own original cartoons expressing one of their chosen Global Issues through the lens of cartoon commentary. The following example from one of last year’s grade 11 students illustrates a student’s commentary on notions of gender identity and inequality in the world today.

Images by Reina Y.

Language & Literature 9

by Mr. David Gibson

Year 9 students have been studying Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Related in age to the central characters, questions of good and evil and the potential of savagery in the base human spirit were raised in these questioning young minds:

“…what man would do if the bare essentials [of daily living] are taken away. [It gave] a new perspective on this topic [it] made me think about our society on a deeper level.” Alessandra F.

In our current global challenge Golding’s purpose is brought fully to the fore in giving students an insight into “…so many different things in life such as raw human nature and morals…

I really enjoyed how it made me ask myself if I’m really a good person, or if I’m just better at justifying/hiding my “evil” thoughts, actions, and choices because of my surroundings and rules.” Seohyun P.

Thus students were challenged on intrinsically moral questions of human nature, also asking them to consider where social responsibility may lie in ourselves and in our present world.

“You see the character development and what the author was trying to portray that evil is within us all and that is something I took away from the book, it gives new perspective and views on life.” Jandra R.

Students are encouraged to thus question Golding’s perspective and challenge it intellectually and emotionally at a personal and contemporary level in terms of their own living environments.

“It really resonated with me. I really like how it approached this through the character as it gave me more realization on what life really is.” Maximus S.

College/Careers Counselor Corner

by Ms. Jenny Basa, College/Careers Counselor

Tip of the Week

Apply early! The final year in high school is college application time.  Application platforms start to open as early as August (for most US universities).  If one applies early, the admissions result is released earlier too.  This takes the pressure off and students can focus on finishing the year strong.  Universities around the world have different application timelines.  It is important to know these start and end dates of the admission period for specific universities which may be of interest to you.  If you are not sure how to find this information, speak to your college counselor and set an appointment.  (email:

Coming Soon:  Alumni Chat Series: Episode 5 – The Europe Edition

Upcoming Virtual Events and Fairs: (students & parents are welcome)


March 9
Tuesday – 2:00PM

March 10

March 11
1:30 PM

March 13
1:30- 5:00PM


School of Visual Arts (USA)
Link to join

University of Hong Kong & Peking University
Dual Degree Info Session
Link to register

Lingnan University (Hong Kong)
Virtual Open House
Link to register

IDP Philippines Study in Australia & New Zealand Virtual Fair
Link to register

• Australian Catholic University
• Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School and Torrens  University
• Canterbury Institute of Management
• Charles Darwin University
• CQ University
• Deakin University
• Federation University
• Griffith University
• Kaplan Business School
• King’s Own Institute
• La Trobe University
• Macquarie University
• Monash University
• RMIT University
• University of Adelaide with University of Adelaide College
• University of Canberra
• University of Notre Dame Australia
• University of Queensland
• University of South Australia
• University of Sydney
• University of Technology Sydney
• University of Western Australia
• Victoria University

• Massey University
• Victoria University of Wellington
• Southern Institute of Technology

SAT Update

March 13 SAT test date has been cancelled.

Students are advised to check the university websites for Test-optional announcements.

2020-2021 Test DatesTestRegistration Deadline
March 13, 2021SAT only (no Subject tests)Cancelled
May 8, 2021SAT & SAT Subject TestsApril 8, 2021
June 5, 2021SAT & SAT Subject TestsMay 6, 2021

To register for the SAT, you may click on this link.  If you need assistance or have any questions, please feel free to email Ms. Jenny Basa at

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Newsflash: February 19, 2021

Admin News

Week Without Walls (WWW)

It was wonderful to see the enjoyment from our students as they participated in “outside classroom walls” learning activities this week for our annual Week Without Walls. Having to go virtual was a challenge, but congratulations are in order to the faculty for planning activities that engaged students in thoughtful activities, and to our students who contributed through their participation.

The philosophy behind CIS having WWW is centered on our belief in the importance of experiential, constructivist learning, and the explicit development of a wide range of skills and attributes identified as Approaches to Learning (ATL) and Learner Profile (LP) attributes. We believe providing an extended period of time outside the classroom to engage in purposefully planned activities enables our students to develop many of these skills and attributes in ways that are not possible or are more difficult, in a classroom setting.

Early Years WWW 2021: Kiean modeling his design, created using the design process to help protect his skin from different kinds of weather. He also used recycled materials to show our need to care for our environment!

All of our WWW activities were designed around the promotion of one or more of the following areas: creativity, activity/action, service learning and/or intercultural/international mindedness. In addition, interdisciplinary/curriculum links were explored when the opportunity presented. Service learning has been designated as a particular focus for CIS, therefore aspects of Service Learning were included in all WWW activities so as to contribute towards our Service Learning objectives as well. Please enjoy the reports below from the various WWW activities!

CIS Parent Coffee

It was great to chat with parents at our CIS Parent Coffee this past Wednesday morning. The PTA ran this meeting and we discussed fundraising activities such as online bazaars, and shared various aspects of Social Emotional Learning that we apply to ourselves. It was a nice relaxing meeting, and we encourage more parents to join next time to get the benefit of community support from the PTA!

*Save the date: Our next Parent Coffee meeting will be on March 24 (Wed) at 9am.

Please note, next week Feb 24-26th is a school holiday.
FYI, our faculty will be spending two of these three days on professional development (PD) after our November PD days were rescheduled to cater to our IB MYP workshop.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Dr. Gwyn Underwood,

Elementary News

by Mr. Glenn Davies, Elementary School Principal

Dear Elementary Community

Each year during mid February Cebu International School hosts the annual Week Without Walls (WWW) event. This is a week when increased focus is placed upon Service Learning (SL) and Outdoor Education. Like many concepts, there are a number of definitions for Service learning, however, the core intention of SL is to help students develop deeper levels of empathy for others who do not have access to the privileges and benefits we may have access to. Remote Learning has again required our teachers to rethink the way they design these Service Learning experiences for students. To help guide the Week Without Walls events, the Elementary Teachers developed a WWW Playbook, where the four pillars of Curriculum, Service, Outdoor Education, Creativity guided their decisions and plans. Each experience the teachers designed were considered in light of these four concepts;

Where possible connections are made to the Units of Inquiry being focused on during the school year.

CIS aims to be involved in sustainable service projects and avoid temporary efforts that enable us to feel good. At the elementary level we acknowledge this can be more challenging to achieve, so where possible we work with existing partners to continue relationships we may already have, or have used in previous years. We also acknowledge that the focus of these service projects are to change the way our students view the world and to develop within them greater levels of empathy and care.

Outdoor Education
While carefully managing and minimizing risk factors, we aim to provide students with a range of ‘challenge by choice’ activities where they may extend their own levels of self-efficacy, physical skill, and self-management.

We aim to ensure students are actively involved in meaningful problem finding and problem solving experiences that are memorable, highly engaging and become a reference point for future challenges that emerge in their lives.

Again I am incredibly proud of what our teachers have been able to design and implement, while also being incredibly proud of how your children, our students, have engaged and responded to these experiences and challenges.  Please continue reading below, to learn more about the WWW experiences students have been engaging with during the past week.

Early Years  2/3 Week Without Walls

Our youngest learners participated in a range of experiences that focused on supporting the UN Sustainable Goal #3 – Good Health and Well-being, in order to extend their understanding of the five senses. During the Design Day on Tuesday our young designers created an invention to protect their ears from loud and unpleasant sounds. During Thursday’s Design Day, students invented a way to protect their skin from different kinds of weather.  With support from you, the adults at home, they were able to produce creative and innovative designs which they proudly shared with their friends. 

Students sharing their skin protection designs

In order to show appreciation to the members of their household who care and help them each day, the Early Years students learned how to provide some kind services to their family members, such as massages, foot spas, pleasant lullabies, eye exercise, and relaxation techniques. This opportunity helped students to understand the concept of serving others. The EY 2/3s culminated the WWW with a virtual tour led by Coach Jay, that included some physical challenges and virtual sightseeing. To conclude WWW, students had a virtual picnic and prepared their own sandwiches that required them to make use of their five senses.

Students engaged EY service and relaxation techniques

Kinder and Grade 1 Tamaraws

In connection to the UN Sustainable Goals specifically SDG No. 4 – Quality Education, the Kinder and Grade 1 students designed and created their very own word and number games. Then for  SDG No.6 – Clean Water and Sanitation, students designed and built marble runs. Each morning this week, the students shared their designs and gave feedback to one another to improve their designs. By the end of each day, the students were able to make changes and modifications to their designs. This involved adjusting the rules in their games, and re-building their marble runs so the water/marble flowed more smoothly.

In line with the United Nations Sustainable Goals #4 of ‘Quality Education’, the KG/G1 students designed a board game for someone else to play. Their board game was created  to teach a specific skill (i.e literacy or number skill).


To make connections to the UN Goal #6, ‘Clean Water and Sanitation’, the KG1 students made their own marble run. The marble could represent the water. They find ways and ensure that the water can flow smoothly to all areas of a town or city.

Grade 2-3 Week Without Walls: Camp Chronos

The Grades 2 and 3 students have been focusing on SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities. On Day 1 of Week Without Walls, students connected with and built on their current unit of inquiry (Where We Are in Place and Time) by exploring inequalities in the past. Having already learned about the Civil Rights Movement and disability rights, they turned their focus to material resources. Time-traveling back to the early 1940s, they realized that factories had stopped producing toys during WWII and few families had money to spare. How they dearly missed their favorite toys and games from 2021! Looking to then make their own toys and games, they realized that materials like rubber, metal, and wood were also scarce… and plastic would not be common for another 10-20 years! The students showed their creativity and perseverance by designing working toys and games with limited resources and showed how they can respond to challenges. 

Students sharing their designs aimed at reducing inequality

On Day 2 of WWW, the Grades 2 and 3 students then traveled back to 2021 and participated in a total of 10 hands-on, experiential learning activities to experience a range of inequalities that people still face around the world today. They carried water containers on their heads through treacherous roads, washed and hung their own laundry, and felt indignant about receiving unequal pay for their hard work. They connected these experiences to poverty (SDG 1), unequal access to quality education (SDG 4), and gender inequality (SDG 5). They learned about the global food crisis (SDG 2), as well as wars, disasters, and discrimination that make places unsafe for people to live in different areas (SDG 16). Given just five minutes to pack their bags and flee their homes to take on perilous journeys, they also reflected on how difficult and life-changing this experience would be for refugees, who often also face additional challenges post-settlement.

Students engaging in a wide range of hands-on experiential learning opportunities to deepen their understanding of inequalities

At the time of writing, the students are in the midst of their second design challenge for Day 3 of WWW to create and innovate products in response to these challenges. They are also drawing connections between SDG 10 and the other SDGs, coming to the realization that the SDGs are crucially interconnected. Tomorrow, they will bring everything together and explore how other people have innovated in response to significant events and challenges through history. We look forward to reflecting on our experiences together! WWW has been a fantastic opportunity for students to gain insight, develop empathy, exercise their creative thinking skills, demonstrate persistence, and build on their social relationships. Well done, Grades 2 and 3!

Grade 2-3 students, family members, and teachers keeping WWW traditions alive and well during remote learning with a virtual campfire in the evening with s’mores, songs, and stories

Grades 4 and 5 @ Week Without Walls

Grade 4 and 5 shelter designs

This shelter was slept in overnight and was still standing on Friday morning

Grade 4 and 5 students started the week by each planning their own schedule for a “Quality Education” tech-free day. This was aligned to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal #4 – ‘Quality Education’. This provided students with the challenge that communication technology, such as cellphones, tablets, iPads or computers would not be available to them. It posed some challenges, but they were able to pull through with it. 

During the week, the students were able to learn from a primary information source,  a guest speaker who shared her experience about being a refugee from Zimbabwe. The students were enthralled with Ms. Kim’s story, and her experience of leaving home with virtually nothing, including no money, and having to start all over again. They were able to compare and contrast this with our second speaker, a refugee from Vietnam.

The students also designed and built their own shelter to simulate the experience of being in a refugee camp. They were able to use different materials, and had to test and modify their structures to ensure they were durable. The shelter should be waterproof, windproof, and ‘earthquake’ proof. They also made their own meals for the day. Everyone had a memorable and meaningful experience by creating, building, and some even choosing sleeping in their shelter. They were excited to make their own meals. We culminated the day with a combined Grade 4/5 Talent Show on Thursday night.

Middle and High School News

by Mr. Dale Wood, Middle and High School Principal

This week our students have all been involved in a range of WWW courses carefully engineered and implemented by their teachers. As I have stopped by on virtual visits this week, it has been heartening and wonderful to witness our students both having a good time and learning. Lots of smiles and laughter! I want to give a sincere and hearty shout out to our teachers for taking on a challenging situation (virtual WWW) and making it excellent, engaging, and enjoyable! Next week we will have reports from each group as to our students’ experience and learning.

Just to whet your appetite, here is an glimpse into what one of our groups have been doing this week:

WWW Update from the Educators of the Galaxy Team

This week members of our team have been working together to create online lessons or video tutorials in the areas of Mandarin, Spanish, Arts and Science which can be shared and made available to those unable to physically attend school. These videos represent the students’ unique contribution to the community, particularly in promoting the need to continue learning despite the pandemic.

Day 1 of the Week Without Walls was quite busy.  A significant amount of time was allotted for the planning of the flow for the lesson or tutorial, to research, and to practice.  The students gathered in their respective subject area groups to be able to work closely together and receive guidance and support from the respective teachers.

Day 2 started with a close collaboration session for the members in their respective subject teams.  Work in the morning was focused on developing the videos based on the outlines/plans students had prepared.

A whole group feedback session was conducted in the afternoon.  Some students were asked to present their plans and current videos.  It was great to hear affirmation and constructive feedback from the members of the other subject area groups.  However, we also recognized a great deal of work that would still be needed for the completion of high-quality instructional videos.  As the students returned to their respective subject groups, they brought with them the commitment to deliver the expectations.

MHS Chinese New Year Celebration

新年快乐!牛年大吉!Happy Chinese Lunar Year!

Chinese New Year is a traditional festival which celebrates the start of the new year according to the Lunar Calendar. The whole celebration starts from the days leading up to the New Year, from the 15th of the January of the Lunar calendar. Every year the date of the new year changes and this year February 12 was the 2021 date for the Chinese Lunar New Year. To celebrate the Year of the Ox our MHS Mandarin students prepared some performances and hosted the virtual Chinese New Year Assembly which took place on Monday, February 15.

In the virtual Chinese New Year assembly, Grade 8 and 9 students wrote and narrated the story of Monster Nian in English and Chinese, and made a video telling the story to explain why Chinese people celebrate the New Year and how people celebrate the event. Grade 6 and 7 students introduced items related to the Chinese New Year celebration, such as fireworks and spring couplets. They introduced these items and explained how they are related to the New Year celebration. Grade 11 Mandarin students sent a lot of New Year’s wishes with the allegro instrument playing as the background music. To celebrate the year of Ox, Grade 10 students performed a song called An Ox (一头牛) to bring the wishes of hope that everyone would have a healthy and lucky new year. As an ending, all the MHS students sent out a lot of new year wishes as class. 

Here are some photos from our assembly video.

Besides preparing for the New Year performances, the Mandarin students also experienced different activities during our class time. Grade 6/7 students watched a few videos, such as the Legend of Monster Nian, Sui story, and 12 Zodiac signs animal stories. They have learned the celebration activities and the cultural explanations for the ways people celebrate. For example, why do Chinese people like to have fish for New Year’s Eve dinner? Why Chinese people hang red decorations in the house for the New Year? Why Chinese people have fireworks during the New Year? Students also tried to make some handcraft, such as card holders, bouncing caw, new year cards, and ox lanterns. Grade 8/9 students also watched a few videos to learn more details about Chinese New Year celebrations and tried out different handicrafts during the class call, such as ox lanterns, ox heads, and cow lollipop holders. Grade 10 students learned about New Year information through a lot of activities and made their own handicrafts as well, including paper cutting, ox lanterns, ox heads, and bouncing ox. Grade 11 and Grade 12 Mandarin B students celebrated the new year by making some paper cuttings, ox cards, and New Year’s flowers. Besides this they also watched a few videos and learned how the Chinese New Year is celebrated. The students explained the celebration activities orally and discussed their own experiences of the holidays.

Grade 11 ab initio students celebrated the Lunar New Year with a Kahoot quiz game during the synchronous call, learning some basic knowledge about Chinese New Year. During the asynchronous session they chose different activities from the choice board to complete the Chinese New Year activities. These activities included paper cutting, fortune bag origami, dumpling making, paper doll ox making, and red envelope making. The activities will help the students to gain a basic understanding of the traditional items that are used during the Chinese New Year. Over the weekend Grade 11 and Grade 12 watched the documentary A Bite of China: Celebrating Chinese New Year (舌尖上的新年)to learn more about how Chinese people prepare traditional foods in celebration. Overall, students were able to appreciate and understand what this special event means within the Chinese culture.

As Week Without Walls officially began on Tuesday, we did follow our regular school schedule and conducted our regular classes on Monday. Please find some of the classroom activities we have seen over the previous weeks in MHS.

Grade 9 Design Class

by Ms. Gerri Ancajas Jumao-as, Design Teacher

The Grade 9 Design class are currently busy exploring techniques and developing skills related to textiles through a series of formative exercises.  The following weaving exercise, involved two sets of yarns or threads that are interlaced at right angles to form a fabric or cloth.  

Here are some examples of our students’ work and reflection:

The spacing needs to be more consistent so there are no gaps in between.  Tension could also be improved so it does not look too loose. – Minseong

Overall, I did well on this task. I was prepared with the materials we needed and I managed time wisely while working. The finished product turned out okay; some parts where the thread ended and I needed to get a new piece look a bit messy, but the weaving is mostly pretty neat. Tying the loose ends when I finished weaving was a bit tricky, because I made the columns differently so the ends were pretty short. However, I was able to tie them, and it turned out fine. – Mahati

In this task I did pretty well. I managed not to make the weave too tight or too loose which is good. I also used different colors to make the weave look more interesting, rather than just using one color to make it look boring. – Liam

I think that I did ok for my first time, definitely need some improvement but overall for me I think its ok. – Clark

Students also used problem solving strategies and sewing skills in our exercise focused on repairing a tear in fabric This exercise involved mending of cuts or tears in clothes.  

I would say that my performance in this task was pretty messy- not the best it could be. Though I think my performance was passable in repairing the tear.- Sofia

Overall, I’m really happy with my final product and I think that I did well considering that I’ve never sewn before or seen anybody do it close up.  My feedback for this task was also pretty good. The feedback I received is that I did a good job closing up the fabric stitches at the end of the tear and I also was able to make my stitches close enough and not too far away from each other. Overall, it looks good but next time I can keep the same distance of thread apart from each other on both sides and make them look more even and balanced. – Esther

The feedback I received is that I need to practice before I actually start on proper clothing. The stitch is messy and very obvious. I need to improve on spacing and general technique, as the space between the thread is large, and they are tight in some areas but loose in others. – Zeke

The final product turned out good. I could have made my stitches a little neater, and I may have pulled the thread to bring together the fabric a little too tightly. I was careful sewing the stitches, making sure I didn’t pull too much while stitching, and trying to be as even as possible. The feedback I got for this task was pretty good. My stitches were pretty even, but I could have left more room before sewing on the tear and making the stitches a bit thinner, because the fabric still bunched up at the ends. – Mahati

Lastly, students engaged in an exercise focused on patching a hole.  This exercise involves using a patch of cloth to repair a piece of clothing that has a hole in it, in order to protect it from further damage or to decorate the article.

I did a good job of managing the tightness of the stitching. The stitching looks neat but I think I should have made the gap between each stitching the same so that it looks nicer. – Liam

Overall, I think I performed this task well. I didn’t make my stitching too loose, and I followed the patching process correctly. I also pulled my knots correctly and tight enough at the end of this task. I was able to push the pins into the patch without them getting in the way of my stitching. One of my classmates gave me feedback. She said that the consistency of my stitching at the top of my patch was consistent, but that next time I could make my stitches a little neater, straighter and closer together. Based on this feedback, next time I can make my stitches neater and not pull the fabric together as tightly as I did for this task. – Esther

I think I have been improving my abilities in stitching. My work is neater than before and there are far less wrinkles in the cloth. I have also grown more confident and am able to work faster, while also creating fewer knots. – Sofia

I think I did well in this task. My stitching was mostly good; they were done correctly. My end knot was a little messy, but it still worked ok. The edges of the patch frayed a little, so next time I use this method, it would be better to use a circle so it doesn’t fray as much. I received feedback from my classmate. She also said that the stitching was okay, but it could be a little neater and more consistent. If I were to patch something in the future, I would try to make my stitches smaller and neater, and I would also use a different shape for the patch. – Mahati

Finally, students learned through an exercise focused on adding buttons to a piece of fabric  This exercise involves sewing buttons to clothes either as a fastener or decoration. 

Overall, I did the adding button part well. I got confused on the first button, but I finished it well and I did the second (black) button well. Actually, this exercise was the easiest exercise that we have done. – Minseong

Personally I think that, while the button is secure, the stitching at the back was pretty messy and all over the place. I think that next time I should try and keep better track of where the needle is going and where the thread is on the back, rather than just pushing the needle through the underside of the cloth. – Zeke

I think that my sewing looks pretty good for it being my first time sewing a button on. I will say that compared to my other formative tasks, this is the one that was the easiest to complete since the instructions were pretty straight forward.  I still think I can improve on making it look cleaner since the back looks like I pulled too hard and there is some extra string on the top and the bottom which would not look good if it was on an actual shirt. – Natalie

The session, I would say, went well. I would say that I did good but I do need to improve some since on the first one I was kinda confused because the youtube video was pretty fast for me. But I would say that I did well. – Clark

Grade 10 Biology

In the subject of Science, our Grade 10 Biology students have been studying the structure of DNA, replication of DNA, Mitosis, and the events of Meiotic cell division that results in the formation of unique gametes.

To understand the process of DNA replication, incorporating the related concept of using patterns and models, students used different materials that are in their houses, such as clothes pegs, gummy bears, lids of markers, etc.

Parent strands of DNA

Parent strands used as a template

Replicated DNA molecules

Students groups also enthusiastically took part in a Jamboard activity drawing the various stages of Meiosis. They were also able to compare the differences between Mitosis and Meiosis. Also, they understood the mechanisms in Meiosis that give rise to variations among the species.

Grade 11 DP Biology

Grade 11 DP Biology students are engaged in the unit on Genetics.
In small groups, they used Jamboard to trace the effects of dominant and recessive alleles.

As a formative assessment before a mid-unit summative test, they took part in a Kahoot game.

Grade 12 DP Biology

Grade 12 DP Biology students have completed their Internal Assessment task. Several students had to adapt their original laboratory based plan to fit into a home based one. Some of them had to completely change their IA topics and did interesting simulation based investigations. 

Muscle Development (simulation)

Phytohormones (home based)

Hydroponic cultivation system (home based)

Moss in the mitigation of soil pH (Home based)

Grade 6 and 7 Science

ADAPTATION refers to the changes in the physical and behavioral characteristics of  organisms that help them to survive and become fit for their environment. The past few weeks, the Grade 6 students had been talking about the different adaptations of organisms in their respective habitats. 

Here is a piece showing what they knew about adaptations of organisms. Aside from adaptive features like having thick fur or sharp teeth, migration & hibernation are also common behaviours that animals perform as a means of adapting to their environment.

A.  Adaptive Features & Adaptations of Organisms

Animals like bears hibernate. Similarly to migrating, the weather doesn’t fit their needs. But instead of going somewhere else, they eat lots of food and sleep through winter. -Nino

All organisms have to adapt to their environment or habitat so they can survive. They survive from climate like growing fur so they can be warm and not freeze to death. – Chloe

They need to adapt so they can be safe from predators.-John Paul

Geckos camouflage in the environment to avoid being eaten by the predators around them. The geckos have different feet so that they could easily live in their given environment. Depending on the environment and condition of where each gecko lives, they have different feet. Also, the tails have different jobs but one unique feature is to lose them if the predators try to eat them. When the predators are trying to eat them, they could trim their tale and grow a new one instead to survive. Wow!  A considerable amount had truly been invested here. -Saki

Animals hibernate in order to survive from the winter, and for safety from predators. -Hinata

Some animals’ eyes like lions, dogs, wolves, tigers, cats, and bears are  like people’s eyes, which are   looking at the same place, while some animals like horses and deer have eyes that can see two sides. These  can help them run away from meat-eating animals. – Anqqing

B.  Students reflected on the following Key Concepts: Why do organisms (plants and animals) need to adapt?

In order to survive, all organisms must adapt to their habitat. This will require adaptation to enable ecosystems, predators, and other species competing for much the same space and nutrients to stay alive. – Monica Organisms need to adapt because at times their surroundings don’t fit their traits and if they don’t change they might die. So after a few generations they change. Like how giraffes have long necks to be able to eat leaves. – Nino
Because they need to live in the world, if they don’t adapt, they will die. – Angqing They need to adapt so they can be safe from predators. – JP
So that they could survive and make the environment convenient and comfortable. The predators need to be sneaky to eat the prey. The prey also need to adapt to survive. – Hinata Organisms need to adapt so that they can survive in their environment. There are different adaptations in the animal’s life. It takes a long time to do adaptations. Giraffes needed to stretch a lot for a long time to make their neck long. Now, the giraffes are able to get food more easily from the trees around them because they have long necks. – Saki

C.  Why do animals migrate?

Most animals either migrate to find food or to find an appropriate place to raise their young. The realization there are far less predators and less competitors in the UK from other species than in warmer, southwest countries is used by Spring and Summer migrants. – Monica Animals migrate so that they can find food or a good place to breed and raise their babies. It would also help the animal to survive. Migrating has some risk but animals need to migrate that way to survive. Sometimes, animals migrate depending on the seasons. – Saki
Animals migrate because the weather doesn’t suit their survival needs. So instead of adapting they decide to move to a place with a different weather. Like how birds migrate when winter comes. – Nino Because maybe all the food there is gone or maybe because their habitat is on fire or there is something there that they need but it is not there anymore. – Jacob
Most animals migrate in the winter to tropical climates or sunny places because they are not suitable for cold weather. Some animals also migrate to breed with their mates. – Chloe To find a rich place and the weather. – Angqing


D.  Why do animals hibernate?

During the winter, the animal has significantly slowed body temperature, heart rate, respiration, and other metabolic activities to conserve energy. Hibernation permits animals such as bears and sparrows to use energy much slower while the reserves are scarce. – Monica Animals like bears hibernate. Similarly to migrating the weather doesn’t fit their needs. But instead of going somewhere else, they eat lots of food and sleep through winter. – Nino
When animals hibernate, the body temperature, and other body activities slow down to save energy. – Jeonghoo

All of these concepts have been reinforced through a virtual simulation called Build A Bird, where students were able to select adaptive features for their own bird. Students were able to create and measure their own “assemblage“ of adaptive features for their bird suitable for their chosen habitat.

So timely and relevant, as we are currently facing this unprecedented trying time due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our way of adaptation in learning has also been tested. And when these groups of students were asked: 

How well have you adapted to this “New Normal” of LEARNING?

Here’s what they had to say.

I think I will rate myself 100%. I have understood the idea that it is important for everyone to stay at their home in this situation to keep everyone safe. I am now well used to doing homework online, sending messages online, and having lessons online with my classmates. I think I adapted so well that I always have my devices with me. Saki  I will rate myself 100%. I rate myself 100 because I feel like over the past time I have adapted to this new lifestyle for almost a year now and I have gotten used to it. I even changed my sleep schedule. I have already gotten used to how we do the homework and class work virtually. Therefore, I think that remote learning is an ideal way to do learning while staying at your home during this pandemic. Monica 
I will rate myself a 98%. I rate myself 98 because I feel like I have adapted to this lifestyle of staying home and online learning. I also understand that we have to stay home to stay safe. But I also want to go out sometimes and wish that the pandemic was over and we could go back to face to face learning. Chloe  I rate myself 99% because I have completely adapted myself to remote learning. I can use the internet and some devices well. I also adapted to learn virtually. But I still have a feeling that I want to do Face-To-Face class since it is easier to communicate with teachers and friends. – Hana 
I rate myself 70%, because for me, I think I’m bored, and I did not learn much things, so I think it is bad for me to have an e-learning too long. – Angqing  I will rate myself 60% because I typed the details and the information from the research. I was able to know a little bit of writing details and I also learned about researching. Researching is a hard thing to do but I was able to accomplish it. My weakness was that the details and the vocab were not in my mind so i wasn’t able to accomplish that. -Hinata 
I will rate myself 85% because I write in detail as I can, and I was able to learn new things. I learn many things in the gadget I didn’t know, like the systems in google doc, google slide, google classroom, etc. I think I adapt well in using the device. – Jeonghoo  I think I have done it 90% because It was a bit hard for me to learn how to use google classroom. But the good thing is that I don’t need to drive to school and I get to sleep in for a bit and we can go out  but we need a mask to go out and the classes are shorter but then if I need help with something, it’s more hard because I can’t just go up to a teacher and ask for help. -Jacob 
I rate myself 100% because I have worked well with online classes and also know it is not safe yet to have face to face school. I have adapted very well with my environment because it is home as well as playing with my pets a lot.  – John I think I would rate myself a 100% I was able to learn new information like I always do. I have learned how to use gadgets and software like google classroom, google meets, etc. I am able to do homework, send messages for help, and be on time for class. I think that I have adapted very well that I usually keep my devices with me. – Nino 

Grade 7 Science

It has been almost a year since CIS began conducting Remote Learning due to lockdowns and quarantine implementation. If there is one thing that the national lockdowns have done to universally benefit all creatures on Earth, it is the provision of  a better air quality to people and of course to all diverse life forms. According to Neill (2020), “Air pollution is a major driving force changing the natural environment. It is changing the basic structure and function of ecosystems, thus affecting biodiversity”. This is very logical indeed, because since quarantine protocols have been implemented, people’s movement has been restricted, thus limiting the vehicles running in the streets, and minimizing industries from burning fuels as they limit production (which is also sad to note).

Plant and animal species are disappearing at an ever faster rate due to human activity. What are the causes and why does biodiversity matter? Biodiversity, or the variety of all living things on our planet, has been declining at an alarming rate in recent years, mainly due to human activities, such as land use changes, pollution (air, water, soil, land, and noise) and climate change (News European Parliament, 2020). Humans create a great impact on biodiversity.

Who says the Grade 7 students did not realize this? Here is what they have to say about Biodiversity through posters they created, as well as its status and what we can possibly do to help save it from getting to its worse state:

In my poster I included what biodiversity was for me. I think biodiversity is learning to be equal no matter who or what or how we identify. No matter the color of our skin or who we love. I also included that we must consider plants and organisms as our own, we are hurting mother earth and must stop it; I included ways to reduce pollution in my poster. – Aadya 

I made a poster about biodiversity. I have three questions in the poster and I also answered the questions. The picture in the middle I put some endangered animals such as a tiger, panda, polar bears, sea turtles, and a tarsier. I expressed the earth in the bottom part and on the top part of the earth drawing, I drew their habitats like an ice bear lives in the ice and the panda lives in a bamboo forest, a tiger usually lives in mountains, and lastly the sea turtle lives in the sea. The meaning of my drawing there is that every animal in this world has to be protected in their habitat and people should no longer harm nature. – Chaewon 

– Haylee

In my poster, I wrote about what biodiversity meant in my perspective and what is going on in our world right now that is related to biodiversity. The current status of biodiversity is also explained on my poster; talking about certain actions that happen which are harmful to our environment, ecosystems, and many species that are alive. I then listed a few ideas about what we can do in our day to day lives to help; even if it’s just by a little. I believe that, despite all the harm already inflicted, if people put in minimal effort together to help; there can be a change. – Yi Chen 

The first drawing is an example of Biodiversity; it is a drawing of flowers and trees. The second one is a picture of a man cutting trees. It is to show the status of Biodiversity. I can help save Biodiversity by planting trees and simple acts such as helping keep the environment clean. – Ryota

– Seyoung

This poster is all about biodiversity, its current state, and what we can do to help. I decided to go for more of a visual poster than a wordy one. I included 2 Earths: one with a healthy biodiverse ecosystem, and the other a completely destroyed one. I decided to go for the more visual approach because I want to capture  the attention of people such as you reading this. This topic is very personal to me because I am a very animal-plant-outdoor loving kind of person. Knowing that we Homo sapiens, being the cause of destruction of  biodiversity,  makes me sad. -Amelia 

In my poster I explained what Biodiversity means to me and the meaning of biodiversity in my own words. In my opinion, I think Biodiversity is a very usual thing like organizing the animals and natural living, it could organize them in each group to make it look clear and organized. I am saying that we are all connected. – Taeung 

– Grace

My answers are based on what I’ve seen. There have been comparisons between cities before and after there was quarantine. The photos after quarantine are the ones that look less polluted. Climate change is something that needs to be taken care of and the use of electricity causes greenhouse gases to be emitted. Air pollution is a common type of pollution, and so is water pollution. Trash that doesn’t biodegrade can last for a long time. Sometimes animals will think that trash is their prey or source of food and eat it which harms them. – Kasey 

– Asahi

In the poster, I talked about what biodiversity is for me. I also talked about the current state of biodiversity and how it is not in a very good state. I talked about how animals in the Arctic and sea creatures are suffering because of climate change and pollution. I also talked about how we can help save biodiversity. I gave suggestions like planting. which can help attract birds and wildlife, purify our air, prevent soil erosion, clean our water, and add grace and beauty to our homes and communities. I also said that you can stop littering because it can help stop global warming. Xavier

Neill, P. (2020). The crucial link between air pollution and biodiversity loss – Air Quality News.

Retrieved 17 February 2021, from

Biodiversity Loss: what is causing it and why is it a concern? | News | European Parliament. (2020).

Retrieved 17 February 2021, from lines/society/20200109STO69929/biodiversity-loss-what-is-causing-it-and-why-is-it-a-concern

College/Careers Counselor Corner

by Ms. Jenny Basa, College/Careers Counselor

Tip of the Week:

Universities are interested in your extracurricular involvement from Grade 9-12.  This is organized in a resume’ or curriculum vitae (CV).  When arranging your activities, work experience, honors and awards, always start with the most recent. Include the following details: Name of activity, your role, brief description, length of time allotted to the activity, dates and keep a copy of pictures if you have any.  These photos can be used in your CAS portfolio in Grade 11 and 12 or on a website you may want to create for your activities in high school.

Virtual Alumni Chat Series

SAT Update

March 13 SAT test date has been cancelled.

Students are advised to check the university websites for Test-optional announcements.

2020-2021 Test DatesTestRegistration Deadline
March 13, 2021SAT only (no Subject tests)Cancelled
May 8, 2021SAT & SAT Subject TestsApril 8, 2021
June 5, 2021SAT & SAT Subject TestsMay 6, 2021

To register for the SAT, you may click on this link.  If you need assistance or have any questions, please feel free to email Ms. Jenny Basa at

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Newsflash: February 11, 2021

 Admin News

Dear CIS Community,

We have had another busy week at school, and I encourage you to take some time to enjoy the event reports and student work that we provide. These are submitted from various grade levels and subjects, on a cyclical basis to give you a good idea of what is happening in our remote classes.

In particular, congratulations to our G11 and 12 Visual Art students for the successful launch of their IB Visual Arts Exhibition. Check out samples of their stunning work below and on their exhibition website. 

We also kicked off our Chinese New Year (CNY) celebrations this morning with the Elementary School CNY Assembly. This will be followed by the Middle/High School CNY assembly on Monday. Actually, I should not say the assembly kicked off the CNY today, as our Mandarin students have been using the annual event to learn and practice Chinese language and culture in their classes for weeks now. I should know, my daughter has been bursting into the catchy song Xīn Nián Kuài Lè (“New Year, Happy” in English), sung in the classic tune “Oh my darling, oh my darling…” for weeks now!

Finally, I wanted to comment on our upcoming CIS Virtual Open Day this coming March 5th (see poster below). As most of you already know, CIS lost a number of families following the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, as some families chose to go to their home country, or wait for us to return to campus before returning. Since then, we have managed to keep our enrolment at a fairly stable level with new families replacing the few that needed to leave, however, our total student number is still below our pre-pandemic levels. This coming Open Day is a great opportunity for existing families to help our community to recover our numbers by encouraging friends and family to attend the upcoming Open Day to learn about CIS, and consider joining us now or for the 2021/22 school year. You are our best ambassadors (students, parents, alumni, and CIS friends), so please help us to make this event successful, for the benefit of the whole CIS community. Thank you in advance! 

Perhaps it is due to being another rainy day, but I know a number of teachers and students felt like it was already Friday today, and were glad for the upcoming long weekend. I imagine many parents were too! While we enjoy work or school, it is also nice to get an extra day to get a good break from the routine of work and study, especially with the unique challenges remote learning brings. Have a restful weekend and I see you back refreshed next week!

Xīn Nián Kuài Lè / 新年快乐 / Gong Shi Fai Tsai / Happy Chinese Lunar New Year!


Dr. Gwyn Underwood

CIS Superintendent


Save the date: Parent Coffee Meeting next week

Please note we have our next virtual Parent Coffee Meeting on Wednesday, February 17, 10-11 am. This meeting will be run by the PTA Board, and is a great opportunity to meet and chat with other parents. (The link to the meeting will be emailed to registered email addresses prior to the meeting.)

CIS Virtual Open Day

We have a Virtual Open Day planned for March 5th! Please help CIS by inviting any of your friends and family to join us to find out more about our program, especially if they are considering CIS already. We will be providing information on our curriculum, introduce our various programs, and answer questions about international education. Participants may sign up using this link.

Elementary News

by Mr. Glenn Davies, Elementary School Principal

Dear Elementary Community,

We recently passed 100 days of school for the 2020/2021 school year and so now find ourselves in the final third of the school year. Over the past weeks our teachers have been gathering progress data on our student’s learning, and as we see in the last third of each school year, the data is showing significant student progress, in helping with an average school year. This is what we would expect, as I know how hard each of our teachers have been working over these past months, yet it still provides a little feeling of relief knowing that the hard work is paying off.

Chinese New Year
This week comes with our Chinese New Year Celebrations. Today, Ms. Jinhua and the Elementary School Mandarin students shared an excellent Chinese New Year assembly. Please read all about the assembly below, then take a few minutes to view this if you haven’t had the opportunity yet.

新(xīn)年(nián)好(háo)!Happy Chinese Lunar New Year!

by Ms. Jinhua Zou, ES Mandarin Teacher

Chinese New Year is a traditional festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the Lunar Calendar. February 12 is the date of Chinese Lunar New Year in 2020. To celebrate the Year of the Ox on Thursday 11th February, the Elementary School Mandarin students hosted the first virtual Chinese New Year Assembly.

In the virtual Chinese New Year assembly, Grade 4&5 students created a storytelling video about the Monster “Nian” to explain why and how Chinese people celebrate the New Year. 

The Kinder and Grade 1 students sang “Happy New Year” to deliver the festival vibes to everyone, while Grade 4 hosted a great virtual quiz about Chinese traditions during the Lunar New Year. Mandarin students from different grade levels joined with our student their guest singer to sing and dance the song of the 12 Zodiac animals. Since it is the year of the Ox, the Grade 3 students and their guest singer  the from EY class taught everyone how to say Ox in Mandarin by singing the Niu Niu Niu song (牛牛牛之歌). Our EY class also joined the festival celebration with hand-made paper lanterns that they created in Art Class with Ms.Thea. Finally, the Mandarin students presented a quick language lesson on how to give the New Year wishes in Mandarin to our friends and family.

Click here to watch the Chinese Lunar New Year Assembly!

During the lead up to the assembly commemoration, the Elementary School Mandarin students also did several culture-related activities. The students visited the Mandarin virtual classroom decorated with Chinese New Year items. In the virtual classroom, they read a storybook, made lanterns, practiced writing “Happy New Year” in Chinese Characters, drew an Ox, watched the Lion Dance, watched the online fireworks in Beijing and played Kahoot. Kinder and Grade 1 also invited the Spanish language students to join the synchronous meeting for some storytelling, and get to know what zodiac animal they belong to. 

The Chinese New Year celebrations not only provided an opportunity for our students to construct new understandings about Chinese New Year, it also allowed them to enjoy the festival from the perspectives of other cultures in order to have a better understanding about intercultural communication and global awareness. 

Link of the virtual Mandarin classroom presentation: Chinese New Year Virtual Class

Student’s voice:

“I read the last one and the first one on the bookshelf, it is really fun, I really like it.” –  Jisoo, Grade 2 

“I like the story about the Nian monster because it is exciting and it shows the history of Chinese culture. The content I was really impressed about is the part of that nian monster was on the ground and people knew how to defeat the monster.” – Dammy, Grade 3

“I love the Chinese New Year virtual house! And my year is the rabbit! Tu zi. .” –  Yahvi, Grade 4

“I like how brave the people are to face the Nian monster.  They found a way to use loud noise and red color which is very smart. If there is a story about how Nian monster came from, I would really love to read it too.” Arrianna, Grade 5

The Mandarin students wish you all: Happy New Year! 新(xīn)年(nián)快(kuài)乐(lè),恭(gōng)喜(xǐ)发(fā)财(cái)! 

Sierra, Grade 1

Year of the Ox drawing:

Sooji, Grade 3
Dammy, Grade 3
Erin, Kinder

Kinder & Grade 1 Mandarin and Spanish students celebrating the festival together.

Grade 2 Students did their own Zodiac animals dance during the synchronous meet.

Happy New Year in Chinese Character: 

Jansen, Grade 3
Sooji, Grade 3
Cathrine, Kinder
Bella, Grade 3

Early Years: Exploring the world around us using our senses

Our young learners started last week by reading the story, “The Listening Walk” by Paul Showers. We explored different parts of our house by walking around and listening to different sounds. They made use of their sense of hearing as they explored and discovered different kinds of sounds around them. We talked about soft sounds and sounds that make them want to cover their ears. They also enjoyed our Mystery box challenge where our learners were asked to place an object inside a box, shake and guess the object inside. They participated and spent the rest of their time playing the game with family members. 

Our young learners reflected on how our sense of hearing and sense of sight work hand in hand to help people observe things around them. This week, we started exploring using our sense of touch by using our hands and our whole body to identify different textures. We also shared our ideas about the story, “Lucy’s Picture” written by Nicola Moon. We realized that adding texture in our artworks would help others identify pictures by touching or feeling. Our senses play an important part in our lives. Taking good care of these senses will help us with our daily activities.  Well done EY2/3s!

Kinder and Grade 1 Tamaraws 

As we enter the new year, the Kinder and Grade 1 students embark on a new unit on Where We Are In Place and Time. We started the first line of inquiry “People move for different reasons” through class discussions the students talked about how they moved from one place to another. One student said, “Other people move because they don’t have the internet” which we can relate to in our current situation. Students took photos of things in their house that move and explained the reasons why. They also inquired about different transportations and their features. Some questions that arose were:

How does it take us to where we want to go?
Is it safe to be in this kind of transportation?

The students continued to inquire and wore their thinking hats.

As the unit progressed to the second line of inquiry which is “Movement has changed overtime”,  students watched videos and read books on different transportation, how it looked like before and how it looks like now. A lot of questions were asked. They compared and talked about the differences and similarities of each transportation. One student said “The transportation before was simpler”.  Students then created their own transportation prototype during Design Day 2 which they think can help others move. It was something that they thought about for a couple of days; working on their plans, gathering the materials they needed and making their imaginations into reality. At the end of the day, they were very happy to share what they have made.

The third line of inquiry is “Movement allows us to connect with others”. Students were asked to make a travel map and a book about the different transportations. They were very excited to share some of their ideas and a sneak peek of what their book looked like, added a few illustrations and others inserted a real photo. They even highlighted some of their works using their favorite non-fiction feature which is the label. They worked all week for their book, coming up with some real series of stories about their travels, others were making their own kind of transportations with added twists and just drawing what they wanted others to see. It was fun for most of them especially during Fridays when they get to turn on their microphones and talk about their book.

Middle and High School News

by Mr. Dale Wood, Middle and High School Principal

Integrating the Visual and Performing Arts at CIS 

Our annual grade 11 and 12 IB DP Visual Arts Exhibition was launched on Tuesday this week, and provides a great springboard for us to focus on the Fine Arts as a critical subject for our students’ holistic development, combining important aspects of both critical and creative thinking. As was stated in the opening assembly:

There are many important reasons why we love the fine arts, too many to enumerate here. For me the fine arts is a set of disciplines intentionally designed as a platform for our students to be able to create. In the hierarchy of cognitive thinking levels, studies have shown that creating is the very highest and most complex level. When we create we build on previous knowledge, apply it (or the aspects of it that suit our purpose) and then we generate something new. In DP Visual Arts students certainly do conduct plenty of research into various artistic styles, movements, and individual artists, giving them a foundation of content knowledge which helps to guide them and allows them to understand the context within which they create (for none of us creates in a vacuum). But in the end it is the students who translate their ideas and express them in the visual forms we see today; these works of art you will encounter are expressions of their hearts, their minds, and their spirits.

The grade 11 and 12 IB DP Visual Arts Exhibition this year was entitled STORIES, and this year was an online exhibition featuring a preview of some of our students’ resolved work for the completion of the IB DP visual arts course. This annual exhibition is organized by the incumbent grade 11 DP Visual Arts students in preparation for their course exhibition in grade 12. As prescribed in the IB Visual Arts course guide, students, within the two year DP course, should gradually develop the skills necessary to organize an exhibition wherein they conceive a theme, prepare a body of work, and curate the resulting artworks. The grade 11 Visual Art class developed the title, poster, and exhibition statement by contemplating on the collective essence of the works that you will find in the gallery on this site.

The Exhibition began with a video prior to the opening to share our principal’s message and performances from our music and band classes, thus integrating several of our arts subjects within the event. This has become a tradition for the CIS bands- to support the Visual Arts Department in the opening of their annual Exhibition.

This year the band students put together some videos to show their support.  Upper Elementary and MHS band students recorded two new band pieces called “Rattlesnake!” and “Old Town Road.”  Although each student recorded his or her part separately, the videos were combined, Zoom style, to create the final product. The challenge with this type of video is to synchronize all the parts so that it sounds like a live band performance. This requires students to follow a backing track carefully so that the parts will be in sync when they are put together.

In addition to musical skills, editing skills are required as well to put these videos together.  Thank you to the students who participated in making these videos and to Ms. Justine Condor for helping edit the videos into a polished final product.

Typically visitors are able to stroll through the exhibition, allowing the artists to explain their artwork. This year this portion of the exhibition was conducted virtually, like everything else, but our student artists made themselves available to the visitors and were able to explain their artwork with a sense of expertise, aesthetic perspective, and a sense of purpose and deep understanding for what they had created.

This year’s exhibition poster was created by Kyoungmin Seo and the exhibition statement written by Sofia Villagonzalo and Sakura Imai

Please find a sample of each our of grade 12 student’s impressive artistic creations:

The Truth Behind The Mask – by Jieun Jeon
Small World of Imagination – by Sun-woo Lee
Eternal Sunset – by Kevin Sandoval
‘Débile’ – by Denise Heredia
My Time in Quarantine – by Zandro Jumao-as

Grade 9A Visual Arts

by Ms. Gerri Ancajas Jumao-as, Visual Arts Teacher

The Grade 9A class have currently been busy developing their drawing skills through a series of formative drawing exercises.  An example of this would be their Messy Origami Drawing, the goal of which is to improve students’ ability to capture proportion and develop shading skills.  The task is to get a blank white paper, crumple it up, and draw all the lines, creases, folds, and shadows that appear in the “messy paper”.

Here are some of our students’ works and reflections. 

 I think I did pretty well on this task since I thought it would be harder than it actually was. I will admit that it was one of the harder tasks that we had since it’s really structured and you had to get every angle and every fold correct. I think the part I struggled with the most is getting the shading correct since some parts were completely shaded from the light and then some were so exposed to the light. It was also really hard getting each fold to be evident in the drawing and I think that’s the part that I struggled with the most. – Natalie 

Overall, I’m happy with these drawings because I did my best and the results were good. Especially, I think I measured size well and added details. The proportion of paper and the drawing is balanced. However, I still need an improvement for the shading and I think I can improve this part if I keep practicing it. – Minseong

For my first drawing, I did really well with the folds and form as well as proportion of the paper. My feedback  was just to add more light tones and values in the drawing and next time I can crumple my paper a little differently so that my drawing isn’t as similar as my first one. I didn’t add enough light tones, so next time I could improve that. – Esther 

I think that the drawings I made came out fine, they came out better than I expected. I think that I did an ok job at putting shadow.  I struggle to make the drawing pop like a 3d version.  I think that I could improve by watching some tutorials on youtube and following the tutorial. – Clark 

Another useful exercise this class engaged in was the Dramatic Lighting Exercise:  The goal of this exercise is to improve observation skills and know how and where to place shadows in the drawing. The task is to observe the objects and note the differences between shadows and the object’s surface and shadows on the ground being cast by the object, and accurately draw them.

Here are some of the students’ works and reflections:

For some or most of the areas, trying to blend the lines together worked too well, and there was some loss of form and definition. Otherwise, I think that I just need to learn how to match the tones, because some of the shadows are either too light or too faded to really make a difference. The use of darker pencils could also help with that. – Zeke 

Overall I think I did a pretty good job with most aspects, like the shape and the proportions for every drawing. I think I can improve on the shadings of my shadows. My feedback was that I could have made the main shadows darker, and there are some visible strokes that can be seen clearly. Next time, I can improve on shading darker, and when I shade I should make less visible strokes. – Liam

The cup is a bit too small compared to the reference, but I figured out how to highlight the edges of the cup without shading in the whole thing since the cup is supposed to be white. The shadow should also be a little flatter. – Mahati

I believe that my drawings got better with every next exercise. The areas I think I did well in are the tonal value and well proportioned. Besides being told this by the teacher, tonal value has always been one of my strengths and I was able to apply it to these exercises. – Sofia

Finally, students also engaged in the Shapes and Sizes Drawing Exercise:  The goal of this exercise is to improve drawing of shapes of objects and their sizes in relation to objects around them. The task is to observe the objects and note the differences between each shape and their respective sizes, and then draw them. The forms are then filled in with just flat shading.


Grade 8 Design

The Grade 8 Design class is currently busy exploring techniques and developing skills related to upcycling through a series of formative exercises. Students created their own original Cardboard Organizer:  This task involved planning a design and creating an organizer using cardboard as the main material.  

Here are some of our students’ works.

Some skills I am developing from this task are my painting skills because when I had to paint my box I had to make sure I did not get it on the section where it wasn’t supposed to be and it was hard to do that because my organizer is pretty small overall. Another skill I think I developed from this is the cutting skills because I need to cut the toilet rolls evenly or else they would look weird together. – Avery 

To improve my organiser I have added holes in it so that it is not only a place to store things but also act like a cable sleeve. This will help in making my table look less messy. – Caleb 

One thing that I struggled with was measuring in the six pieces so they could separate the box into six parts.  I think that I developed my measuring skills because I had to measure a lot of things. – Noam

I am working on my cutting skills which is pretty self explanatory and my craftsmanship skills. I was able to cut out the 6 by 8 sides that were also on the initial design on top. – Miguel

I’m developing something that makes me more creative. The box was developed more conveniently and with usefulness. – Yeseul

The initial struggles that I faced when making this was making sure I had the correct measurements and it was really hard to cut through cardboard and some of the pieces were not straight.  The skills I am developing is measuring and cutting straight. – Elijah

Students also designed an original Plastic Container/Planter:  This task involved planning a design and creating a container/planter using plastic as the main material.  

Here are some examples of our students’ works.

I believe the skill that I’m developing in this task is originality. I did look for inspiration on the internet for ideas on how to make a plastic bottle planter, so the idea of cutting out a big opening in the center of the bottle came from a website online (Craft Your Happiness). However, the way I plan to decorate it and the idea of which materials I would want to use came from me. – Fiana

My initial struggle was that the bottom of the bottle was so hard to cut because it was so thick. Even if I used a cutter it would be hard to open. So I tried cutting through it multiple times while also using a scissor which eventually cut it. – Sengo

I am developing my painting skills. This is because I am painting the plastic bottle. This is also because I have to paint the bottle properly so that it looks good and so that nothing looks uneven. – Aaryan

The skills I’m developing in this task are analytical skills, which is when I had to analyze or think about the different step-by-step processes for each component of the piggy bank. Some of the components of the piggy bank were the ears, snout/coin slot, front and hind legs, tail, and the color patterns for the body. Another one is proportioning skills, which is when I proportioned the paper for the body, legs, and the snout as well. – Gab

Skills that I am developing in this task include focus and practicing texture. This is because you need a sense of texture in order to create a quality work of production during the session. I really enjoyed doing this task today despite the fact that it took a lot of time and patience. – Roland 

Dragon’s Print

Are you wondering what you can do to show your loved ones your appreciation this February? Dragon’s Print has got you covered! Read more about gift ideas and the meaning behind them through

College/Careers Counselor Corner

by Ms. Jenny Basa, College/Careers Counselor

March 13 SAT test date has been cancelled.

Students are advised to check the university websites for Test-optional announcements. 

2020-2021 Test DatesTestRegistration Deadline
March 13, 2021SAT only (no Subject tests)Cancelled
May 8, 2021SAT & SAT Subject TestsApril 8, 2021
June 5, 2021SAT & SAT Subject TestsMay 6, 2021

To register for the SAT, you may click on this link.  If you need assistance or have any questions, please feel free to email Ms. Jenny Basa at

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