Newsflash: September 6, 2019

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Middle & High School News

by Mr. Dale Wood, Middle & High School Principal

This Wednesday we held our Grade 12 IB Recommitment event in the Media Center from 3:30-5:30 with an understanding that success in the CIS and IB Diploma Programs really does require regular communication and proactive partnership between home and school. We were encouraged that all of our Grade 12 students and the majority of their parents and teachers were able to be present as we shared our expectations, timelines, and valuable insights regarding student progress. As I shared at this gathering, it is a tendency for vision to “leak” and therefore, there is a need to refill our cups to keep the vision full and fresh. We are very proud of our students for what they have accomplished thus far, but we want to inspire and encourage them to recommit themselves to doing their very best and finishing strong.

Our event consisted of four segments, beginning with an open informational meeting that included a timeline for the year, general expectations, and suggestions for how parents might support their children at home. The second part of the meeting included parent-student conferences, where students led their parents through a discussion of their courses and the progress they have made thus far, including an evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses in each subject. This was followed by a rotation through each of the six subject groups and IB Core classes (ToK, CAS, EE) that each student is taking for her or his Diploma. During this section, parents were provided with online expectations for each group, including timelines for each subject. The culminating portion of this meeting was the signing of the Diploma Values Pledge by all students, parents, and teachers to affirm our collective recommitment to each student’s success this year.

We are confident that meeting early on in this final year of the DP program in a spirit of partnership and community solidarity, is critical to student success. We want to make sure every student who sits for the IB and CIS Exams in May 2020 has the full support of her or his family and the school. Ms. Laplana and I will be meeting individually with each of our Grade 12 students in the coming weeks to touch base with them and help them make decisions about registering for the CIS diploma, the IB Diploma, or IB certificates for specific classes.

Our IB Values evening for all Grade 11 students will take place on the 25th of September.

Elementary News

What’s Happening In Elementary

Sneak Peek

Our synthetic grass has arrived and ready to be deployed in the playgrounds! The kids will surely love it.
Our synthetic grass has arrived and ready to be deployed in the playgrounds! The kids will surely love it.

Dragon’s Print

by Russell Greene, MHS English Teacher

It’s the start of another school year, and Dragon’s Print, the school’s online publication, is back with its first article! Venise T. writes about our close call with death-by-asteroid and explains why we should value each day and make the most of our year. Read her write-up on our website here:

This year we’re also teaming up with Dragon’s Voice, the school media club, to expand our coverage and make way for exciting new opportunities. Stay tuned for a fun introduction next week!

PTA News

by PTA Board
We are already getting excited to celebrate our home and host cultures at International Fair Day on October 19! If you are a Homeroom Parent, we invite you to attend a short meeting on Thursday, Sept. 12 at 3:30 in the Media Center (library). We need your input to make this year’s event the best ever!

If you’ve never experienced International Fair at CIS, you’re in for a treat! The students will walk in a Parade of Nations, so you will want to prepare a costume that reflects your home country.

Parents are also invited to perform! If any of you would like to present a dance, song, storytelling or other creative act from your country, please contact Ms. Joy Pierra ( or the PTA Board ( We also need volunteers for the Bake Sale, so if baking is one of your gifts, let us know!

Lastly, groups are already forming by country and region to prepare a table for selling food at the event. Please consider contributing a dish from your home. Dishes of all shapes and sizes will be welcome! Proceeds from the food sales will go towards a project that will make the learning environment at CIS even better.

For any questions, please contact the PTA Board and we will happily guide you!

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