Dear CIS Community,
As we end the 2016-17 school year, we would like to congratulate all of our students for successfully completing their year, and in particular the grades 5 and 8 students who were promoted into middle and high school respectively, and of course, our dear graduates who are now heading all over the world. They did a great job, earning acceptance from 90+ colleges!
We would like to thank our staff and faculty for their dedication to providing an environment that allows students to flourish in, and we wish those who are moving on to new challenges all the best.
And last but not least, thanks to you, parents, as really, you are the ones at home that provide the support and encouragement our students need to do well. Of course, we could not operate without the extra help from those of you in the PTA and on the CIS Board of Trustees, so extra thanks to you too!
All the best for a restful summer vacation! We hope you all get quality family time, and that you all keep safe wherever you may be. For those of you who are moving on next year, all the best in your new world, and we hope your memories of Cebu will be a comfort to you when you feel nostalgic.
Warm Regards,
The CIS Admin Team
(Dr. Underwood, Dr. Mockrish, & Ms. Silver)